Just a little tidbit to show you how heinously greedy companies are

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
I've been working in corporate offices for at least a couple of decades now.
Aside from the massive incompetence and callous hate crimes against employees that I've witnessed time after time.......

These billion dollar companies REFUSE to update their technology. I'm talking about the software programs that are used to process information in accounts across the board.

I will give you two examples of what I mean.....

Mednax Medical Group

This company deals primarily in pediatrics. They have their own doctors, and provide billing, auditing, and other such services to doctors offices who don't have the staff for such things. This company is fucked to hell. I started there in 2017, and the programs they used were LITERALLY from the 80's and early 90's!! The only current programs they had for use were third party programs like Bank Of Americas payment processing program for businesses, and one GE Healthcare program that had not been updated since 2005.

The old programs were hard to use, because all the new programs other companies had, didn't not mesh at all with these old ones. We had SOOOOO MUCH paperwork because of this. Even the office tech was so old, the plastic housing on the machines we used was turning from old age yellow to dead sea scroll brown. Fuck, we even had FAX machines!!!

And people wonder WHY the healthcare industry is fucked up and SO expensive!!!! THIS is one of the top 3 reasons!!! Heinously outdated technology..........from LAST CENTURY!
And the most IGNORANT THING about the HUGE waste of paper on a daily basis was, EVERYTHING we did could be done on the computer without the need for paper!!! Even with thier 1980's technology!!! But they didn't want to "change" peoples work habits for the sake of saving several thousand dollars in printers, ink, and paper every month!!!

Toyota........yes, the auto maker!!

I work for a third party management company. Our client is Toyota USA. We use THEIR programs to process THEIR customers accounts.
So, you'd think a billion dollar a year company would have the most updated technology there is, right?


Again, we are LITERALLY using programs from the 1980's!!! I mean, this shit is ANCIENT!! I'm talking black screen with block letters!!
The basic shit that we had when people started buying home computers way back when.

Yeah, one of the programs we use is up to date, but it's just a program for storing customer information, it doesn't do any actual performance work.
That's what the ANCIENT tech from the 80's is for! And just like Mednax "tech", it' doesn't mesh with any other programs, so we have to use tons of spreadsheets, Note docs, Word docs, etc..... Because the programs cannot interact with each other............this is what we do. We are the "go betweens" entering info from all the spreadsheets, documents, and the customer database into the fucking old shit system. It's a nightmare!

So, if you want to know why your Toyota bills, leases, and other account stuff is fucked to hell.........THIS is why! This BILLION dollar a year company CANNOT BE BOTHERED to buy some fucking UPDATED software for their company!! Which is one of the many reasons their POS cars are so fucking expensive. All the people that have to be hired to do the work of one good current tech piece of software!!!

Sure, it's a job, but we'd have this job anyway, even if they did stop being massive greedmongers and penny pinchers and buy some current tech programs. We'd still have to be the ones entering the information and making adjustments. Just not on the ludicrously dumbassed massive scale it is now.

So next time you find your information fucked up, screwed up, or even missing.........or stolen even...........THIS is why!

These companies have severely OLD, OLD, OOOOOLLLLLLLDDDDDDD technology! And thats how hackers can easily hack into their systems and steal your info.
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What is it with people bitching about their crap jobs lately? No one cares. Life is too short to work a job you hate.
I used to work for one of America's largest musical instrument corporations. Our software updates never, ever went smoothly.

There are a few reasons which are causing what you're experiencing. I'm not an IT guy, but this was my understanding:

Software, especially for a large corporation, is expensive. When we bought new software, we had to pay for licensing for several hundred machines. Running software on six machines is nowhere near as expensive as running software on 600 machines. Spending several thousands of dollars every time someone designs a better mousetrap is not always the best way to go.

Each time you install new programs, people need to be trained on those programs. This can have negative impacts in two areas: First, while people are training on the new software, they're not being productive with regards to their actual jobs. Second, with new software, there's always a learning curve and, oftentimes, mistakes are made while using that new software. Those mistakes can not only lead to lost revenue, but those mistakes then have to be corrected. No one would rather be correcting mistakes as opposed to actually being productive.

My companies have been using many of the same programs for the last seven or eight years. Could we afford new software? Sure, but why? Despite the fact that there's newer software available, the software we have works well for us. The job still gets done, it gets done well, and I don't have to worry about spending money or making sure everyone is trained and not making mistakes with the new software.

While I can certainly understand your frustration, there are other aspects which need to be considered...
Wow do you not worry about job security. Its on them if there is a breach then it becomes a lawsuit.
My son works for a medical company he is one of the lucky ones.
The problem with outdated software, software that doesn't work, is the firm belief that minority developers, particularly Indian developers, are better performers than American, white, developers. A diversified, non white, programming department that doesn't work is preferable to white guys that know what they are doing.
These billion dollar companies REFUSE to update their technology. I'm talking about the software programs that are used to process information in accounts across the board.

You think that is bad-- -- the IRS essentially still runs the nation's taxes off of MSDOS. They have some stupid helper program that tried to convert some of it into a more manageable GUI but it crashes constantly.
I used to work for one of America's largest musical instrument corporations. Our software updates never, ever went smoothly.

There are a few reasons which are causing what you're experiencing. I'm not an IT guy, but this was my understanding:

Software, especially for a large corporation, is expensive. When we bought new software, we had to pay for licensing for several hundred machines. Running software on six machines is nowhere near as expensive as running software on 600 machines. Spending several thousands of dollars every time someone designs a better mousetrap is not always the best way to go.

