Just As Much A Failure As His Eponymous Plan

Was Gruber one of the authors of Obamacare?
Did Gruber admit the passage of Obamacare was due to lying about it, and the stupidity of Democrat voters?

He said voters in general, not democratic voters... but never mind.

Did Obama try to lie his way out of the revelation by lying about Gruber?

i'm sure he didn't know who Gruber was before this went down... and barely knows him now.

Hey, when were you going to get around to actually having that rational discussion.

do you think that health care should be a consumer commodity for those who can afford it?

Seriously....It must amaze you, the regularity with which I ram your lying words back down your throat.

Simply the result of truth, knowledge, and rectitude.

Sometimes I even amaze myself.
GRUBER: This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies, okay? So it's written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in... If you made it explicit the healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed, okay? Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of American voter or whatever. But basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.

Yawn, are you still taking this out of context and pretending it means anything?

You wingnuts had no problem with this idea when it was called "RomneyCare". Romney did the same thing, with Gruber advising him, and the right wing thought it was just fine.

And then the Black Guy Did It.

Now you guys are whining about how awful your own plan is.

Was Gruber one of the authors of Obamacare?
Did Gruber admit the passage of Obamacare was due to lying about it, and the stupidity of Democrat voters?
Did Obama try to lie his way out of the revelation by lying about Gruber?

Yes to all the above.

Case closed.

Two things remain closed:
1. The post in which I wrote 'case closed.'


2. Your mind.
Now....continuing to give those last two dunces their due....

......let's remember that the "stupidity" is aimed directly at those who voted for the lying windbag in the White House.
That's right!
The folks who presented ObamaCare did so fully recognizing how stupid their supporters are!

Not at those of us who correctly identified what a mistake voting Democrat is!

For edification, these terms are the Antonyms for stupid
GRUBER: This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies, okay? So it's written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in... If you made it explicit the healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed, okay? Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of American voter or whatever. But basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.

Yawn, are you still taking this out of context and pretending it means anything?

You wingnuts had no problem with this idea when it was called "RomneyCare". Romney did the same thing, with Gruber advising him, and the right wing thought it was just fine.

And then the Black Guy Did It.

Now you guys are whining about how awful your own plan is.

Was Gruber one of the authors of Obamacare?
Did Gruber admit the passage of Obamacare was due to lying about it, and the stupidity of Democrat voters?
Did Obama try to lie his way out of the revelation by lying about Gruber?

Yes to all the above.

Case closed.

Two things remain closed:
1. The post in which I wrote 'case closed.'


2. Your mind.

You have no power to close anything except your big mouth but you aren't wise enough to do it. BTW, just for the record..YOU DO KNOW that Obamacare passed because of a Republican Don't you? Was the mind of Justice Roberts closed when he saved the PPACA?
GRUBER: This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies, okay? So it's written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in... If you made it explicit the healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed, okay? Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of American voter or whatever. But basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.

Yawn, are you still taking this out of context and pretending it means anything?

You wingnuts had no problem with this idea when it was called "RomneyCare". Romney did the same thing, with Gruber advising him, and the right wing thought it was just fine.

And then the Black Guy Did It.

Now you guys are whining about how awful your own plan is.

Was Gruber one of the authors of Obamacare?
Did Gruber admit the passage of Obamacare was due to lying about it, and the stupidity of Democrat voters?
Did Obama try to lie his way out of the revelation by lying about Gruber?

Yes to all the above.

Case closed.

Two things remain closed:
1. The post in which I wrote 'case closed.'


2. Your mind.

You have no power to close anything except your big mouth but you aren't wise enough to do it. BTW, just for the record..YOU DO KNOW that Obamacare passed because of a Republican Don't you? Was the mind of Justice Roberts closed when he saved the PPACA?

"YOU DO KNOW that Obamacare passed because of a Republican Don't you?"


Not a single Republican legislator voted for the scam.
Yawn, are you still taking this out of context and pretending it means anything?

