Just curious - who on here lives in a "mandatory face coverings required in public" county?

Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I don't think that's correct but whatever....

I approached no one and asked for no special accommodations, I only wanted to shop as I have for my entire life...... without my face covered like some wahhabi female.

You guys should give some thought to why this experiment in mass propaganda and behavioral modification is being conducted on you; did you guys consent to being Guinea pigs?
Because I didn't.

Ya'll think about it.
How do you think this disease has been spreading? Take me through the steps of how people are catching it
Same way every other one does.

Now you tell me, specifically, how am I spreading this?
Especially since I have zero symptoms, don't cough on anyone, don't sneeze, and keep my distance, exactly how am I spreading anything to anyone?
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I don't think that's correct but whatever....

I approached no one and asked for no special accommodations, I only wanted to shop as I have for my entire life...... without my face covered like some wahhabi female.

You guys should give some thought to why this experiment in mass propaganda and behavioral modification is being conducted on you; did you guys consent to being Guinea pigs?
Because I didn't.

Ya'll think about it.
What I laid out is correct. Notice in your reply you only comment about YOU and what YOU wanted to do. See that’s your ego talking. I’m giving you the perspective of others that are effected by your actions and you don’t seem to care or want to be aware of it.
Of course my priority is me, rather than some strangers, why the hell wouldn't it be?

Wtf is wrong with you?
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I have two friends ive recently spoken to, ones a bartender and The other a hair stylist. They’ve both been brought to tears because of people giving them a hard time about masks at work. These ladies are just trying to make rent and one lives with her elderly mother and is terrified of getting sick and bringing it home. These are the people your fucking with because your pansy ass can’t put a piece of cloth over you mouth while your in their place of business. Yes, you are a total asshole.
And I wrestle fucktards almost every night in a facility full of infected people; you don't hear me whining about it.
If I decide the risk isn't worth the pay, I'll quit.... that's my call.

I didn't create this virus, I'm not spreading this virus, I didn't tell everyone to hide at home, and I didn't nuke the economy.
This shit ain't on me, and while I understand the desire to lash out at innocent people (childish btw) ya'll need to remember that some of us will defend ourselves.
And you will not like it when your bullying gets addressed.
Hey, I’m just telling you how douchey your little snowflake games are and who they effect. Not that you give a shit. It’s all about YOU I guess
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I don't think that's correct but whatever....

I approached no one and asked for no special accommodations, I only wanted to shop as I have for my entire life...... without my face covered like some wahhabi female.

You guys should give some thought to why this experiment in mass propaganda and behavioral modification is being conducted on you; did you guys consent to being Guinea pigs?
Because I didn't.

Ya'll think about it.
How do you think this disease has been spreading? Take me through the steps of how people are catching it
Same way every other one does.

Now you tell me, specifically, how am I spreading this?
Especially since I have zero symptoms, don't cough on anyone, don't sneeze, and keep my distance, exactly how am I spreading anything to anyone?
I’m not saying your spreading this. I’m saying your being an ass and supporting habits that do spread it. If you catch it at work and are asymptomatic and keep up you tough guy routine. Then you will spread it. You didn’t answer my question. How is it spread? Do you even know?
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I have two friends ive recently spoken to, ones a bartender and The other a hair stylist. They’ve both been brought to tears because of people giving them a hard time about masks at work. These ladies are just trying to make rent and one lives with her elderly mother and is terrified of getting sick and bringing it home. These are the people your fucking with because your pansy ass can’t put a piece of cloth over you mouth while your in their place of business. Yes, you are a total asshole.
And I wrestle fucktards almost every night in a facility full of infected people; you don't hear me whining about it.
If I decide the risk isn't worth the pay, I'll quit.... that's my call.

I didn't create this virus, I'm not spreading this virus, I didn't tell everyone to hide at home, and I didn't nuke the economy.
This shit ain't on me, and while I understand the desire to lash out at innocent people (childish btw) ya'll need to remember that some of us will defend ourselves.
And you will not like it when your bullying gets addressed.
Hey, I’m just telling you how douchey your little snowflake games are and who they effect. Not that you give a shit. It’s all about YOU I guess
So you're getting pissy because you are not as important to me, as I myself, am?

What a fucking prima donna YOU are..... damn, guy. (smh)
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I don't think that's correct but whatever....

I approached no one and asked for no special accommodations, I only wanted to shop as I have for my entire life...... without my face covered like some wahhabi female.

You guys should give some thought to why this experiment in mass propaganda and behavioral modification is being conducted on you; did you guys consent to being Guinea pigs?
Because I didn't.

