Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

And after all of that.....you still refuse to discuss the evidence. You ignore it entirely.
No. I simply deny that you have anything that actually qualifies as “evidence” and you’re too dense and dishonest to acknowledge as much. After all of that. 👍
We have testimony of Trump's own lawyer that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold documents.
Do we? I’ll ask again. Name of lawyer. Where and when was this “testimony?”

You evaded that the last time.
We have recordings of Trump admitting that the secret documents that he was showing had never been declassified. Twice.
See how wrong you are? Replied to that bullshit, also. It is not what he said; and you have zero clue what he was referencing. You evaded that point the last time, too.
We have Trump's IT flipping, recanting his testimony that Trump had not told him to destroy evidence.
And I recall asking you whether a person who testifies, under oath, to “A” can be deemed credible or reliable when he later says “not A.” You ducked that inquiry last time, too.
We have an exhaustive list of classified docs found in Trump's possession after he'd lied and said he returned them all. Many in a box in his office.
I denied that too. We “have” document covers and redacted pages displayed for the consumption of you gullible libturds. Some of them may have still had “classified” markings on them after the President declassified them. But that doesn’t control. The declassification controls. You didn’t reply to that rejoinder the last time, either.
And so, so much more.
As in nothing more.
Your willful ignorance doesn't change a single thing about the cases against Trump.
Your willful gullibility doesn’t make any case against Trump.
Your denial doesn't eliminate a single recording, change a single document, nullify a single piece of testimony.

Your claims don’t make any of them true.
Every single time you ignore the evidence and deny it exists.......you lose.
I haven’t ignored them at all, ever, despite your repeated lies to that effect. Again, you dolt, I deny that you have any evidence at all.
No. I simply deny that you have anything that actually qualifies as “evidence” and you’re too dense and dishonest to acknowledge as much. After all of that. 👍

Do we? I’ll ask again. Name of lawyer. Where and when was this “testimony?”

You evaded that the last time.

See how wrong you are? Replied to that bullshit, also. It is not what he said; and you have zero clue what he was referencing. You evaded that point the last time, too.

And I recall asking you whether a person who testifies, under oath, to “A” can be deemed credible or reliable when he later says “not A.” You ducked that inquiry last time, too.

I denied that too. We “have” document covers and redacted pages displayed for the consumption of you gullible libturds. Some of them may have still had “classified” markings on them after the President declassified them. But that doesn’t control. The declassification controls. You didn’t reply to that rejoinder the last time, either.

As in nothing more.

Your willful gullibility doesn’t make any case against Trump.

Your claims don’t make any of them true.

I haven’t ignored them at all, ever, despite your repeated lies to that effect. Again, you dolt, I deny that you have any evidence at all.

And laughably, you make the same silly mistake: You ignore all the evidence. You pretend none of it exists.

Every time you refuse to discuss the evidence, every time you deny it exists.....you lose. As it demonstrates elegantly that you know the evidence demonstrates the charges.

If the evidence was weak, your ilk would be all over it. Instead, you run from it like it were on fire. And willful ignorance still doesn't change a thing about all the evidence of Trump committing very, very serious crimes.

  • Recordings of Trump admitting that the docs he was showing off had never been declassified.
  • Trump's IT guy recanting his testimony defending Trump. Many in a box by his desk.
  • Classified docs galore being found in Trump's residence.
  • Trump's lawyer testifying that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold evidence.
  • Testimony that Trump's campaign orchestrated the forged election document scheme.
  • Eastman admitting in Emails that he knew that their scheme to delay the January 6th counting of votes as a legal violation.
  • And Trump personally trying to pressure Pence to commit that legal violation to halt an official election proceeding....no less than 6 times.
  • And so, so much more.
Pretending none of that actually exists.....doesn't make a single indictment disappear.
And laughably, you make the same silly mistake:

What? Trying to reason with an insensible dolt such as you? I have to concede that one.
You ignore all the evidence.

Repeating your lie doesn’t do shit to strengthen your stupid claim. 👍
You pretend none of it exists.
False. As I, instead, told you, I deny that the tidbits to which a moron like you points qualify as “evidence.” Do try to catch up.

Hurry up and get back in your coma cocoon.
What? Trying to reason with an insensible dolt such as you? I have to concede that one.

Repeating your lie doesn’t do shit to strengthen your stupid claim. 👍

False. As I, instead, told you, I deny that the tidbits to which a moron like you points qualify as “evidence.” Do try to catch up.

Hurry up and get back in your coma cocoon.

