Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year


Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
I'd hate to be a Democrat Socialist who must run against all of our winning:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D


Run on that...

Explain how it is any better than the Obama economy
Then explain why prices went up because of the trade war
Prices have not gone up and Obama won't be on the 2020 ballot but the Prez who has presided over all of our winning the last 32 months will be and as if to insure his reelection the Democrat Socialist Party has gone fully Ogden's Nut Gone Flake:

WINNING?? WHO are our friends now ?? NK Russia?? Trump is a supreme AH Even Iran tells him to shove his war up his butt,,,,,Did our AH in the WH draw a red line yet?? just asking

Can’t wait for Trump to run on his foreign policy blunders

A Nuclear Iran and destabilized region
N Korea expanding their missile program and Nukes
Destabilization of NATO
Weakening of our global alliances
US airs no longer leader of the free world

LOL, you have it all wrong. are you a complete brain washed snail?

Iran has nukes because of the Obama deal and the billions he sent them
NK already had nukes thanks to clinton and bush. they have not tested a long range missile since Trump scared the shit out of Kim
NATO members are now paying their fair share, NATO is more stable than it has ever been
our alliances are strong because we are respected and trusted again
the strongest economy and the strongest military is still the leader of the free world
so you support double taxation, not a surprise

Only a capital “gain” is taxed
It has not been taxed before

it was taxed when you earned the money. Do you want to pay taxes on the interest paid on your bank savings account? same idea as taxing CG
Eventual profit on investing that money was not taxed

true, but the initial investment was taxed. and only net capital gains are taxed. The CG argument from the dems is nothing but an attempt to create a class war between those who have money in the market and those who do not.

What about the 50% of americans that pay zero federal income tax? Shouldn't they be paying their "fair share"?

how will the dem philosophy of punish success and reward failure make this a better country?
A.F. Tytler noted that "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." It seems clear the Dems would have the majority of voters be non-contributors and/or beneficiaries of the fruit of the labor of productive Americans.

In a sense the freeloaders get to vote for those who decide how much the rest of us must pay in taxes, turning the Boston Tea Party slogan on its head … representation without taxation.

they are a vocal minority aided by a corrupt media. WE are the majority and will continue to be. Ignore them.
I'd hate to be a Democrat Socialist who must run against all of our winning:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D


Run on that...

Explain how it is any better than the Obama economy
Then explain why prices went up because of the trade war
Prices have not gone up and Obama won't be on the 2020 ballot but the Prez who has presided over all of our winning the last 32 months will be and as if to insure his reelection the Democrat Socialist Party has gone fully Ogden's Nut Gone Flake:

WINNING?? WHO are our friends now ?? NK Russia?? Trump is a supreme AH Even Iran tells him to shove his war up his butt,,,,,Did our AH in the WH draw a red line yet?? just asking

Can’t wait for Trump to run on his foreign policy blunders

A Nuclear Iran and destabilized region
N Korea expanding their missile program and Nukes
Destabilization of NATO
Weakening of our global alliances
US airs no longer leader of the free world

LOL, you have it all wrong. are you a complete brain washed snail?

Iran has nukes because of the Obama deal and the billions he sent them
NK already had nukes thanks to clinton and bush. they have not tested a long range missile since Trump scared the shit out of Kim
NATO members are now paying their fair share, NATO is more stable than it has ever been
our alliances are strong because we are respected and trusted again
the strongest economy and the strongest military is still the leader of the free world

Iran was inspected by US and OTHER countries THEY WERE COMPLYING YOU are either misinformed or a trump like liar ,,,your choice
I'd hate to be a Democrat Socialist who must run against all of our winning:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D


Run on that...

Explain how it is any better than the Obama economy
Then explain why prices went up because of the trade war
Prices have not gone up and Obama won't be on the 2020 ballot but the Prez who has presided over all of our winning the last 32 months will be and as if to insure his reelection the Democrat Socialist Party has gone fully Ogden's Nut Gone Flake:

WINNING?? WHO are our friends now ?? NK Russia?? Trump is a supreme AH Even Iran tells him to shove his war up his butt,,,,,Did our AH in the WH draw a red line yet?? just asking

Can’t wait for Trump to run on his foreign policy blunders

A Nuclear Iran and destabilized region
N Korea expanding their missile program and Nukes
Destabilization of NATO
Weakening of our global alliances
US airs no longer leader of the free world

LOL, you have it all wrong. are you a complete brain washed snail?