You wingnuts had no problem with this idea when it was called "RomneyCare". Romney did the same thing, with Gruber advising him, and the right wing thought it was just fine.

And then the Black Guy Did It.

Now you guys are whining about how awful your own plan is.

Was Gruber one of the authors of Obamacare?
Did Gruber admit the passage of Obamacare was due to lying about it, and the stupidity of Democrat voters?
Did Obama try to lie his way out of the revelation by lying about Gruber?

Yes to all the above.

Case closed.

Two things remain closed:
1. The post in which I wrote 'case closed.'


2. Your mind.

You have no power to close anything except your big mouth but you aren't wise enough to do it. BTW, just for the record..YOU DO KNOW that Obamacare passed because of a Republican Don't you? Was the mind of Justice Roberts closed when he saved the PPACA?

"YOU DO KNOW that Obamacare passed because of a Republican Don't you?"


Not a single Republican legislator voted for the scam.
I am talking about about the Supreme Court decision where Republic Justice Roberts saved the PPACA.. To me it passed to victory in the Supreme court. Don't get hung up on trivial semantics associated with the word "passed." I hope you aren't THAT desperate but I can understand your frustration…. you are reduced to grabbing for straws in the drowning pool.
Was Gruber one of the authors of Obamacare?
Did Gruber admit the passage of Obamacare was due to lying about it, and the stupidity of Democrat voters?
Did Obama try to lie his way out of the revelation by lying about Gruber?

Yes to all the above.

Case closed.

Two things remain closed:
1. The post in which I wrote 'case closed.'


2. Your mind.

You have no power to close anything except your big mouth but you aren't wise enough to do it. BTW, just for the record..YOU DO KNOW that Obamacare passed because of a Republican Don't you? Was the mind of Justice Roberts closed when he saved the PPACA?

"YOU DO KNOW that Obamacare passed because of a Republican Don't you?"


Not a single Republican legislator voted for the scam.
I am talking about about the Supreme Court decision where Republic Justice Roberts saved the PPACA.. To me it passed to victory in the Supreme court. Don't get hung up on trivial semantics associated with the word "passed." I hope you aren't THAT desperate but I can understand your frustration…. you are reduced to grabbing for straws in the drowning pool.

You moron....the Supreme Court doesn't "pass" laws.

English is my second language.

Clearly you nave no first language.
Nice meme.....the term "junk plan" was never utilized until Obama got caught in his lie about keeping insurance.

I had an inexpensive plan for one of my children. It was almost as good as the current Bronze plan but 5X less.

The "own little world" that someone is living in is the one where you people totally ignore the high degree of satisfaction most people had with their insurance.

You are right. You guys only became "satisfied' with your insurance when the black guy threatened to change things.

You can back that up ?

The black guy is a moron.....

Insurance was an issue long before we were saddled with his name.



You have data that shows how unhappy people were....right ?

Please don't confuse that with the number who new a change was needed. I have (and always have had) great insurance. Even in the early 1990's, I knew we needed some changes because people could not get at insurance.

I never thought we'd make the problem worse.
But that's the point, it shouldn't be 17%. Take out your Nine figure salaries for Insurance CEO's and your fat dividend payment to stockholders and your seven figure doctor salaries, and guess the fuck what, it doesn't cost 17% of GDP.

The rest of the world has figured this out.

Come in, stupid.

Hey, stupid...you there (and awake).

I have been saying this for as long as I've been on this board.

Unlike you, I identify the problem before I state a solution.

Please provide a breakdown of how much of each things you whine about.
this is concluding paragraph.

Read the rest to see what a mess we've got (in just one are area).

You guys have been predicting this for seven years now. No one believes you anymore.

Who is "you guys".

I know you are an arrogant left winger.....you post like you actually know something...but don't.
But that's the point, it shouldn't be 17%. Take out your Nine figure salaries for Insurance CEO's and your fat dividend payment to stockholders and your seven figure doctor salaries, and guess the fuck what, it doesn't cost 17% of GDP.

