Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

What sucks is that the GOP has won a lot of support from morons over this, the birther movement, fast and furious, Obama is a muslim, benghazi, death panels, etc. And even though it's all been debunked there's still a huge swath of terrified, inbred bedwetters that are going to vote republican because of that completely fabricated bullshit. Good job Mr. Murdoch.

The GOP model of persuasion is to repeat an accusation long enough that someone believes it. The kind of folks they attract aren't particularly interested in whether or not the claims are true. But if they feel true.
Just like Goebbels taught them.
If you're tired, go to bed.

If you're just tired of losing arguments, I can't help you there.
Whatever...............The data remains the same. You will ignore it as always, and dance with glee as the IRS gets away with targeting groups you don't like or support........Nothing new here.
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by True the Vote, Inc. and other tea party groups, saying there's no ongoing controversy for the court to consider.

"Unless an actual, ongoing controversy exists in this case, this Court is without power to decide it," U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton wrote in his opinion.

True the Vote sued the IRS over delays in its application for tax-exempt status, the AP reported earlier.

USA Today reports:

More: Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

Good. Now, NaziCons can obsess over Benghazi and/or Obamacare.

I thought conservatives were fundamentally opposed to frivolous law suits on principle. But once I remembered that conservative principle is just a myth, the whole thing suddenly made sense.

I thought conservatives were fundamentally opposed to getting "free stuff." This is what tax exemptions really are anyway. The conservatives should be celebrating this judge for helping keep conservatives from depending on government money.
Not being looted does not equate to getting something for free.

How is a think tank pushing a political agenda and not getting a tax exemption for it, considered being looted?

All taxation is plunder, so not having to pay some taxes means you are not being looted for that amount. Getting to keep some of your money is not a gift from the government.
The IRS has already admitted their wrong doing.

Deal with it you liberal wankers. :lol:

"The IRS admitted last year that it delayed the approval of tax exemptions for Tea Party groups based solely on the name of the group.

Several criminal and congressional investigations into the matter are still ongoing, and the former IRS official responsible for exempt organizations, Lois Lerner, has been found in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the targeting."

Tea Party loses court battle over targeting to IRS

Why did you put that in a quote when there is no quote from USAToday?

And they did not admit to any wrongdoing.

Delaying approval is appropriate until a proper investigation is conducted into whether they are qualified for free government money.

The Gov't has already admitted that these groups were targeted.
'Targeted' is a loaded word, implying nefarious intent.

These groups were given extra scrutiny because of their names.

Just like how the police would give extra scrutiny to a group called 'American Jihad' looking for access to government buildings.

If the police did that the ACLU would accuse them of "profiling" and scream bloody murder.
Whatever...............The data remains the same. You will ignore it as always, and dance with glee as the IRS gets away with targeting groups you don't like or support........Nothing new here.

It does. And it doesn't back the GOP narrative. With years of partisan investigations, rounds of testimony, the scouring of tens of thousands of emails, and millions of tax payer dollars spent, the investigation has yet to show political motivation. Let alone anything ordered from the White House. Nor is there evidence of any crime.

But that's really not the point of the investigation, was it? Its purpose was as a platform for accusations. The veracity of the accusation was and is irrelevant. Its importance is in the repetition.
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by True the Vote, Inc. and other tea party groups, saying there's no ongoing controversy for the court to consider.

"Unless an actual, ongoing controversy exists in this case, this Court is without power to decide it," U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton wrote in his opinion.

True the Vote sued the IRS over delays in its application for tax-exempt status, the AP reported earlier.

USA Today reports:

More: Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

Good. Now, NaziCons can obsess over Benghazi and/or Obamacare.

I thought conservatives were fundamentally opposed to frivolous law suits on principle. But once I remembered that conservative principle is just a myth, the whole thing suddenly made sense.

The motive of the lawsuit was political, that it was devoid of legal merit should surprise no one, hence the judge's ruling.
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by True the Vote, Inc. and other tea party groups, saying there's no ongoing controversy for the court to consider.

"Unless an actual, ongoing controversy exists in this case, this Court is without power to decide it," U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton wrote in his opinion.

True the Vote sued the IRS over delays in its application for tax-exempt status, the AP reported earlier.

USA Today reports:

More: Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

Good. Now, NaziCons can obsess over Benghazi and/or Obamacare.
if this was about a Liberal lawsuit being thrown out.....you would not have even bothered.....right?....

Well, NaziCon retard, am I supposed to also do your work? Christ, you people are dumb.
Do work? Last time anyone checked copy and paste is not work.
What is so funny about this thread are the lies being told by the lefties to each other.

Stuff that's been disproven time after time after time.
What is so funny about this thread are the lies being told by the lefties to each other.

Stuff that's been disproven time after time after time.

Except when it hasn't. The problem you run into is that you equate having heard the accusation with the accusation having been proven. And its a folly quite a few conservatives fall into. They hear something, they fact check nothing, and they believe what they're told.

Its the beating heart of why 'fire and forget' accusations with no actual validity often work so well with conservatives to motivate their base. Many conservatives genuinely don't care if a claim is true. They care if it feels true. If it does, you can pretty much convince them of anything.

Take......the IRS. The claims your ilk have cycled through is really quite astounding. That Obama ordered the IRS to persecute tea party groups in order to steal the 2012election. The claim turned out to be bullshit. That the head of the IRS had secret meetings with Obama in the White House to plan this persecution. That claim turned out to be bullshit. That the union head Colleen Kelly worked with Obama on this nefarious persecution plot. That turned out to be bullshit. That the Tea Party was persecuted as part of a Democratic plan to forward their party. That claimed turned out to be bullshit.

