Just curious - who on here lives in a "mandatory face coverings required in public" county?

And if you are - are you complying?

The entire state of Pennsylvania has been declared as such by the Governor and the Commonwealth's first She-Male. And the answer is no.

The police don't give a shit about that, particularly if you are an old-timer like myself. But even young black kids are unlikely to get beat down for this. The cops know they don't have a leg to stand on, at least not out here in the civilized parts of the state like in Mercer County.

James Carville once observed that PA is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, separated by Civilization.
The entire state of Texas is required to wear masks in public except for a few counties who hav less than 20 cases who are allowed to apply for an exemption. I don't think any counties have applied yet. There are also exemptions for any who might have a medical reason to not wear one. I suppose old folks who already have to have an oxygen tank might have a problem wearing a mask. Most that I have seen are following the rule. Abbot finally realized that following Trump's lead caused lots of Texans to die when they didn't need to.
And if you are - are you complying?
Possibly 30%-40% of people are. The order is "if you are somewhere difficult to maintain 6 foot distance." The most masks are at the grocery store. And unmasked people are not anywhere near as careful about maintaining distance as they were in April.
Here is a more complete list of Texas exemptions from wearing a mask in public.

Exceptions to the order
  • Children under the age of 10
  • Any person with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering
  • Any person consuming food or drink or is seated at a restaurant to eat or drink
  • Any person that is exercising or engaging in physical activities outdoors and is maintaining safe social distancing from people who are not part of their household
  • Any person who is driving alone or with passengers who are in the same household as the driver
  • Any person obtaining a service that requires temporary removal of the covering during security surveillance, screening or need for specific access to the face (like while visiting a bank or obtaining personal care involving the face).
  • Any person in a pool, lake or similar body of water
  • Any person who is voting, assisting a voter, serving as a poll watcher or actively administering an election (but wearing a mask is strongly encouraged)
  • Any person who is actively providing access to religious worship (but wearing a mask is strongly encouraged)
  • Any person while the person is giving a speech for broadcast or to an audience
  • Any person who meets the criteria laid out by the Texas Division of Emergency Management regarding minimal cases of COVID-19 and whose county judge has opted out of the face-covering requirement (but wearing a mask is strongly encouraged)
Yes, my county requires masks when distancing isn't possible. Yes, I wear one when I'm out around people.

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