Iran has nukes because of the Obama deal and the billions he sent them
NK already had nukes thanks to clinton and bush. they have not tested a long range missile since Trump scared the shit out of Kim
NATO members are now paying their fair share, NATO is more stable than it has ever been
our alliances are strong because we are respected and trusted again
the strongest economy and the strongest military is still the leader of the free world

Respected??? Poppycock. Our allies no longer respect us with an asshole at our head ...We were attacked by Iran What did dump do?? More sanctions?? No red line for him Now he's looking for help AGAIN from a foreign country?? Wouldn't ANY reasonable person think trump is an asshole?
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?
All of the above
LOL yes republicans stand so tall on all those items

yes they do, stop listening to the liars on CNN
Red if you believe that BS I had a bridge to sell you in Bklyn Unfortunately I already sold it to Gramps and ice

GOP positions:

Healthcare, maintain private healthcare as a viable choice, strengthen medicare and medicaid, allow vets to use private doctors instead of the crappy VA. medicare for all is a stupid idea that would cost trillions, and reduce the quality of care for everyone

Environment: reduce pollutions------------like the human fecal pollution running in the streets of LA and SFO and into the sea. find ways to use oil, gas, and coal cleanly and efficiently, put the blame for global pollution where it belongs---china and india

foreign policy: speak softly and carry a big stick

education, quality education for all, not indoctrination to any one ideology, school vouchers for poor parents

which of those to you find objectionable?
Why can’t Republicans guarantee coverage for preexisting conditions?
Why is the only Republican concern about the environment involve poop?

Why have republicans alienated our allies under Bush and Trump?
Run on that...

Explain how it is any better than the Obama economy
Then explain why prices went up because of the trade war
Prices have not gone up and Obama won't be on the 2020 ballot but the Prez who has presided over all of our winning the last 32 months will be and as if to insure his reelection the Democrat Socialist Party has gone fully Ogden's Nut Gone Flake:

WINNING?? WHO are our friends now ?? NK Russia?? Trump is a supreme AH Even Iran tells him to shove his war up his butt,,,,,Did our AH in the WH draw a red line yet?? just asking

Can’t wait for Trump to run on his foreign policy blunders

A Nuclear Iran and destabilized region
N Korea expanding their missile program and Nukes
Destabilization of NATO
Weakening of our global alliances
US airs no longer leader of the free world

LOL, you have it all wrong. are you a complete brain washed snail?

Iran has nukes because of the Obama deal and the billions he sent them
NK already had nukes thanks to clinton and bush. they have not tested a long range missile since Trump scared the shit out of Kim
NATO members are now paying their fair share, NATO is more stable than it has ever been
our alliances are strong because we are respected and trusted again
the strongest economy and the strongest military is still the leader of the free world

Respected??? Poppycock. Our allies no longer respect us with an asshole at our head ...We were attacked by Iran What did dump do?? More sanctions?? No red line for him Now he's looking for help AGAIN from a foreign country?? Wouldn't ANY reasonable person think trump is an asshole?

Our allies no longer trust us to maintain a stable foreign policy.
We don’t keep our word and policy flips 180 degrees every time we change parties
If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?
E. All of the above.

Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?
E. All of the above.

Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?

You keep saying that and are reminded that Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris can all beat Trump

Why don’t you ask again, maybe you will stop getting the same answer
E. All of the above.

Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?

You keep saying that and are reminded that Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris can all beat Trump

Why don’t you ask again, maybe you will stop getting the same answer
Oh!? Do tell!

Bernie ‘I heart communism’ Sanders: Socialism, higher taxes, gun grabbing, open borders, ISIS can vote in our elections as anyone in the world can including Putin, destroy the economy for the global warming myth but lives in mansions himself.

Joe ‘I like little girls’ Biden:
White collar crimes like Enron and Bernie Madoff shouldn’t be punished with jail, Obama won’t back him, open borders, gun grabbing, homosexuals are security risks, prison for those who oppose him, and claims ‘I’m not going nuts’, destroy the economy for the global warming myth but live in mansions himself.

Beto’burgler and DWI’ O’Rourke:
Grab guns, higher taxes, destroy the economy for the global warming myth but live in mansions himself, open borders.

Elizabeth ‘1/1024’ Warden:
Lied to steal jobs from other more qualified people, grab guns, higher taxes, destroy the economy for the global warming myth but live in mansions herself, open borders, reparations to blacks for being black.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?
E. All of the above.

Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?
Can't always believe polls as we found out in 2016 but as we speak the polls have 3 or 4 beating the traitor
E. All of the above.

Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?
Can't always believe polls as we found out in 2016 but as we speak the polls have 3 or 4 beating the traitor
Not asking for polls. YOU tell me.

Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?
Can't always believe polls as we found out in 2016 but as we speak the polls have 3 or 4 beating the traitor
Not asking for polls. YOU tell me.
I think Biden has best chance to beat trump Problem is I don't think he's best to throw trumps shit back in his face
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?
Can't always believe polls as we found out in 2016 but as we speak the polls have 3 or 4 beating the traitor
Not asking for polls. YOU tell me.
I think Biden has best chance to beat trump Problem is I don't think he's best to throw trumps shit back in his face
I agree. Unfortunately for you, either you or I have a better chance of beating Trump than Joe.
Run on that...

