Just an unpleasant reminder to the left how we know what Jan 6th Jan 6th Jan 6th Jan 6th was all about.

"What Biden declared was that there was no 'Insurrection' attempt in J6."

Well, no.....he didn't say that at all.
There was an attempt at an insurrection, clearly visible to all.
And we know it was lead by Don Trump.

How do we know that, you ask?
Because it failed.
Well, no.....he didn't say that at all.
There was an attempt at an insurrection, clearly visible to all.
And we know it was lead by Don Trump.


Biden said it would take F-15s rather than AR-15s to overthrow the govt via Insurrection, but you idiots who defended Antifa and BLM looting, burning, destroying, bombing, and murderibg as a 'mostly peaceful protest'


are STILL trying to say UNARMED protestors incited to violence and lured into the Capitol was an attempt to overthrow the govt through 'Insurrection'.

laughing hilariously.jpg
January 6 was about (a) decades of talk radio manipulation turning millions of Americans into mal-informed, paranoid conspiracy theorists and (b) one needy, shameless, broken man-child who was willing to leverage it to soothe his own feeble self esteem.

He said the elections were going to be rigged before they happened, with zero proof or evidence, just to make an excuse. He said that Cruz had rigged an election to beat him in a primary, just to make an excuse. He said the fucking EMMYS were rigged when he didn't win, just to make an excuse.

But, desperate for an earthly savior, these poor souls ignored all of that and swallowed everything he fed them. THAT was January 6.
Special kind of stupid. ^^^
On J6 there was no plan to overthrow the US govt........ It was a protest that spontaneously turned violent,
Well, I guess the term 'spontaneous' can mean different things to different people.

For example, the domestic terrorist and MAGAMobster, Bigo Barnett. He seemingly thought spontaneous meant planning weeks in advance, and purchasing weeks in advance specific weaponry to use when he went to the Capitol.

At least that was what was said in court today. Here's this from UPI:


"WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- Richard "Bigo" Barnett is expected to testify to defend his actions in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, said Brad Guyer, one of his lawyers.

The Gravette, Ark., man, who was photographed with his feet on the desk of former-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., faces eight charges for his role in the riot, including possession of a dangerous weapon, theft of government property and disruption of an official proceeding.

The prosecution called more than 10 witnesses across six days.

Prosecutors contended that Barnett went to the Capitol "prepared for violence": From its opening statement to its last witness, the prosecution argued Barnett went to the Capitol on Jan. 6 to do more than just peacefully protest.

Barnett, 62, began to prepare for his trip to Washington weeks before he arrived on Jan. 5. He purchased a 950,000-volt stun gun, multiple radios and pepper spray from a Bass Pro Shops in Rogers, Ark., on Dec. 31, 2020, according to evidence presented by the prosecution.

Surveillance footage from the Hyatt House in Washington, D.C., captures Barnett showing off his ZAP Hike n' Strike at the hotel bar on the eve of the attack.

The video shows Barnett activating his stun device in front of a crowd, which prompted management to close the bar early, according to hotel employee Zachary Wendel.

In court Tuesday, FBI Special Agent Kimberly Allen demonstrated use of the electric shock feature of the Hike n' Strike for the jury. She activated the device for five seconds. One juror was seen covering her mouth. Another reacted to the loud noise by putting her hands over her ears.

Barnett's activity on social media continued into the early morning hours on Jan. 6. Just after midnight, he wrote, "We aren't here to play. We own this. This is ours."

He also posted a video that morning in which he said, "I'd like to see some Proud Boys out here," according to evidence presented by the prosecution.

In a Dec. 28, 2020, post, Barnett revealed that he reserved a "bug out" room to "crash in safety" on the evening of Jan. 6 before the 18-hour drive back to Arkansas.

But Barnett never checked-into that hotel on Jan. 6. Instead, he drove home that night, turning off his location services, paying with cash and covering his face along the way, according to testimony by FBI Special Agent Jonathan Willett.

Barnet's time at the Capitol included a tense exchange with an officer: Police body camera footage captured Barnett shouting profanity and threatening Metropolitan Police officer Terrence Craig inside the Capitol Rotunda.

Shortly after Barnett posed for the photo in Pelosi's office and took an envelope off an aide's desk, he is seen pleading with Craig to retrieve his flag, which he said he left in the office.