Ya'll think about it.
What I laid out is correct. Notice in your reply you only comment about YOU and what YOU wanted to do. See that’s your ego talking. I’m giving you the perspective of others that are effected by your actions and you don’t seem to care or want to be aware of it.
Of course my priority is me, rather than some strangers, why the hell wouldn't it be?

Wtf is wrong with you?
When did I say “priority”? You need to make things up to try and win a debate?! That’s pretty weak!
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I don't think that's correct but whatever....

I approached no one and asked for no special accommodations, I only wanted to shop as I have for my entire life...... without my face covered like some wahhabi female.

You guys should give some thought to why this experiment in mass propaganda and behavioral modification is being conducted on you; did you guys consent to being Guinea pigs?
Because I didn't.

Ya'll think about it.
How do you think this disease has been spreading? Take me through the steps of how people are catching it
Same way every other one does.

Now you tell me, specifically, how am I spreading this?
Especially since I have zero symptoms, don't cough on anyone, don't sneeze, and keep my distance, exactly how am I spreading anything to anyone?
I’m not saying your spreading this. I’m saying your being an ass and supporting habits that do spread it. If you catch it at work and are asymptomatic and keep up you tough guy routine. Then you will spread it. You didn’t answer my question. How is it spread? Do you even know?
Yeah you are, don't try to weasel out now..... you were trying to bully and shame me into compliance.
YOU are the one acting like a douche here, and you damn well know it. You're just disappointed that it isn't working.

No, YOU tell ME; is this virus any more contagious than any other flu strain?
Not, is it more severe, is it more contagious?
Is it any easier to transmit than any other?

Do you even know?
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I don't think that's correct but whatever....

I approached no one and asked for no special accommodations, I only wanted to shop as I have for my entire life...... without my face covered like some wahhabi female.

You guys should give some thought to why this experiment in mass propaganda and behavioral modification is being conducted on you; did you guys consent to being Guinea pigs?
Because I didn't.

Ya'll think about it.
What I laid out is correct. Notice in your reply you only comment about YOU and what YOU wanted to do. See that’s your ego talking. I’m giving you the perspective of others that are effected by your actions and you don’t seem to care or want to be aware of it.
Of course my priority is me, rather than some strangers, why the hell wouldn't it be?

Wtf is wrong with you?
When did I say “priority”? You need to make things up to try and win a debate?! That’s pretty weak!
If that's not what you are saying, then clean the shit out of your mouth and clarify, please.
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I have two friends ive recently spoken to, ones a bartender and The other a hair stylist. They’ve both been brought to tears because of people giving them a hard time about masks at work. These ladies are just trying to make rent and one lives with her elderly mother and is terrified of getting sick and bringing it home. These are the people your fucking with because your pansy ass can’t put a piece of cloth over you mouth while your in their place of business. Yes, you are a total asshole.
And I wrestle fucktards almost every night in a facility full of infected people; you don't hear me whining about it.
If I decide the risk isn't worth the pay, I'll quit.... that's my call.

I didn't create this virus, I'm not spreading this virus, I didn't tell everyone to hide at home, and I didn't nuke the economy.
This shit ain't on me, and while I understand the desire to lash out at innocent people (childish btw) ya'll need to remember that some of us will defend ourselves.
And you will not like it when your bullying gets addressed.
Hey, I’m just telling you how douchey your little snowflake games are and who they effect. Not that you give a shit. It’s all about YOU I guess
So you're getting pissy because you are not as important to me, as I myself, am?

What a fucking prima donna YOU are..... damn, guy. (smh)
No dumbass, I’m pointing out that you don’t give a shIt about anybody other than yourself. You not wearing a mask when in public is you protecting yourself it’s you putting your BS political agenda o we the concerns of those around you. And from your work conditions It sounds like you have a high risk due to exposure. So you very well could catch it and then go spread it. The fact that you do see that or seem to care is really fucked up
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I don't think that's correct but whatever....

I approached no one and asked for no special accommodations, I only wanted to shop as I have for my entire life...... without my face covered like some wahhabi female.

You guys should give some thought to why this experiment in mass propaganda and behavioral modification is being conducted on you; did you guys consent to being Guinea pigs?
Because I didn't.

Ya'll think about it.
How do you think this disease has been spreading? Take me through the steps of how people are catching it
Same way every other one does.

Now you tell me, specifically, how am I spreading this?
Especially since I have zero symptoms, don't cough on anyone, don't sneeze, and keep my distance, exactly how am I spreading anything to anyone?
I’m not saying your spreading this. I’m saying your being an ass and supporting habits that do spread it. If you catch it at work and are asymptomatic and keep up you tough guy routine. Then you will spread it. You didn’t answer my question. How is it spread? Do you even know?
Yeah you are, don't try to weasel out now..... you were trying to bully and shame me into compliance.
YOU are the one acting like a douche here, and you damn well know it. You're just disappointed that it isn't working.

