jury selection for george floyd trial


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
That day police responded to a site where a man was reportedly using fake money to buy products from a store, basically stealing. Those police officers did not go there to kill that man. they got there and the suspect was uncooperative..floyd was a whiner. police officers tried to take him into custody but he refused to get into the police cruiser. he ended up taken down to the pavement where officers held him while an ambulance arrived. he appeared to be in bad shape and need medical help. the actions the officers took to hold him down is what they are trained to do..if you have seen another video of floyd been detained you can see he was a constant whiner . pleading ,whining and making excuses telling police he had not anything wrong. and always refusing to cooperate. the officers did not kill floyd. floyd died because of the drugs he had ingested and his medical problens. and now the police officers are been railroaded and crucified for doing their job. the media and the blm are portraying floyd as a saint . they ignore his extensive criminal history.his ex-wife called floyd a good man and father who loved his daughter very much. for this woman a man that engages in criminal activities and takes drugs is a good man that loves his daughter. if a man loves his family he works and uses his hard earned money to support his family. and he does not get involve in criminal activities. Floyd's brother stated , george stopped the world. no george did not stop the world. the world stopped george floyd. his life style finally caught up with him..floyd's family members finally got what they wanted. 27 million dollars. gimme,gimme.gimme. these police officers must be acquitted
That day police responded to a site where a man was reportedly using fake money to buy products from a store, basically stealing. Those police officers did not go there to kill that man. they got there and the suspect was uncooperative..floyd was a whiner. police officers tried to take him into custody but he refused to get into the police cruiser. he ended up taken down to the pavement where officers held him while an ambulance arrived. he appeared to be in bad shape and need medical help. the actions the officers took to hold him down is what they are trained to do..if you have seen another video of floyd been detained you can see he was a constant whiner . pleading ,whining and making excuses telling police he had not anything wrong. and always refusing to cooperate. the officers did not kill floyd. floyd died because of the drugs he had ingested and his medical problens. and now the police officers are been railroaded and crucified for doing their job. the media and the blm are portraying floyd as a saint . they ignore his extensive criminal history.his ex-wife called floyd a good man and father who loved his daughter very much. for this woman a man that engages in criminal activities and takes drugs is a good man that loves his daughter. if a man loves his family he works and uses his hard earned money to support his family. and he does not get involve in criminal activities. Floyd's brother stated , george stopped the world. no george did not stop the world. the world stopped george floyd. his life style finally caught up with him..floyd's family members finally got what they wanted. 27 million dollars. gimme,gimme.gimme. these police officers must be acquitted
I believe in 3 warning shots in the chest.
That day police responded to a site where a man was reportedly using fake money to buy products from a store, basically stealing. Those police officers did not go there to kill that man. they got there and the suspect was uncooperative..floyd was a whiner. police officers tried to take him into custody but he refused to get into the police cruiser. he ended up taken down to the pavement where officers held him while an ambulance arrived. he appeared to be in bad shape and need medical help. the actions the officers took to hold him down is what they are trained to do..if you have seen another video of floyd been detained you can see he was a constant whiner . pleading ,whining and making excuses telling police he had not anything wrong. and always refusing to cooperate. the officers did not kill floyd. floyd died because of the drugs he had ingested and his medical problens. and now the police officers are been railroaded and crucified for doing their job. the media and the blm are portraying floyd as a saint . they ignore his extensive criminal history.his ex-wife called floyd a good man and father who loved his daughter very much. for this woman a man that engages in criminal activities and takes drugs is a good man that loves his daughter. if a man loves his family he works and uses his hard earned money to support his family. and he does not get involve in criminal activities. Floyd's brother stated , george stopped the world. no george did not stop the world. the world stopped george floyd. his life style finally caught up with him..floyd's family members finally got what they wanted. 27 million dollars. gimme,gimme.gimme. these police officers must be acquitted

I read somewhere that one of the jurors who have been selected has publicly opined that Black lives matter more than other lives since Blacks have been marginalized.