Yeah, name calling doesn't make the evidence against Trump disappear either. Nor does it change a single indictment.
  • Recordings of Trump admitting that the docs he was showing off had never been declassified.
  • Trump's IT guy recanting his testimony defending Trump. Many in a box by his desk.
  • Classified docs galore being found in Trump's residence.
  • Trump's lawyer testifying that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold evidence.
  • Testimony that Trump's campaign orchestrated the forged election document scheme.
  • Eastman admitting in Emails that he knew that their scheme to delay the January 6th counting of votes as a legal violation.
  • And Trump personally trying to pressure Pence to commit that legal violation to halt an official election proceeding....no less than 6 times.
  • And so, so much more.
As for what you insist constitutes 'evidence', even you ignore you. As demonstrated by your complete abandonment of your standards of evidence when you incompetently tried to defend Trump's 2020 Election loss.

"But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after Crystal clear Evidence suggesting Massive Voting Fraud of various types, any claim of a Stolen Election is just kook “Conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections."

Why what 'evidence' are you referring to? Using your standards of what constitutes evidence while incompetently trying to defend Trump in 2023, of course.

Laughing.....If your arguments had merit, you wouldn't need to shift your standards. Desperate, willful ignorance is your only consistent standard.
Nope. You are almost never right. And here you reconfirm that fact.

Says the poor, hapless soul that lamented how 'unlikely' it was that Trump would ever be indicted for any the crimes he was being investigated for.

How'd that work out again?
Yeah, name calling doesn't make the evidence against Trump disappear either. Nor does it change a single indictment.
  • Recordings of Trump admitting that the docs he was showing off had never been declassified.
  • Trump's IT guy recanting his testimony defending Trump. Many in a box by his desk.
  • Classified docs galore being found in Trump's residence.
  • Trump's lawyer testifying that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold evidence.
  • Testimony that Trump's campaign orchestrated the forged election document scheme.
  • Eastman admitting in Emails that he knew that their scheme to delay the January 6th counting of votes as a legal violation.
  • And Trump personally trying to pressure Pence to commit that legal violation to halt an official election proceeding....no less than 6 times.
  • And so, so much more.
As for what you insist constitutes 'evidence', even you ignore you. As demonstrated by your complete abandonment of your standards of evidence when you incompetently tried to defend Trump's 2020 Election loss.

"But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after Crystal clear Evidence suggesting Massive Voting Fraud of various types, any claim of a Stolen Election is just kook “Conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections."

Why what 'evidence' are you referring to? Using your standards of what constitutes evidence while incompetently trying to defend Trump in 2023, of course.

Laughing.....If your arguments had merit, you wouldn't need to shift your standards. Desperate, willful ignorance is your only consistent standard.
So, stop name calling then. Also, stop lying.

Send up a flare if you ever stumble upon anything that would meaningfully qualify as actual evidence in this matter. 👍
So, stop name calling then. Also, stop lying.

Send up a flare if you ever stumble upon anything that would meaningfully qualify as actual evidence in this matter. 👍

There are 4 indictments with 91 felony charges. What 'flares' do I need?

Remember, your willful ignorance doesn't actually change ANY of Trump's legal liability. Nor does the evidence against Trump disappear just because you pretend that none of it exists

  • Recordings of Trump admitting that the docs he was showing off had never been declassified.
  • Trump's IT guy recanting his testimony defending Trump.
  • Classified docs galore being found in Trump's residence. Many in a box by his desk.
  • Trump's lawyer testifying that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold evidence.
  • Testimony that Trump's campaign orchestrated the forged election document scheme.
  • Eastman admitting in Emails that he knew that their scheme to delay the January 6th counting of votes as a legal violation.
  • And Trump personally trying to pressure Pence to commit that legal violation to halt an official election proceeding....no less than 6 times.
  • And so, so much more.

Keep those eyes screwed shut and play all the pretend you want. Your willful ignorance won't matter in the slightest.
Piss off ya asswipe little troll.
You are the troll. Your mistake.
If you don't have anything meaningful to contribute just stay in your corner and waste oxygen as usual.
I’m the one (of the two of us) making meaningful contributions. You’re braying like the jackass you are. Gfy.
Says the poor, hapless soul that lamented how 'unlikely' it was that Trump would ever be indicted for any the crimes he was being investigated for
Link? You libturds keep saying that. But you’re always kind of evasive on supporting it.
How'd that work out again?
You need a new line. Actually, you use, abuse and recycle so many of your lines, you need a ton of new lines.
Sorry, can't talk your way out of this one.
I have no need to talk my way out of anything you’ve ever said. You’re not what people consider a “reliable reporter.”

Insurrection is not the same as sedition. Your fail is perpetual.

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