No, YOU tell ME; is this virus any more contagious than any other flu strain?
Not, is it more severe, is it more contagious?
Is it any easier to transmit than any other?

Do you even know?
Bully and shame you into complience?! Hahaha are you shitting me? You really think I expect some dipshit from a message board to fold to me? Get real dude.
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I don't think that's correct but whatever....

I approached no one and asked for no special accommodations, I only wanted to shop as I have for my entire life...... without my face covered like some wahhabi female.

You guys should give some thought to why this experiment in mass propaganda and behavioral modification is being conducted on you; did you guys consent to being Guinea pigs?
Because I didn't.

Ya'll think about it.
How do you think this disease has been spreading? Take me through the steps of how people are catching it
Same way every other one does.

Now you tell me, specifically, how am I spreading this?
Especially since I have zero symptoms, don't cough on anyone, don't sneeze, and keep my distance, exactly how am I spreading anything to anyone?
I’m not saying your spreading this. I’m saying your being an ass and supporting habits that do spread it. If you catch it at work and are asymptomatic and keep up you tough guy routine. Then you will spread it. You didn’t answer my question. How is it spread? Do you even know?
Yeah you are, don't try to weasel out now..... you were trying to bully and shame me into compliance.
YOU are the one acting like a douche here, and you damn well know it. You're just disappointed that it isn't working.

No, YOU tell ME; is this virus any more contagious than any other flu strain?
Not, is it more severe, is it more contagious?
Is it any easier to transmit than any other?

Do you even know?
Why in the hell would I answer your questions when I’ve ignored mine twice?! Get real dude. If you want to have a real talk then do so in good faith
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I have two friends ive recently spoken to, ones a bartender and The other a hair stylist. They’ve both been brought to tears because of people giving them a hard time about masks at work. These ladies are just trying to make rent and one lives with her elderly mother and is terrified of getting sick and bringing it home. These are the people your fucking with because your pansy ass can’t put a piece of cloth over you mouth while your in their place of business. Yes, you are a total asshole.
And I wrestle fucktards almost every night in a facility full of infected people; you don't hear me whining about it.
If I decide the risk isn't worth the pay, I'll quit.... that's my call.

I didn't create this virus, I'm not spreading this virus, I didn't tell everyone to hide at home, and I didn't nuke the economy.
This shit ain't on me, and while I understand the desire to lash out at innocent people (childish btw) ya'll need to remember that some of us will defend ourselves.
And you will not like it when your bullying gets addressed.
Hey, I’m just telling you how douchey your little snowflake games are and who they effect. Not that you give a shit. It’s all about YOU I guess
So you're getting pissy because you are not as important to me, as I myself, am?

What a fucking prima donna YOU are..... damn, guy. (smh)
No dumbass, I’m pointing out that you don’t give a shIt about anybody other than yourself. You not wearing a mask when in public is you protecting yourself it’s you putting your BS political agenda o we the concerns of those around you. And from your work conditions It sounds like you have a high risk due to exposure. So you very well could catch it and then go spread it. The fact that you do see that or seem to care is really fucked up
No, you're angry that I refuse to cosign your bullshit.

If you're scared of me having it, all you have to do is keep back.... but instead you feel entitled to dictate what I wear in public. That's not about fear of transmission, that's just bullying.

Fuck you, and fuck that.
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I don't think that's correct but whatever....

I approached no one and asked for no special accommodations, I only wanted to shop as I have for my entire life...... without my face covered like some wahhabi female.

You guys should give some thought to why this experiment in mass propaganda and behavioral modification is being conducted on you; did you guys consent to being Guinea pigs?
Because I didn't.

Ya'll think about it.
How do you think this disease has been spreading? Take me through the steps of how people are catching it
Same way every other one does.

Now you tell me, specifically, how am I spreading this?
Especially since I have zero symptoms, don't cough on anyone, don't sneeze, and keep my distance, exactly how am I spreading anything to anyone?
I’m not saying your spreading this. I’m saying your being an ass and supporting habits that do spread it. If you catch it at work and are asymptomatic and keep up you tough guy routine. Then you will spread it. You didn’t answer my question. How is it spread? Do you even know?
Yeah you are, don't try to weasel out now..... you were trying to bully and shame me into compliance.
YOU are the one acting like a douche here, and you damn well know it. You're just disappointed that it isn't working.