The rest of the world has figured this out.


I raised the point.......

And have been for years.

Please show me how your solution is a solution.

17% is in the trillions......Good luck with your witch hunt of the rich. It might come down to 17.96%.

BTW: Seven figure salaries......None of these averages hits 300K.

Physician Salaries - Average Physician Salary | PayScale
You can back that up ?

The black guy is a moron.....

Insurance was an issue long before we were saddled with his name.



You have data that shows how unhappy people were....right ?

Yes, and I'm not posting it again.

Please don't confuse that with the number who new a change was needed. I have (and always have had) great insurance. Even in the early 1990's, I knew we needed some changes because people could not get at insurance.

I never thought we'd make the problem worse.

We haven't, stupid. We just kept stupid people like from being conned by big insurance.

You can thank us later.

Come in, stupid.

Hey, stupid...you there (and awake).

I have been saying this for as long as I've been on this board.

Unlike you, I identify the problem before I state a solution.

Please provide a breakdown of how much of each things you whine about.

I posted a graph that showed that most countries spend less than 10% of the GDP on health care.

These countries have longer life expediencies, lower infant mortality rates, and people being bankrupted by medical issues is not a common thing like it is here.

Now we HAD a solution. Single Payer like everyone else has. The insurance companies and doctors won't like it, but everyone else will.

we gave you Republican fuckheads a "private sector" solution, and then you sit their like stupid battered housewife conservatives wondering why big corporations fuck you over again.

It's like the tale about the scorpion. "It's in my nature."

I raised the point.......

And have been for years.

Please show me how your solution is a solution.

17% is in the trillions......Good luck with your witch hunt of the rich. It might come down to 17.96%.

BTW: Seven figure salaries......None of these averages hits 300K.

Sweetie, I don't live on this board like you do. I work two jobs just to get by (and because I'm still saddled by debt thanks to a combination of my medical issues from the Mid Oughts and how badly your boy Bush fucked up the economy.)

A doctor making 300K is too much. We don't need to pay a Nine Figure Salary to guys like Ed Hanaway, (president of Cigna) who deny people liver transplants and save the company money.

Their greed is what isn't sustainable. We could easily get the cost down to 8% of GDP.

I raised the point.......

And have been for years.

Please show me how your solution is a solution.

17% is in the trillions......Good luck with your witch hunt of the rich. It might come down to 17.96%.

BTW: Seven figure salaries......None of these averages hits 300K.

Sweetie, I don't live on this board like you do. I work two jobs just to get by (and because I'm still saddled by debt thanks to a combination of my medical issues from the Mid Oughts and how badly your boy Bush fucked up the economy.)

A doctor making 300K is too much. We don't need to pay a Nine Figure Salary to guys like Ed Hanaway, (president of Cigna) who deny people liver transplants and save the company money.

Their greed is what isn't sustainable. We could easily get the cost down to 8% of GDP.

We don't "need". All speculation.

By all means...start your own system.

Only, I'd like to avoid destroying the perfectly good system we had before in the process.

You said seven figures for doctors....they are not close.

Thanks for playing.

Who are you to say how much a doctor should make ? Typical left wing arrogant asshole.
I've posted it dozens of times... The reason I don't post is that Ipost, and you guys pretend you didn't see it. It's a waste of my time.

Then, it can only be assumed you don't have it.

I do the same thing for other people on this board.

Just like you, I don't live here.

But you've got 74,000 messages that prove that.
We don't "need". All speculation.

By all means...start your own system.

Only, I'd like to avoid destroying the perfectly good system we had before in the process.

We didn't have a perfectly good system. We had a fucked up system that cost too much and provided shitty coverage for most of us.

The system worked fine for most of us.

Obamacare touches a small percentage of people....most of the rest of us are doing fine.

I really am sorry you got screwed.

My insurance has always been great.....great value....great coverage.....great service.

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