Just an unpleasant reminder to the left how we know what Jan 6th Jan 6th Jan 6th Jan 6th was all about.

January 6 was about (a) decades of talk radio manipulation turning millions of Americans into mal-informed, paranoid conspiracy theorists and (b) one needy, shameless, broken man-child who was willing to leverage it to soothe his own feeble self esteem.

He said the elections were going to be rigged before they happened, with zero proof or evidence, just to make an excuse. He said that Cruz had rigged an election to beat him in a primary, just to make an excuse. He said the fucking EMMYS were rigged when he didn't win, just to make an excuse.

But, desperate for an earthly savior, these poor souls ignored all of that and swallowed everything he fed them. THAT was January 6.
Were there magnetometer at the Capitol that day? Did Trumpybears MAGAMOB ever get searched by the Capitol Police as the entered, or left the building?

It's really funny how you expect everyone to take you seriously when you use completely childish terms like Trumpybears MAGAMOB.

But you make it a lot of fun to hang out here.

Ask me why.

PS -- You missed an apostrophe, loser.

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It's really funny how you expect everyone to take you seriously when you use completely childish terms like Trumpybears MAGAMOB.

But you make it a lot of fun to hang out here.

Ask me why.

PS -- You missed an apostrophe, loser.

OMG I love the Trumpybearfans that flip out over the use of pet names for the man who takes such pride in fashsoning childish pet name.

I equally love the Grammar Fairies here too. Keep up the good work.
OMG I love the Trumpybearfans that flip out over the use of pet names for the man who takes such pride in fashsoning childish pet name.

I equally love the Grammar Fairies here too. Keep up the good work.
I expect nothing more from you.
OMG I love the Trumpybearfans that flip out over the use of pet names for the man who takes such pride in fashsoning childish pet name.

I equally love the Grammar Fairies here too. Keep up the good work.

Glad you're keeping your standards puerile.

Thanks for not disappointing us.

You didn't ask me why.


We should know and fully understand that our country is finished. It was a long decades long descending circle initiated as far back as Woodrow Wilson if you really want to trace the root.

The fbi is nothing more than a gestapo type of authority which only exists to protect the globalist agenda and the globalist elites. Also, to persecute anyone that is a true and real threat to that globalist agenda which is run by the puppet regimes known as democrats and RINOS in America.

You're parroting Trump again.
This article should be read out loud to MAGAtards...

This article should be read out loud to MAGAtards...


No your not in a crazy cult.
This article should be read out loud to MAGAtards...

Lots of mockery and joking there.

The writer doesn't get it. While he is (still) in mockery mode, there remain millions of people in this country who have been manipulated into thinking they are "saving" America from Satan, Hitler, tyranny, the commies, and/or some combination therein. Literally. Seriously. It's not going away. And they're armed. And they're righteous, if terribly misguided.

I'm usually one to think that words like "crisis" are hyperbolic, but yeah, I look at his whole period as a sociological crisis.

The writer looks at the what and makes a joke of it, but he's not looking at the why and the how. And that's the fucking problem.
Lots of mockery and joking there.

The writer doesn't get it. While he is (still) in mockery mode, there remain millions of people in this country who have been manipulated into thinking they are "saving" America from Satan, Hitler, tyranny, the commies, and/or some combination therein. Literally. Seriously. It's not going away. And they're armed. And they're righteous, if terribly misguided.

I'm usually one to think that words like "crisis" are hyperbolic, but yeah, I look at his whole period as a sociological crisis.

The writer looks at the what and makes a joke of it, but he's not looking at the why and the how. And that's the fucking problem.
The writer is whining. It fits.
Joe Biden just told 'the right' (and the world') that to overthrow the US Govt (Biden Administration) they would need F-15s, not AR-15s.

On J6 protestors at the Capitol didn't even have AR-15s. They were UNARMED.

What Biden did was destroy the Democrats' / Left's falae 'J6 insurrection' narrative.

What Biden declared was that there was no 'Insurrection' attempt in J6. Joe pointed out that there was no way unarmed protestors ever stood a chance against Capitol Police, DC Police, FBI Agents, ATF agents, and National Guard who could have been called in.

On J6 there was no plan to overthrow the US govt, no leader of an 'Insurrection', and no weapons. It was a protest that spontaneously turned violent, egged on by imbedded plain-clothes FBI Agents admittedly rinning 'Entrapment Scheme' Ops, and Capitol Police opening the door for protestors to enter the Capitol.

No AR-15s. No F-15s.
You accuse him of disliking the USA while asking why he doesn't like 2 wokester anti-American anthem kneelers like Colon Crapperdick & Brent Grindr... there's enough irony in there to forge a ship
Irony? All 3 of them are pointing out things that are bad about the USA. The only irony is that folks like you and the OP accept one but criticize the other two.

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