Just a quick question...


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
In the wake of what happened in Ferguson with Mike Brown and in New York with Eric Garner, Ivy League schools such as Harvard began offering students who were "traumatized" by those two events a delay in taking finals, which is rather ludicrous in and of itself. But now we have two dead cops on our hands because of a crazed assassin who chose to give himself in to the racist, anti-cop narrative. So, I have a quick question:

How many have been TRAUMATIZED by it?
How many were traumatized by the termination of a teen thug and a petty criminal?
And much more, of course. Quite a few intelligent, protesting black college kids. For example. And some such whites. This happened after Kent State and all that. We'll see how many actually USE it, fear mongered Pubchump haters.
the closest the right wing pin heads have gotten to a college is the college tee shirt section at Walmart
In the wake of what happened in Ferguson with Mike Brown and in New York with Eric Garner, Ivy League schools such as Harvard began offering students who were "traumatized" by those two events a delay in taking finals, which is rather ludicrous in and of itself. But now we have two dead cops on our hands because of a crazed assassin who chose to give himself in to the racist, anti-cop narrative. So, I have a quick question:

I think if they students can demonstrate an emotional upset, maybe.

Hey, did anyone actually check how many law students actually ASKED for delays in their finals?
A better question is, "do any of the people starting threads of this nature really care about the cops or are they just using the incident as an excuse to post disparaging messages about people with whom the disagree?"
Unless the person killed is a close family member I don't think that should traumatize you to a degree you need to postpone a test.
I think this is just something being played up by those who pretend to be concerned about the dead cops, but are really just taking advantage of the situation to score political points. I'll bet very few students actually postpone their exams.
Unless the person killed is a close family member I don't think that should traumatize you to a degree you need to postpone a test.
I think this is just something being played up by those who pretend to be concerned about the dead cops, but are really just taking advantage of the situation to score political points. I'll bet very few students actually postpone their exams.
I could make the same claim about many of those claiming to support Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

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