Judges Aren't Trying To Control Trump

Democrats are in disarray, so the judiciary is where they are pinning their hopes for now. But Trump is acting so fast, a lot of what he is doing will be irreversible, even if the courts rule against him.

Almost every victory that the left has had in my lifetime has come from activist judges ruling against the majority.
Instead of platitudes, why don't you actually articulate the Constitutional crisis that you FEEL is happening.
Checks and balances are not platitudes. The judicial controls the limits of executive and legislative powers as those two branches limit the judiciary through legislation.

This struggle began with the cousins, President Jefferson and Chief Justice Marshall, more than 200 years ago.
Checks and balances are not platitudes. The judicial controls the limits of executive and legislative powers as those two branches limit the judiciary through legislation.

This struggle began with the cousins, President Jefferson and Chief Justice Marshall, more than 200 years ago.
No, THE CONSTITUTION controls the reach of the Executive branch, and the SCOTUS will put a boot up that judge's ASS.
No, THE CONSTITUTION controls the reach of the Executive branch, and the SCOTUS will put a boot up that judge's ASS.
No, that allows the Executive branch to decide its power. You are a Democratic Jefferson in that thinking.

Go read Alexander Hamilton on the power of the three branches.

Learn checks and balances, then love it.
It is AMAZING that the demented LEFT are more pissed off about Trump cleaning up this mess than the fact that THEY THEMSELVES are being ROBBED along with the rest of us.
Fucking INSANE.
Where does the judge get the authority to deny the Secretary of Treasury access to his own department? What crime is being committed and what corruption is being stopped by denying a Cabinet Secretary the tools to do his/her job?
The judge did not block the Secretary of Treasury (Bessent) from access to his own department. He blocked Musk. The only thing being decided upon in a legal manner is whether Bessent has the right to have someone who is NOT the Secretary of the Treasury have access to those records
Checks and balances are not platitudes. The judicial controls the limits of executive and legislative powers as those two branches limit the judiciary through legislation.

This struggle began with the cousins, President Jefferson and Chief Justice Marshall, more than 200 years ago.
The activist courts appointed by leftist marxists do not limit their own side...only their opposition. iimbecile.
The activist courts appointed by leftist marxists do not limit their own side...only their opposition. iimbecile.
Then you are OK with this Supreme Court. The struggle is nothing more, and less, than Jefferson and Marshall updated more than 200 years later. Roberts will keep Trump within the limits of the Constitution.
The flock is not interested in American Balance Of Powers. They want their demigod to get everything he wants. Period.

Then they'll tell you that they revere the American Constitution.

They don't understand how this is supposed to work. In America. And they just don't care. They are jihadis, at war.
What are you hyperventilating about now?
Did I catch a jihadi in there.
That's almost as stupid as calling everyone Hitler.
You need some new material.
Continue bloviating.
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