You guys can't even establish political motivation. Let alone that a crime was committed by anyone. And despite investigation after partisan investigation, your ilk are still calling yet another one. You guys are on the 4th investigation? Or is it the 5th? Obviously, the investigation is incidental as a fact finding tool.....as if it really takes you 4 investigations, then republicans heading them are just spectacularly incompetent.

Its all about a platform from which to declare the latest round of fire and forget accusations.....that republicans can neither prove, nor particularly care if they are even true.
Lakhota is only a talking points person who never reads the articles she/he posts.

These cases were dismissed strictly on procedural grounds.

"Because he dismissed the lawsuits on procedural grounds, Walton did not rule on the merits of the case. He wrote in a footnote: "The court's opinion should not be interpreted as an assessment of the propriety of the alleged conduct by the defendants."

Tea Party loses court battle over targeting to IRS
Yup. Another lame biased thread brought to you by ShittingBull.

I'm kinda embarrassed because she's supposed to be a Native American.

I am part Native American and idiots like her are an embarrassment to say the least.

Smarten up there Shitter. Read before you post.
What sucks is that the GOP has won a lot of support from morons over this, the birther movement, fast and furious, Obama is a muslim, benghazi, death panels, etc. And even though it's all been debunked there's still a huge swath of terrified, inbred bedwetters that are going to vote republican because of that completely fabricated bullshit. Good job Mr. Murdoch.
Fortunately, the general run of the mill American voter isn't as stupid as the average GOP voter.
Whatever...............The data remains the same. You will ignore it as always, and dance with glee as the IRS gets away with targeting groups you don't like or support........Nothing new here.

It does. And it doesn't back the GOP narrative. With years of partisan investigations, rounds of testimony, the scouring of tens of thousands of emails, and millions of tax payer dollars spent, the investigation has yet to show political motivation. Let alone anything ordered from the White House. Nor is there evidence of any crime.

But that's really not the point of the investigation, was it? Its purpose was as a platform for accusations. The veracity of the accusation was and is irrelevant. Its importance is in the repetition.

Do try to keep up. They admitted it in open court.
There is no narrative.
If this happened during the 2nd election of Bush II - you all would be frothing at the mouth screaming at the top of your lungs.
Whatever...............The data remains the same. You will ignore it as always, and dance with glee as the IRS gets away with targeting groups you don't like or support........Nothing new here.

It does. And it doesn't back the GOP narrative. With years of partisan investigations, rounds of testimony, the scouring of tens of thousands of emails, and millions of tax payer dollars spent, the investigation has yet to show political motivation. Let alone anything ordered from the White House. Nor is there evidence of any crime.

But that's really not the point of the investigation, was it? Its purpose was as a platform for accusations. The veracity of the accusation was and is irrelevant. Its importance is in the repetition.

Do try to keep up. They admitted it in open court.
There is no narrative.
If this happened during the 2nd election of Bush II - you all would be frothing at the mouth screaming at the top of your lungs.
And democrats would have been just as wrong then as conservatives are now.

To wit: that the president, or a WH operative, instructed the IRS to unilaterally target conservative/TPM groups for exclusion in an effort to ensure the president's election.

For the partisan right that's what this is really all about, the inane, tedious, and incorrect premise that the president's reelection is not legitimate.
The IRS has already admitted their wrong doing.

Deal with it you liberal wankers. :lol:

"The IRS admitted last year that it delayed the approval of tax exemptions for Tea Party groups based solely on the name of the group.

Several criminal and congressional investigations into the matter are still ongoing, and the former IRS official responsible for exempt organizations, Lois Lerner, has been found in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the targeting."

Tea Party loses court battle over targeting to IRS

Why did you put that in a quote when there is no quote from USAToday?

And they did not admit to any wrongdoing.

Delaying approval is appropriate until a proper investigation is conducted into whether they are qualified for free government money.

The Gov't has already admitted that these groups were targeted.
'Targeted' is a loaded word, implying nefarious intent.

These groups were given extra scrutiny because of their names.

Just like how the police would give extra scrutiny to a group called 'American Jihad' looking for access to government buildings.

You compare American Jihad to Conservative groups.
No, I'm saying that what you call yourself determines the amount of attention you receive.

Calling yourself a teabagger group determines that your main focus is political.
What sucks is that the GOP has won a lot of support from morons over this, the birther movement, fast and furious, Obama is a muslim, benghazi, death panels, etc. And even though it's all been debunked there's still a huge swath of terrified, inbred bedwetters that are going to vote republican because of that completely fabricated bullshit. Good job Mr. Murdoch.

The GOP model of persuasion is to repeat an accusation long enough that someone believes it. The kind of folks they attract aren't particularly interested in whether or not the claims are true. But if they feel true.
Just like Goebbels taught them.
If you're tired, go to bed.

If you're just tired of losing arguments, I can't help you there.
Whatever...............The data remains the same. You will ignore it as always, and dance with glee as the IRS gets away with targeting groups you don't like or support........Nothing new here.
The data is that teabagger groups got more scrutiny than social welfare groups.

And that is entirely appropriate.
Don't worry guys. Lois Lerner will be arrested any minute now!
I look forward to when we run the IRS and install our operatives therein. Goodbye naacp and planned parenthood.

How's that for payback? No complaining, ya'hear?
^^^ What conservatives actually want.

All this talk about wanting a neutral IRS is just another Right-Wing lie.
Don't worry guys. Lois Lerner will be arrested any minute now!
I look forward to when we run the IRS and install our operatives therein. Goodbye naacp and planned parenthood.

How's that for payback.
Had the IRS done this to liberal groups they'd be marching and looting across the country...............Hypocrisy at it's finest.
They did do it to Liberal groups.

The only group denied tax-exempt status was a Liberal group.

Shoots the hell out of your argument, doesn't it?

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