Judicial Watch Sues Obama Admin. For Solyndra Records...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Solyndra was once known as the poster child for the Obama administration’s “green energy” initiative. However, it has become the poster child for the corruption that ensues when the government treats tax money as a play thing and meddles in the private sector.

Solyndra, you may recall, filed for bankruptcy in September, leaving 1,100 workers without jobs and American taxpayers on the hook for a half billion dollars due to an Obama administration stimulus loan guarantee. Thanks to some good work from the House Energy and Commerce Committee along with some thorough reporting by The Washington Post, we now know that not only was this loan a horrible “investment,” but it was also rife with corruption.

And yet, rather than coming clean and releasing all records related to the Solyndra deal, the Obama administration continues to stonewall and obfuscate.

For this reason, JW filed separate lawsuits against the Obama Department of Energy and Office of Management and Budget to obtain records regarding the taxpayer funded Solyndra loans. Here’s what we’re after, pursuant to our original September 6, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and subsequent lawsuits.

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» Judicial Watch Sues Obama Administration for Solyndra Records - Big Government
And then there's Siga too. That might actually be even worse than Solyndra.
Solar industry in England could be done in by subsidy changes...
Solar subsidy changes could deal 'fatal blow' to industry
21 December 2011 - The government plans to restrict solar funding to homes that meet tough insulation standards
Planned government changes to subsidies on solar power may deal the industry a "fatal blow", two parliamentary committees are warning. The Environmental Audit Committee and Energy and Climate Change Committee say ministers are right to make changes, but are doing so "clumsily". Government plans include restricting access to solar subsidies to houses meeting energy efficiency standards. Thousands of solar industry jobs could be at risk, the committees warn. On Thursday, a group of companies and environmental groups won a legal judgement against one of the changes.

Central to their campaign was the Department of Energy and Climate Change's (Decc) plan to halve abruptly the level of feed-in tariff (FiT) that small-scale solar installations attract, from 43p per kilowatt-hour (kWh) to 21p. The FiTs are paid by energy companies to householders and communities to subsidise solar electricity generation. It had been expected that the new tariff would come into effect from 1 April; but in October, the government said it would apply to anyone installing their solar panels after 12 December. The High Court ruled that changing the tariffs before the end of an official consultation period was "legally flawed".

The two committees said ministers were right to cut the tariffs - but not in the way they did. "There is no question that solar subsidies needed to be urgently reduced, but the government has handled this clumsily," said Tim Yeo, chairman of the Environmental Audit Committee. "Ministers should have spotted the solar 'gold rush' much earlier. That way subsidy levels could have been reduced in a more orderly way without delivering such a shock to the industry." The MPs described the quick tariff change as "panicky", and said it "smacks of retrospective regulation, which undermines confidence in the government's management of other energy policies".

The root cause is solar panels have proved far more popular than the government suspected when it introduced the FiT in April last year. The cost of installing them has fallen faster than anticipated, by 30% since the scheme began. And with wholesale gas prices pushing up the cost of electricity from the grid, demand for solar panels rocketed As a result, about 90% of the funds that the government wanted to be spent during the four-year FiT programme has already been allocated.

Industry concerns
maybe thats why Bozo is terrified to debate anyone, what's he gonna say when they ask him about flushing 500M down the toliet, then wasting another 4M on a Xmas Vacation? and he is supposed to be the President of the Suffering Middle Class?
Perhaps he can use that old Bush canard and classify everything.

You know..like Cheney did with his energy policy meetings..that cost America trillions.
Judicial Watch Sues Obama Admin. For Solyndra Records...

Contributing to Obama’s reelection, a consequence of the right’s failure to address policy issues.

So pointing out awful corrupt cronyism in this White House is "Contributing to Obama's reelection?" Just shut up,excuse the corrupt cronyism,and pretend it's not happening? Man,that's some pretty twisted logic you got going there. Can't support your logic. Sorry.
Perhaps he can use that old Bush canard and classify everything.

You know..like Cheney did with his energy policy meetings..that cost America trillions.

Yes... That should make 0bama's failures much better...

Is the stupidest left wing defense ever of Solyndra?

Holy toledo left wingers. Have your dicks gone limp or what? Or are you just so tired of this adminstration that you can't blow anymore?

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