Just another reason to hate the Seahawks

If LA Ram believed everything he saw on a video he wouldn't be a Lambs fan.

coming from a stupid blind sheep who was so POSITIVE The Rams would NEVER come back to LA and always does this-:scared1:when I bring that up,I am so worried over this post.

wish I could find that cartoon again with me in a rams jersey and you in that raiders jersey where i am saying to you-you mad bro,and you are crying cause I proved you wrong and the truth hurts you so bad that i proved you wrong.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha:

Its a pic of a guy in a Raiders jersey crying because he was wrong about the raiders going back to LA but it is really YOU wearing a seahawk jersey crying in defeat with me laughing at you:biggrin:

wish I could find that pic again.hee hee.

F**K! You cry so much I fear my screen will start leaking onto the keyboard.
So when the ENTIRE team embarrasses itself in protest what will you say? You didn't see it?

Maybe. It has been noted that I only see what I choose to see...especially about the Seahawks. That is what it is to be a "fan".... taken from the word "fanatic". How many fans have driven 200 miles just to watch a team practice? Not many..a handful actually. Only parents with kids ..Adults? Just me and my fellow fan Jay Craig. I'm not a typical fan. Does that mean I have some special knowledge about the team? No. A special passion? Most definitely.

I worked with a guy that drove from Bellingham to Cheney and was there for the training camp. I knew several guys that drove to the Raiders training camp in Santa Rosa. If I had my choice I'd rather go to Santa Rosa. Cheney is pretty bland.
Lived in Spokane and went to Cheney a lot. A girl friend in High school lived outside Cheney as well.
If LA Ram believed everything he saw on a video he wouldn't be a Lambs fan.

coming from a stupid blind sheep who was so POSITIVE The Rams would NEVER come back to LA and always does this-:scared1:when I bring that up,I am so worried over this post.

wish I could find that cartoon again with me in a rams jersey and you in that raiders jersey where i am saying to you-you mad bro,and you are crying cause I proved you wrong and the truth hurts you so bad that i proved you wrong.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha:

Its a pic of a guy in a Raiders jersey crying because he was wrong about the raiders going back to LA but it is really YOU wearing a seahawk jersey crying in defeat with me laughing at you:biggrin:

wish I could find that pic again.hee hee.

F**K! You cry so much I fear my screen will start leaking onto the keyboard.
So when the ENTIRE team embarrasses itself in protest what will you say? You didn't see it?

Maybe. It has been noted that I only see what I choose to see...especially about the Seahawks. That is what it is to be a "fan".... taken from the word "fanatic". How many fans have driven 200 miles just to watch a team practice? Not many..a handful actually. Only parents with kids ..Adults? Just me and my fellow fan Jay Craig. I'm not a typical fan. Does that mean I have some special knowledge about the team? No. A special passion? Most definitely.

I worked with a guy that drove from Bellingham to Cheney and was there for the training camp. I knew several guys that drove to the Raiders training camp in Santa Rosa. If I had my choice I'd rather go to Santa Rosa. Cheney is pretty bland.

I might have been wrong about me and Jay being the only adults without kids that made the trip ...but there were few. Also the weekend I went over could have been an anomaly in the attendants. I doubt anybody went for the whole training camp. You are correct that Cheney is "bland". I think THAT was the point why Holmgren kept that destination alive. They moved the team back into Kirkland in the next few seasons then on to the shore of Lake Washington in Kirkland THEN to their present location in North Renton still on the shore of Lake Washington.

The Nordstroms tried to house and train the Hawks on the CHEAP then that snake Ken Behring who tried to take the team to California went SUPER CHEAP before Allen purchased the team and went FIRST CLASS.

NOW you can see most of the training if you are lucky enough to buy a ticket and pass a background check. The 3000 X 20 days training tickets went on sale and sold out in 15 minutes. Winning the Super Bowl RUINED it for some of us that supported the team when nobody else except your friend and a handful of others did.

I remember watching the team train in the Bible College in Kirkland and there was nobody there except me and a handful of players wives/girlfriends and their kids.

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