Judge Sullivan finally dismissed Flynn case

What a petulant child, this Obama hack has been:

Then he tries to make it sound as if Flynn is "guilty" by proclaiming he "is not innocent". Since when do courts find if someone is innocent or not? It is either guilty or not guilty.

"[A] pardon does not necessarily render 'innocent' a defendant of any alleged violation of the law," Sullivan wrote. "Indeed, the Supreme Court has recognized that the acceptance of a pardon implies a 'confession' of guilt."


He finally caught a clue. Man ain't to swift.
What a petulant child, this Obama hack has been:

Then he tries to make it sound as if Flynn is "guilty" by proclaiming he "is not innocent". Since when do courts find if someone is innocent or not? It is either guilty or not guilty.

"[A] pardon does not necessarily render 'innocent' a defendant of any alleged violation of the law," Sullivan wrote. "Indeed, the Supreme Court has recognized that the acceptance of a pardon implies a 'confession' of guilt."

He didn’t have a choice, trumpkin. Since Donald pardoned him for not ratting him out.
Flynn still should have been charged with treason
Say What?

Based on what?

There is no basis in fact for your nonsense claim about Flynn. I dare say that there is more evidence of you committing treason than he.

Did Flynn testify that he lied?

No, he was extorted into lying that he did.

It should be dragged through the streets and pissed on..... send the proper message that this is not a country of tribal mullahs. And wipe the smug off that face too.

The sad thing is you actually believe that, you don't care that the president used his power to pardon a man who broke the law to cover his own ass.

All of which has been proven a lie. Concocted by an unethical scumbag.

Kind of like you.
What a petulant child, this Obama hack has been:

Then he tries to make it sound as if Flynn is "guilty" by proclaiming he "is not innocent". Since when do courts find if someone is innocent or not? It is either guilty or not guilty.

"[A] pardon does not necessarily render 'innocent' a defendant of any alleged violation of the law," Sullivan wrote. "Indeed, the Supreme Court has recognized that the acceptance of a pardon implies a 'confession' of guilt."

He didn’t have a choice, trumpkin. Since Donald pardoned him for not ratting him out.
Flynn still should have been charged with treason
This is not over. As you know, prosecutors don't charge every crime they are aware of. From what I've read of the wording of some of these Trump pardons, they are very bad. Trying to write an all-encompassing pardon will probably not hold up. I have no doubt that Flynn and his son have both broken state laws also, while in the commission of the Federal felonies he pleaded guilty to - twice!
You mean you leftist socialist/communists are going to do as YOU ALWAYS do and CONTINUE to abuse your positions in the government to harass political enemies no matter how unethical you are about it. The more you get away with, the worse you will get.

All fine and dandy dear till you are confronted with a serious fact of life---American's aren't like everyone else---we have always been a bit off and very DEPLORABLE hanging onto our guns from our beginnings. Something about america attracted a certain personality that was passed down generation to generation that wanted to fight to support and defend ourselves from others seeking power over us. And despite the communists/globalists flooding our borders with weaker immigrants looking for welfare instead of being a true pull yourself up by your bootstraps american of old--there are still plenty of us around that will rebel.

Winds are changing----------
What a petulant child, this Obama hack has been:

Then he tries to make it sound as if Flynn is "guilty" by proclaiming he "is not innocent". Since when do courts find if someone is innocent or not? It is either guilty or not guilty.

"[A] pardon does not necessarily render 'innocent' a defendant of any alleged violation of the law," Sullivan wrote. "Indeed, the Supreme Court has recognized that the acceptance of a pardon implies a 'confession' of guilt."

He didn’t have a choice, trumpkin. Since Donald pardoned him for not ratting him out.
Flynn still should have been charged with treason
Say What?

Based on what?

There is no basis in fact for your nonsense claim about Flynn. I dare say that there is more evidence of you committing treason than he.

Did Flynn testify that he lied?

No, he was extorted into lying that he did.

Oh that's what it was.

It should be dragged through the streets and pissed on..... send the proper message that this is not a country of tribal mullahs. And wipe the smug off that face too.

The sad thing is you actually believe that, you don't care that the president used his power to pardon a man who broke the law to cover his own ass.

All of which has been proven a lie. Concocted by an unethical scumbag.

Kind of like you.

So he didn't lie, they made it up. What an idiot.
What a petulant child, this Obama hack has been:

Then he tries to make it sound as if Flynn is "guilty" by proclaiming he "is not innocent". Since when do courts find if someone is innocent or not? It is either guilty or not guilty.

"[A] pardon does not necessarily render 'innocent' a defendant of any alleged violation of the law," Sullivan wrote. "Indeed, the Supreme Court has recognized that the acceptance of a pardon implies a 'confession' of guilt."

He didn’t have a choice, trumpkin. Since Donald pardoned him for not ratting him out.
Flynn still should have been charged with treason
Say What?