Each time you install new programs, people need to be trained on those programs. This can have negative impacts in two areas: First, while people are training on the new software, they're not being productive with regards to their actual jobs. Second, with new software, there's always a learning curve and, oftentimes, mistakes are made while using that new software. Those mistakes can not only lead to lost revenue, but those mistakes then have to be corrected. No one would rather be correcting mistakes as opposed to actually being productive.

My companies have been using many of the same programs for the last seven or eight years. Could we afford new software? Sure, but why? Despite the fact that there's newer software available, the software we have works well for us. The job still gets done, it gets done well, and I don't have to worry about spending money or making sure everyone is trained and not making mistakes with the new software.

While I can certainly understand your frustration, there are other aspects which need to be considered...

WHY be in business if you aren't going to keep your business administrations needs updated?
These companies are spending BILLIONS of dollars to keep from buying updated programs, because they are greedy. They're spending TONS of money to keep these ancient, out of date programs going with all the people needed to constantly input data, and the HUGE PLATOONS of I.T. techs to keep these old, decrepid systems from crashing almost every single day! They're spending HUNDREDS of times MORE MONEY than just buying or upgrading the programs every 5 years!!

They're literally spending $100k to save ONE penny!!!

And it's a cascading failure throughout the whole company as well.
You think that is bad-- -- the IRS essentially still runs the nation's taxes off of MSDOS. They have some stupid helper program that tried to convert some of it into a more manageable GUI but it crashes constantly.

Oh hell...........don't get me started on the government!!!!
They're still working with 1950's technology!!!!
OMG the waste of trillions of tons of paper per year!!!

Colleges didn't even start upgrading to computers until the late 90's!!! And most of them still don't use computers for the most imporant things, only for itemized spreadsheets for meaningless shit.
Oh hell...........don't get me started on the government!!!!
They're still working with 1950's technology!!!!
OMG the waste of trillions of tons of paper per year!!!

Many times I've fought with gov agencies wanting faxes telling me they don't even do email. Or sending me 330 pages of crap I don't even want, need, or applies to me.

The IRS actually tried updating from DOS to Windows years ago but the cost was so high to replace all the computers that the congress nixed the bill.

So now they are going to add 87,000 agents to the federal payroll.

For the cost of doing that, they could keep the present staff, finally update all their computers to Windows 11 64-bit and double their productivity getting just as much done.
WHY be in business if you aren't going to keep your business administrations needs updated?
These companies are spending BILLIONS of dollars to keep from buying updated programs, because they are greedy. They're spending TONS of money to keep these ancient, out of date programs going with all the people needed to constantly input data, and the HUGE PLATOONS of I.T. techs to keep these old, decrepid systems from crashing almost every single day! They're spending HUNDREDS of times MORE MONEY than just buying or upgrading the programs every 5 years!!

They're literally spending $100k to save ONE penny!!!

And it's a cascading failure throughout the whole company as well.

Whatever. You totally missed the entire point of my post...
Many times I've fought with gov agencies wanting faxes telling me they don't even do email. Or sending me 330 pages of crap I don't even want, need, or applies to me.

The IRS actually tried updating from DOS to Windows years ago but the cost was so high to replace all the computers that the congress nixed the bill.

So now they are going to add 87,000 agents to the federal payroll.

For the cost of doing that, they could keep the present staff, finally update all their computers to Windows 11 64-bit and double their productivity getting just as much done.

And they don't need to update everything all at once. If they follow a correct protocol of update techniques that take up to 5 years to instigate, then they wouldn't have any problems.

The main problem today is stupidity. The sheeples are so used to "instant gratification" that they have no concept of process or integration.
Whatever. You totally missed the entire point of my post...
No. I heard you. But this is whats going on.

If they kept up with technololgy and updates, at least every 2 years, then it wouldn't be the massive infrastructure problem it is today.

Paying a couple million every few years to update programs or licenses is preferable to costing the company BILLIONS in losses over a 20 year time period..........as an example.

Again, whats the purpose if you aren't going to keep your business running at peak performance at all times?

The longer they wait, the more expensive it gets. And when you wait so long, it becomes beyond reasonable........and all a company is doing is plugging holes with billions of dollars in a sinking ship.
And they don't need to update everything all at once. If they follow a correct protocol of update techniques that take up to 5 years to instigate, then they wouldn't have any problems.

So, a company should take five years to make a change, start to finish?

Sorry, that's insane...

The main problem today is stupidity. The sheeples are so used to "instant gratification" that they have no concept of process or integration.

Says the guy who thinks a software change should take five years. According to you, that software would be made obsolete twice in that time frame...
No. I heard you. But this is whats going on.

If they kept up with technololgy and updates, at least every 2 years, then it wouldn't be the massive infrastructure problem it is today.

And you just got done saying that changes could be put in place over a five year period...

Paying a couple million every few years to update programs or licenses is preferable to costing the company BILLIONS in losses over a 20 year time period..........as an example.

My two companies have a long history of profitability. Using the software we use hasn't cost me a dime...

Again, whats the purpose if you aren't going to keep your business running at peak performance at all times?

It's foolish to believe that a business can only operate at peak performance if software updates are made every two years.

Or was that every five years?

Your posts are confusing...

The longer they wait, the more expensive it gets. And when you wait so long, it becomes beyond reasonable........and all a company is doing is plugging holes with billions of dollars in a sinking ship.

I think your posts are borne more from frustration than from an actual understanding of what has to happen for software changes to occur...
These billion dollar companies REFUSE to update their technology. I'm talking about the software programs that are used to process information in accounts across the board.
Your thinking isn't true. The billion dollar cos have their own software and department to maintain it and put in to create new versions. They need this because each corporation is different. The have their own computer departments to create and maintain the software. I worked in one of them for a majority of my career.

What you are talking about is for the masses of individuals. They get updated slowly and you as the consumer end up buying the updates.

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