Explain how it is any better than the Obama economy
Then explain why prices went up because of the trade war
Prices have not gone up and Obama won't be on the 2020 ballot but the Prez who has presided over all of our winning the last 32 months will be and as if to insure his reelection the Democrat Socialist Party has gone fully Ogden's Nut Gone Flake:

WINNING?? WHO are our friends now ?? NK Russia?? Trump is a supreme AH Even Iran tells him to shove his war up his butt,,,,,Did our AH in the WH draw a red line yet?? just asking

Can’t wait for Trump to run on his foreign policy blunders

A Nuclear Iran and destabilized region
N Korea expanding their missile program and Nukes
Destabilization of NATO
Weakening of our global alliances
US airs no longer leader of the free world

LOL, you have it all wrong. are you a complete brain washed snail?

Iran has nukes because of the Obama deal and the billions he sent them
NK already had nukes thanks to clinton and bush. they have not tested a long range missile since Trump scared the shit out of Kim
NATO members are now paying their fair share, NATO is more stable than it has ever been
our alliances are strong because we are respected and trusted again
the strongest economy and the strongest military is still the leader of the free world

Respected??? Poppycock. Our allies no longer respect us with an asshole at our head ...We were attacked by Iran What did dump do?? More sanctions?? No red line for him Now he's looking for help AGAIN from a foreign country?? Wouldn't ANY reasonable person think trump is an asshole?

We were attacked by Iran? When did Saudi Arabia become Obama's 57th state?
E. All of the above.

Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?

You keep saying that and are reminded that Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris can all beat Trump

Why don’t you ask again, maybe you will stop getting the same answer
In your dreams knucklehead. None of the above stand a snowbalks chance in hell of even getting close to Trump.

Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?

You keep saying that and are reminded that Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris can all beat Trump

Why don’t you ask again, maybe you will stop getting the same answer
In your dreams knucklehead. None of the above stand a snowbalks chance in hell of even getting close to Trump.
Better start praying some one does because this scumbag traitor in our WH will lead to even a bigger downfall of what America stands for
If Democratic Party leaders aren’t re-watching last week’s debate in Houston, they should. If they have watched it and aren’t freaking out over what they see, it’s fair to ask whether they actually want Donald Trump to win a second term. That session was a debacle for the party and the field: Nearly three tortuous hours of tails wagging dogs, petty sniping, and a lack of vision all the Lasik surgery in the world couldn’t cure.

Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year | RealClearPolitics

I believe they are bearing the fruits of making sure no one could challenge the anointed Hillary, who they believed would be running for re-election right now.
What specific issues will cause Democrats to lose?

The environment?
Foreign policy?
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?

You keep saying that and are reminded that Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris can all beat Trump

Why don’t you ask again, maybe you will stop getting the same answer
In your dreams knucklehead. None of the above stand a snowbalks chance in hell of even getting close to Trump.
Better start praying some one does because this scumbag traitor in our WH will lead to even a bigger downfall of what America stands for

Well so far he's been saving us from demoscum assholes intent on destroying our nation so I'll stick with what's working and oh by the way, WINNING!

Trump will be unable to defend his record on any of them

He has mocked global warming
Caused millions to lose their health coverage
Weakened US alliances
Explain Betsy DeVos
You go right on ahead and keep your head parked up your ass and we'll talk about it come election day morning. That is after you're done screaming at the sky and pitching your fit.
Are you kidding me?? Only ones here with heads up their asses are republicans that can't see what this traitorous POS trump is doing to America
So Ed, who’s going to beat Trump? I’ve asked every Leftard, they all are terrified to answer. You going to be a leader and step forward?

You keep saying that and are reminded that Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris can all beat Trump

Why don’t you ask again, maybe you will stop getting the same answer
Oh!? Do tell!

Bernie ‘I heart communism’ Sanders: Socialism, higher taxes, gun grabbing, open borders, ISIS can vote in our elections as anyone in the world can including Putin, destroy the economy for the global warming myth but lives in mansions himself.

Joe ‘I like little girls’ Biden:
White collar crimes like Enron and Bernie Madoff shouldn’t be punished with jail, Obama won’t back him, open borders, gun grabbing, homosexuals are security risks, prison for those who oppose him, and claims ‘I’m not going nuts’, destroy the economy for the global warming myth but live in mansions himself.

Beto’burgler and DWI’ O’Rourke:
Grab guns, higher taxes, destroy the economy for the global warming myth but live in mansions himself, open borders.

Elizabeth ‘1/1024’ Warden:
Lied to steal jobs from other more qualified people, grab guns, higher taxes, destroy the economy for the global warming myth but live in mansions herself, open borders, reparations to blacks for being black.
All of them promise to provide stable leadership......something Trump is incapable of

America wants to move on from the Trump disaster

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