July 4th weekend in Chicago. At least 80 people shot. 17 dead including a 7 year old girl.


Gold Member
May 25, 2017
Six black children murdered across America the past few days. Nothing, Nada. No hours of handwringing from the MSM No BLM (well, BLM probably killed at least one of those children).

'Only Some Black Lives Matter', particularly if they have a criminal history and then get eulogized as near saints.
The (former) Democratic Party has been looking forward to the violence and deaths among blacks, so that they can then stand up and say, "the whole problem is.....GUNS! When in actuality, the whole problem is the inner-city, low-life, gutter trash committing the crimes, not the utensils they use to kill people with.
A major part of their agenda has always been to disarm the civilian populace and allowing this lawlessness to go on, is feeding into that goal. They just have to point to the murderous metropolitan areas and say, this must stop and that they will appoint a National Police Force to operate in all states, following one program and party. You know, like China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and Vietnam.
It's very sad.

The DemonRats, the Left, doesn't really care about human life.....they only care, in a relative way, when it suits their political purposes.

There is nothing more hypocritical and nauseating than the Left.
BLM is nothing but a Marxist organization with a goal of undermining all American institutions.
Leftists can't use it politically all you'll hear from them is the sound of silence
Honestly, those are typical numbers in Chicago right now and I think they were down from Father's Day weekend, IIRC.

Totally out of control here. Didn't help that the mayor shit on her own cops and that she and the governor were marching around in support of these "causes" and did nothing to stop the rioting, and that the Chief of Police was preaching love while the city was literally burning and looters were running uncontested through it like a daily version of The Purge. They have completely lost control of the situation, bent the knee to the horde and crapped on the cops.

What people seem to forget, as it requires actually remembering something and being able to see around the most basic of corners, is that, in the wake of Freddy Gray, Baltimore cops slowed their roll waaaay down. The result was a spike in violent crime, including murders, so the result was very literally that people died as a result.

The same is happening here, I have little doubt. The esteemed Governor also emptied the prisons here to protect the prisoners from Covid as an added bonus.

Going to be a bloody effin summer in Chicago. And it lies at the feet of the Governor and Mayor and Chief of Police, who collectively stood by and watched the city burn so they could appear all woke. People will die because of those decisions as crime will rise. Zero doubt about it.
Still waiting for the statement from BLM...

Stop looking at this as a Democrat failure and embarrassment. It isn’t. They retain complete control of the city without even a whisper of opposition. Total and complete control. 50 City Councilmen and not one Republican and a Democrat Mayor and Sheriff and every other elected position without exception . This is the Democrat version of success. You can’t shame them for it because it’s working beautifully as far as they are concerned. Why would they change what has been a success for them in every slum across America?
Honestly, those are typical numbers in Chicago right now and I think they were down from Father's Day weekend, IIRC.

Totally out of control here. Didn't help that the mayor shit on her own cops and that she and the governor were marching around in support of these "causes" and did nothing to stop the rioting, and that the Chief of Police was preaching love while the city was literally burning and looters were running uncontested through it like a daily version of The Purge. They have completely lost control of the situation, bent the knee to the horde and crapped on the cops.

What people seem to forget, as it requires actually remembering something and being able to see around the most basic of corners, is that, in the wake of Freddy Gray, Baltimore cops slowed their roll waaaay down. The result was a spike in violent crime, including murders, so the result was very literally that people died as a result.

The same is happening here, I have little doubt. The esteemed Governor also emptied the prisons here to protect the prisoners from Covid as an added bonus.

Going to be a bloody effin summer in Chicago. And it lies at the feet of the Governor and Mayor and Chief of Police, who collectively stood by and watched the city burn so they could appear all woke. People will die because of those decisions as crime will rise. Zero doubt about it.

People get the government they deserve for the most part.

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