Based on what?

There is no basis in fact for your nonsense claim about Flynn. I dare say that there is more evidence of you committing treason than he.

Did Flynn testify that he lied?

No, he was extorted into lying that he did.

Oh that's what it was.

Yes provably so. If only you would think about what actually happened instead of parroting what your masters tell you to.

It should be dragged through the streets and pissed on..... send the proper message that this is not a country of tribal mullahs. And wipe the smug off that face too.

The sad thing is you actually believe that, you don't care that the president used his power to pardon a man who broke the law to cover his own ass.

All of which has been proven a lie. Concocted by an unethical scumbag.

Kind of like you.

So he didn't lie, they made it up. What an idiot.

Yes, provably so. You should pull your head out of your masters ass. You might learn something.

It should be dragged through the streets and pissed on..... send the proper message that this is not a country of tribal mullahs. And wipe the smug off that face too.

The sad thing is you actually believe that, you don't care that the president used his power to pardon a man who broke the law to cover his own ass.
Then why did the DoJ drop the case?

Hint, because they admitted to lying and abusing their power, and allowing corrupt Agents on the investigation.

It should be dragged through the streets and pissed on..... send the proper message that this is not a country of tribal mullahs. And wipe the smug off that face too.

The sad thing is you actually believe that, you don't care that the president used his power to pardon a man who broke the law to cover his own ass.
Then why did the DoJ drop the case?]/quote]

You mean why did Trump have Barr drop the case.

Hint, because they admitted to lying and abusing their power, and allowing corrupt Agents on the investigation.

Actually Trump was covering his ass.
Here's a link to Flynn doing a guilty plea. Not sure how it turned out in the end but he's without a doubt a p.o.s. like most of the characters involved with this soon to be shit canned trump character.
What a petulant child, this Obama hack has been:

Then he tries to make it sound as if Flynn is "guilty" by proclaiming he "is not innocent". Since when do courts find if someone is innocent or not? It is either guilty or not guilty.

"[A] pardon does not necessarily render 'innocent' a defendant of any alleged violation of the law," Sullivan wrote. "Indeed, the Supreme Court has recognized that the acceptance of a pardon implies a 'confession' of guilt."

He didn’t have a choice, trumpkin. Since Donald pardoned him for not ratting him out.
Flynn still should have been charged with treason
Say What?

Based on what?

There is no basis in fact for your nonsense claim about Flynn. I dare say that there is more evidence of you committing treason than he.

Did Flynn testify that he lied?

No, he was extorted into lying that he did.
Name the extortion.

It should be dragged through the streets and pissed on..... send the proper message that this is not a country of tribal mullahs. And wipe the smug off that face too.

The sad thing is you actually believe that, you don't care that the president used his power to pardon a man who broke the law to cover his own ass.
Then why did the DoJ drop the case?

Hint, because they admitted to lying and abusing their power, and allowing corrupt Agents on the investigation.
Because Barr is a corrupt lap dog for Trump.
What a petulant child, this Obama hack has been:

Then he tries to make it sound as if Flynn is "guilty" by proclaiming he "is not innocent". Since when do courts find if someone is innocent or not? It is either guilty or not guilty.

"[A] pardon does not necessarily render 'innocent' a defendant of any alleged violation of the law," Sullivan wrote. "Indeed, the Supreme Court has recognized that the acceptance of a pardon implies a 'confession' of guilt."

He didn’t have a choice, trumpkin. Since Donald pardoned him for not ratting him out.
Flynn still should have been charged with treason

Please make an actual constitutional case for treason or shut your cat lady pie hole.
What a petulant child, this Obama hack has been:

Then he tries to make it sound as if Flynn is "guilty" by proclaiming he "is not innocent". Since when do courts find if someone is innocent or not? It is either guilty or not guilty.

"[A] pardon does not necessarily render 'innocent' a defendant of any alleged violation of the law," Sullivan wrote. "Indeed, the Supreme Court has recognized that the acceptance of a pardon implies a 'confession' of guilt."


Dumb move by the Judge. by laying it out like this it opens him up to a review of his brief for anything that could be considered an ethics violation.

Someone should go over it with a fine toothed comb with regards to that.
Besides him admitting it under oath twice?
Under duress. His son was used as bait. That's well established.

Flynn has been removed from the grasps of the Deep State.
Try to move on and use your vengeful anger elsewhere.
Bullshit. Are you saying that his son is a criminal too? (yes) Otherwise how would they use him to coerce Flynn?

Link to your fake news.
There is no doubt that Flynn committed felonies.

Sure would be nice if you could provide ONE example.
Besides him admitting it under oath twice?

He was told to lie. He was told that if he didn't admit to a crime he didn't commit the full force of obummers corrupt DOJ would be focused on his family.

So no, he didn't admit anything under oath.
Bullshit, you liar.

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