"Be a patriot and get my flag," said Barnett, who was gifted the flag from a state senator. "I'll die for my flag. Get my [expletive] flag."

Craig, who was holding back protesters, refused.

"I'm gonna make it real bad if you don't get my flag. I'm gonna call 'em in," said Barnett, while motioning for more protesters to join him at the front of the line.

Craig said he considered Barnett's actions a "threat to do bodily harm."

Just before Barnett turned himself in Jan. 8, he engaged in a nearly two-hour interview with FBI agents in Arkansas. Video from the interview presented by the prosecution shows Barnett discussing everything from his march to the Capitol on Jan. 6 to his belief that Joe Biden didn't win the 2020 election....."He said, 'I really don't regret it. I would do it again.'" Willett said.

A second search warrant was executed Jan. 11 after the FBI learned Barnett carried a stun gun to the Capitol, according to the testimony from the FBI agent coordinating the search.

While the FBI found the stun gun packaging, it never found the weapon or Barnett's phone at his residence, according to Special Agent Loel Skoch."


We should know and fully understand that our country is finished. It was a long decades long descending circle initiated as far back as Woodrow Wilson if you really want to trace the root.

The fbi is nothing more than a gestapo type of authority which only exists to protect the globalist agenda and the globalist elites. Also, to persecute anyone that is a true and real threat to that globalist agenda which is run by the puppet regimes known as democrats and RINOS in America.

Nah. You just believe in stupid magaturd stuff.

Bigo Barnett would likely like your sympathy, poser easyt65.
Raise your hand if you think Bigo was there to "spontaneously" do violence?
Are you a fan of Bigo?
If so, why do you like him so?
Or do you think that Bigo was one of those FBI undercover instigators?
Or maybe you think Bigo is ANTIFA?

Just what do you think of Bigo, earnest poster easyt65?
Is he a good American citizen?

Bigo Barnett would likely like your sympathy, poser easyt65.
Raise your hand if you think Bigo was there to "spontaneously" do violence?
Are you a fan of Bigo?
If so, why do you like him so?
Or do you think that Bigo was one of those FBI undercover instigators?
Or maybe you think Bigo is ANTIFA?

Just what do you think of Bigo, earnest poster easyt65?
Is he a good American citizen?
Compared to what?
So, poster easyt are you saying then....that Bigo is an ideal American? A citizen you can admire and would emulate?
To be undiplomatically blunt.....do you really admire an insurrectionist who ---along with others --- attempted to stop the process of a fair and open election of our chief executive?
I didn't say that

I know, I know.
Poster easyt, my avatar merely asked if you admired someone like Bigo Barnett and his efforts to sabotage our American election.
That's what I asked.
And you refused to deny that you didn't admire him.

That's on you, amigo. Not on my poor avatar.
To be undiplomatically blunt.....do you really admire an insurrectionist who ---along with others --- attempted to stop the process of a fair and open election of our chief executive?

You do know that the J6 Committee was led by an election denier that wanted to 'stop the process of a fair and open election of a chief executive' and that other members of that Committee were also, right?

You do know that Hillary Clinton was an election denier who initiated the largest political criminal scandal in US history in an attempt to steal an election, right?

You do know that Obama and his criminal administration knowingly attempted a failed coup based on Hillary's proven false 'Russian Collusion' lie, right?

You do realize Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell and other Democrats attempted failed coup Impeachments based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses and even manufactured false evidence in an attempt to overthrow a democratically elected government by illegally attempting to remove a democratically elected President from office, right?

So...comparatively to these traitorous shit bags, is he a 'good citizen'?

I think he might fit right in with them.
You do know that the J6 Committee was led by an election denier that wanted to 'stop the process of a fair and open election of a chief executive' and that other members of that Committee were also, right?

You do know that Hillary Clinton was an election denier who initiated the largest political criminal scandal in US history in an attempt to steal an election, right?

You do know that Obama and his criminal administration knowingly attempted a failed coup based on Hillary's proven false 'Russian Collusion' lie, right?

You do realize Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell and other Democrats attempted failed coup Impeachments based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses and even manufactured false evidence in an attempt to overthrow a democratically elected government by illegally attempting to remove a democratically elected President from office, right?

So...comparatively to these traitorous shit bags, is he a 'good citizen'?

I think he might fit right in with them.

Good poster Chillicothe doesnt have the first fucking clue about any of that.

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