Jusst heard this on the news:

What I wrote above is incorrect. I meant to write that Obama had lowered the debt by almost $1TRILLION.

Meanwhile, the Rs are throwing our tax money away on such things as their incessant phony votes to repeal the ACA.

Notice that not one brain dead rw can post anything positive about the GObP/teepubs. They never can.
You could say the same thing about left wing news sources. We have about half a dozen scandals in the federal government and they think the naming of Post Offices is some sort of a congressional scandal. It's their freaking job you jerks.
The House has passed 372 Bills since Aug. of 2010 voted by both Dem's and Repubs in the House and they are just sitting on Harry Reid's desk.
The Senate is not doing it's job
List of Bills stalled in the Senate.
372 Bills That Have Been Passed by the House & Not Yet ?Acted Upon By the Senate? (as of 8/23/10) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

I laugh everytime the MSM reporting for the DNC claims that the House is gumming up the works. They love to show clips of the eternal campaign of Obama crying about how the people need to get after those rascally old Republicans and get them to play ball. Yet the MSM never reveals that 372 House Bills are being held up by Reid in the Senate. It disturbs me that there are som many Dems who either pay no attention to reality or are willing to believe whatever the admin and his public relations arm tells them.
20% of all bills passed by congress 2010 - 2012 = naming post offices.

Theses jerks work only 125 days a year, get paid more than $200K a year (before counting the extensive benefits we buy for them, including their ObamaCare coverage), all they do is get back from and leave for vacations and THIS is what we get for our money.


Sounds like they are following the example of Dear Leader.

Because, as we all know, the Constitution gives the President the power to introduce and move bills in Congress. Wait? You mean it doesn't. Well damn.
The House has passed 372 Bills since Aug. of 2010 voted by both Dem's and Repubs in the House and they are just sitting on Harry Reid's desk.
The Senate is not doing it's job
List of Bills stalled in the Senate.
372 Bills That Have Been Passed by the House & Not Yet ?Acted Upon By the Senate? (as of 8/23/10) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

I laugh everytime the MSM reporting for the DNC claims that the House is gumming up the works. They love to show clips of the eternal campaign of Obama crying about how the people need to get after those rascally old Republicans and get them to play ball. Yet the MSM never reveals that 372 House Bills are being held up by Reid in the Senate. It disturbs me that there are som many Dems who either pay no attention to reality or are willing to believe whatever the admin and his public relations arm tells them.

It's all about procedure. It's the Republicans abuse of the filibuster that draws so much attention. If they were letting bills come to the Senate floor, then die upon referral to the House, it would be getting the same level of attention House bills dying in the Senate does.

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