Acquittal? I don't think so!
That day police responded to a site where a man was reportedly using fake money to buy products from a store, basically stealing. Those police officers did not go there to kill that man. they got there and the suspect was uncooperative..floyd was a whiner. police officers tried to take him into custody but he refused to get into the police cruiser. he ended up taken down to the pavement where officers held him while an ambulance arrived. he appeared to be in bad shape and need medical help. the actions the officers took to hold him down is what they are trained to do..if you have seen another video of floyd been detained you can see he was a constant whiner . pleading ,whining and making excuses telling police he had not anything wrong. and always refusing to cooperate. the officers did not kill floyd. floyd died because of the drugs he had ingested and his medical problens. and now the police officers are been railroaded and crucified for doing their job. the media and the blm are portraying floyd as a saint . they ignore his extensive criminal history.his ex-wife called floyd a good man and father who loved his daughter very much. for this woman a man that engages in criminal activities and takes drugs is a good man that loves his daughter. if a man loves his family he works and uses his hard earned money to support his family. and he does not get involve in criminal activities. Floyd's brother stated , george stopped the world. no george did not stop the world. the world stopped george floyd. his life style finally caught up with him..floyd's family members finally got what they wanted. 27 million dollars. gimme,gimme.gimme. these police officers must be acquitted

Some of the selected candidates for the Floyd jury to assure officer Chauvin gets a fair trail:


Mike and the Rednecks.jpg

Did Officer Chauvin jam all that fentanyl down dirt nap Georges throat?
We should try an experiment.
We’ll lie you down on your belly.
I’ll drive my knee into your neck while two more people put their knees on your back.
Lets give it 8:46.
Since it did not kill George Floyd, you should be able to handle it no problem.
What say you?
Did Officer Chauvin jam all that fentanyl down dirt nap Georges throat?
We should try an experiment.
We’ll lie you down on your belly.
I’ll drive my knee into your neck while two more people put their knees on your back.
Lets give it 8:46.
Since it did not kill George Floyd, you should be able to handle it no problem.
What say you?

The autopsy said dirt nap George died of a fentanyl overdose....end of story.
Did Officer Chauvin jam all that fentanyl down dirt nap Georges throat?
We should try an experiment.
We’ll lie you down on your belly.
I’ll drive my knee into your neck while two more people put their knees on your back.
Lets give it 8:46.
Since it did not kill George Floyd, you should be able to handle it no problem.
What say you?

The autopsy said dirt nap George died of a fentanyl overdose....end of story.
Show me.
Did Officer Chauvin jam all that fentanyl down dirt nap Georges throat?
We should try an experiment.
We’ll lie you down on your belly.
I’ll drive my knee into your neck while two more people put their knees on your back.
Lets give it 8:46.
Since it did not kill George Floyd, you should be able to handle it no problem.
What say you?
Lets try another experiment . when police question you. answer their questions . provide them with your ID. and if told they are going to detain you do not resist and get in the cruiser. fight it in court. and dont start whining and pleading. I would handle it but I would not need too. I have been stopped and question by law enforcement officers and I have never ended on the ground or pavement. I have just treated the officers in a civil manner and they have done the same. they have cleared me and I continue on my way. but I dont get involve in illegal activities and I dont consume drugs. I work and support my family. the knee on his neck or back did not kill floyd. his poor health and drugs he had consume kill him. the first autopsy done on his body confirm that.
Did Officer Chauvin jam all that fentanyl down dirt nap Georges throat?
We should try an experiment.
We’ll lie you down on your belly.
I’ll drive my knee into your neck while two more people put their knees on your back.
Lets give it 8:46.
Since it did not kill George Floyd, you should be able to handle it no problem.
What say you?

The autopsy said dirt nap George died of a fentanyl overdose....end of story.
Show me.

Holeeee Shiiiit!!!!!
Where have you been? This has been common knowledge for months!!!!
He had three times the fatal dose of fentanyl in his system.
Did Officer Chauvin jam all that fentanyl down dirt nap Georges throat?
We should try an experiment.
We’ll lie you down on your belly.
I’ll drive my knee into your neck while two more people put their knees on your back.
Lets give it 8:46.
Since it did not kill George Floyd, you should be able to handle it no problem.
What say you?

Hey crackhead: LET's TRY AN EXPERIMENT:
  • Let's try actually watching the 45 minutes of video shot live AT THE SCENE as it happened.
  • It immediately shows that Floyd was totally uncooperative at even getting in the vehicle and put himself on the ground.
  • It shows he was laying on his left side.
  • It shows him able to breathe and talk freely.
  • It shows the officers using standard procedures they are supposed to use to subdue uncooperative people.
  • And the toxicology shows that he died of a fentenyl OD and that oxygen to his brain is fine.
The Floyd/Chauvin trial in a sane, just world shouldn't take more than ONE DAY to show that while some criticisms can be leveled at the police, they followed standard procedure, acted appropriately and Floyd's death was wholly the result of his own actions.

The Floyd family isn't owed a red dime. And if they ever erect a statue to this bum, I hope someone tears it down and destroys it for the joke that it is.

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