Just an unpleasant reminder to the left how we know what Jan 6th Jan 6th Jan 6th Jan 6th was all about.

Keep going. It's all hand wringing, fear mongering bullshit you magaturd propagandists sling on the daily. We get it. You're aggrieved. Core Americans still don't give a shit. :dunno:

So, what else ya got?

It's a center right country.
Core Americans see right through losers like you.
LOL. :auiqs.jpg: Why would you say that, magaturd?
Because of your response to proven facts, lil' snowflake.

In the midst of Biden's criminal TS/SCI scandal you still want to use J6 as a distractor when no one cares about J6 anymore, just like no one believes the Democrats' falae narrative that J6 was an 'Insurrection'.

Even Biden declared anyone who seriously wanted to.overthrow the govt would need F-15s, not AR-15s...and on J6 the protestors were UNARMED, were not there all together, had no plan, no leader. They were incited into violence and the Capitol police lured them in by opening the doors to let them in.

If the capitol Police believed it was an Insurrection to overthrow the govt do you REALLY believe the Capitol police would open the doors for them to enter, as they were shown on video doing?

If someone as stupid as Joe Biden can figure out to overthrow the govt you would need more firepower than just AR-15s, don't you think non-dementia-ravaged people would and then not just show up to attempt an insurrection UNARMED?

Do you idiots even think this stuff through before you say them?

I can't believe cognitively impaired, dementia-ravaged, dain branaged Joe Biden figured all this out and actually said the obvious out loud while you morons are still clinging to and spewing proven conspiracy theory bullshit.


We should know and fully understand that our country is finished. It was a long decades long descending circle initiated as far back as Woodrow Wilson if you really want to trace the root.

The fbi is nothing more than a gestapo type of authority which only exists to protect the globalist agenda and the globalist elites. Also, to persecute anyone that is a true and real threat to that globalist agenda which is run by the puppet regimes known as democrats and RINOS in America.

I am left of The Kennedys and reading this is not "disturbing" to me at all.

I think (maybe) you imagine yourself to be a wee bit more important than you actually are.

I know lunatic conspiracy theory when I see it and I scoff at it.
Spoof on it.

Nobody takes you people seriously.

That is why MAGAts all over the country got TROUNCED last November and it is why your lunatic candidates will NEVER win elections.
EVER again.

Your "movement" is now extinct twit.

Piss off!


You do know that Hillary Clinton was an election denier
You do know that Obama and his criminal administration knowingly attempted a failed coup
You do realize Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell and other Democrats attempted failed coup
Well, earnest poster easyt65....my avatar seemingly recalls that neither Clinton, or Obama, or Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell (?).......instigated, and provoked a mob to violently assault & taser uniformed officers who had sworn a solemn oath to protect the People's House and our elected representatives inside it.....not to mention members of a MAGAMob pooping in the public halls of that very same People's House.

So, yeah......those are just two of the distinctions I would draw that don't apply to the political leaders you reference.

On the other hand........


have the first fucking clue about any of that.

Ah, good poster 'Billiejeens'......you enter late to the dance, but with a potty-mouth?
Well, I'm not here to judge, but can imagine others may wish to.

Good luck with them, Billiejean. ;)
Well, earnest poster easyt65....my avatar seemingly recalls that neither Clinton, or Obama, or Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell (?).......instigated, and provoked a mob to violently assault & taser uniformed officers who had sworn a solemn oath to protect the People's House and our elected representatives inside it.....not to mention members of a MAGAMob pooping in the public halls of that very same People's House.

So, yeah......those are just two of the distinctions I would draw that don't apply to the political leaders you reference.

On the other hand........


Ah, good poster 'Billiejeens'......you enter late to the dance, but with a potty-mouth?
Well, I'm not here to judge, but can imagine others may wish to.

Good luck with them, Billiejean. ;)
:auiqs.jpg: :itsok:

"No one cares about J6"

Yet, here you are.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

I'm just here destroying your false narrative...oh, wait. I didn't do that.


The fbi is nothing more than a gestapo type of authority
Gestapo type authorities investigated crimes and prosecuted them in the court of law, by jury of peers?

You sure you didn't get dropped on your head right before writing this?
I read on this very forum, this very thread even.....and it seems so apt:
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
Yeah, it is as stupid now as it was last night.

Again, Biden destroyed the Left's J6 false narrative and J6 Kabuki theater. If you have a problem with it, go talk to him. He'll probably be in his locked garage with his classified documents.


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