Just A Reminder: Lizzy Warren Is A 1%.


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
Romney can't relate...but she can. :lol: :lol:

Was there ever a more self-serving strategy ?

This article is old, but one I keep around.....

Elizabeth Warren Suggests She's Not In The 1%

“I realize there are some wealthy individuals – I’m not one of them, but some wealthy individuals who have a lot of stock portfolios" she told him.

Hard to see how Warren wouldn't be, by most standards, wealthy, according to the Personal Financial Disclosure form she filed to run for Senate shows that she's worth as much as $14.5 million. She earned more than $429,000 from Harvard last year alone for a total of about $700,000, and lives in a house worth $5 million.

She also has a portfolio of investments in stocks and bonds worth as as much as $8 million, according to the form, which lists value ranges for each investment. The bulk of it is in funds managed by TIAA-CREF.


Bottom line is that liberals will elect whoever keeps the goodies flowing.
Her policies fight for justice and protections for the little guy. POLICIES!!

But thanks for the malevolent Pubgossip.
Her policies fight for justice and protections for the little guy. POLICIES!!

But thanks for the malevolent Pubgossip.

No gossip asshole.....facts. She's a millionaire and she has a large net worth.

She does not have any policies....she has not been elected. She has never fought for anything...she's let others do it. Because she's never held office.

Are you always this stupid ?
yeah franco like running up energy costs on the little guy because of stupid environmentalism
Carbon fuels illegal? LOL Just safer drilling and fracking, no pipelines through the Nebraska aquifer, etc.
No cronyism DEPRESSIONS, S+L Bubbles, etc- like Pubs have every time. Pub dupes!!
Her policies fight for justice and protections for the little guy. POLICIES!!

But thanks for the malevolent Pubgossip.

franco franco franco

I have lived in the McGuinty world. That's what's funny. I've been primitive. I bet you haven't. Not kidding.

Now to Warren, and this is why I do not understand libs today and why I have run from you. You love the likes of Warren.

She is rich. She is filthy rich being a liar that she was ever a Cherokee. But you still love her.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You have a lying pig douche bag proven to be a bitch from hell and you love her.

What is wrong with you libs?
If she filed a disclosure form she is willing to be taxed on her net worth and income and I give her credit for supporting programs which will increase her taxes. She has money but she's not one of the greedy bastards who don't want to be taxed proportionately and oppose any federal program that benefits the lower income brackets.
If she filed a disclosure form she is willing to be taxed on her net worth and income and I give her credit for supporting programs which will increase her taxes. She has money but she's not one of the greedy bastards who don't want to be taxed proportionately and oppose any federal program that benefits the lower income brackets.

Hey why don't you pay a GST? Goods and services tax.

Come on. I think Pelosi calls it a VAT? That way every one is equalized, You get to pay your fair share too.

Cough up.
If she filed a disclosure form she is willing to be taxed on her net worth and income and I give her credit for supporting programs which will increase her taxes. She has money but she's not one of the greedy bastards who don't want to be taxed proportionately and oppose any federal program that benefits the lower income brackets.

She's still a 1%er.

She has no concept of how the economy works. She just wants to go in there and redistribute wealth.

Haven't you morons figured out how successful that isn't yet ?

How do you know she isn't a greedy bastard. She has 15 million. If she wasn't greedy, she should give about 2/3 of it away...maybe all of it.

She's a 1%er. Can't change that fact. Of course Harry Reid, Diane Frankenstein, and Barbara Boxer are all worth millions.

You guys hate the rich, but you support them and give them easy access to our money. Or don't you recall how Frankenstein got rich(er) off the wars ?
Environmentalism is cheaper in the long run, dumbazzes.

Your side has never produced a model that can back up such a stupid claim.

All those hurricanes that were supposed to show up after Katrina (as per the Chicken Littles associated with AGW used to say)......never mateialized.

Romney can't relate...but she can. :lol: :lol:

Was there ever a more self-serving strategy ?

This article is old, but one I keep around.....

Elizabeth Warren Suggests She's Not In The 1%

“I realize there are some wealthy individuals – I’m not one of them, but some wealthy individuals who have a lot of stock portfolios" she told him.

Hard to see how Warren wouldn't be, by most standards, wealthy, according to the Personal Financial Disclosure form she filed to run for Senate shows that she's worth as much as $14.5 million. She earned more than $429,000 from Harvard last year alone for a total of about $700,000, and lives in a house worth $5 million.

She also has a portfolio of investments in stocks and bonds worth as as much as $8 million, according to the form, which lists value ranges for each investment. The bulk of it is in funds managed by TIAA-CREF.


Bottom line is that liberals will elect whoever keeps the goodies flowing.

Elizabeth Warren is a 1% and she is fighting government policies that make the 1% richer

That is what conservatives can't understand

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