No, YOU tell ME; is this virus any more contagious than any other flu strain?
Not, is it more severe, is it more contagious?
Is it any easier to transmit than any other?

Do you even know?
Why in the hell would I answer your questions when I’ve ignored mine twice?! Get real dude. If you want to have a real talk then do so in good faith
I'm not the one who is arguing in bad faith here.
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I have two friends ive recently spoken to, ones a bartender and The other a hair stylist. They’ve both been brought to tears because of people giving them a hard time about masks at work. These ladies are just trying to make rent and one lives with her elderly mother and is terrified of getting sick and bringing it home. These are the people your fucking with because your pansy ass can’t put a piece of cloth over you mouth while your in their place of business. Yes, you are a total asshole.
And I wrestle fucktards almost every night in a facility full of infected people; you don't hear me whining about it.
If I decide the risk isn't worth the pay, I'll quit.... that's my call.

I didn't create this virus, I'm not spreading this virus, I didn't tell everyone to hide at home, and I didn't nuke the economy.
This shit ain't on me, and while I understand the desire to lash out at innocent people (childish btw) ya'll need to remember that some of us will defend ourselves.
And you will not like it when your bullying gets addressed.
Hey, I’m just telling you how douchey your little snowflake games are and who they effect. Not that you give a shit. It’s all about YOU I guess
So you're getting pissy because you are not as important to me, as I myself, am?

What a fucking prima donna YOU are..... damn, guy. (smh)
No dumbass, I’m pointing out that you don’t give a shIt about anybody other than yourself. You not wearing a mask when in public is you protecting yourself it’s you putting your BS political agenda o we the concerns of those around you. And from your work conditions It sounds like you have a high risk due to exposure. So you very well could catch it and then go spread it. The fact that you do see that or seem to care is really fucked up
No, you're angry that I refuse to cosign your bullshit.

If you're scared of me having it, all you have to do is keep back.... but instead you feel entitled to dictate what I wear in public. That's not about fear of transmission, that's just bullying.

Fuck you, and fuck that.
It’s not bullshit I could prove that to you if you answered my question about how it spreads but you won’t answer. Gee I wonder why
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I don't think that's correct but whatever....

I approached no one and asked for no special accommodations, I only wanted to shop as I have for my entire life...... without my face covered like some wahhabi female.

You guys should give some thought to why this experiment in mass propaganda and behavioral modification is being conducted on you; did you guys consent to being Guinea pigs?
Because I didn't.

Ya'll think about it.
How do you think this disease has been spreading? Take me through the steps of how people are catching it
Same way every other one does.

Now you tell me, specifically, how am I spreading this?
Especially since I have zero symptoms, don't cough on anyone, don't sneeze, and keep my distance, exactly how am I spreading anything to anyone?
I’m not saying your spreading this. I’m saying your being an ass and supporting habits that do spread it. If you catch it at work and are asymptomatic and keep up you tough guy routine. Then you will spread it. You didn’t answer my question. How is it spread? Do you even know?
Yeah you are, don't try to weasel out now..... you were trying to bully and shame me into compliance.
YOU are the one acting like a douche here, and you damn well know it. You're just disappointed that it isn't working.

No, YOU tell ME; is this virus any more contagious than any other flu strain?
Not, is it more severe, is it more contagious?
Is it any easier to transmit than any other?

Do you even know?
Why in the hell would I answer your questions when I’ve ignored mine twice?! Get real dude. If you want to have a real talk then do so in good faith
I'm not the one who is arguing in bad faith here.
Yes you are. You avoid my questions and ask similar ones back at me. That’s bad faith
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I have two friends ive recently spoken to, ones a bartender and The other a hair stylist. They’ve both been brought to tears because of people giving them a hard time about masks at work. These ladies are just trying to make rent and one lives with her elderly mother and is terrified of getting sick and bringing it home. These are the people your fucking with because your pansy ass can’t put a piece of cloth over you mouth while your in their place of business. Yes, you are a total asshole.
And I wrestle fucktards almost every night in a facility full of infected people; you don't hear me whining about it.
If I decide the risk isn't worth the pay, I'll quit.... that's my call.

I didn't create this virus, I'm not spreading this virus, I didn't tell everyone to hide at home, and I didn't nuke the economy.
This shit ain't on me, and while I understand the desire to lash out at innocent people (childish btw) ya'll need to remember that some of us will defend ourselves.
And you will not like it when your bullying gets addressed.
Hey, I’m just telling you how douchey your little snowflake games are and who they effect. Not that you give a shit. It’s all about YOU I guess
So you're getting pissy because you are not as important to me, as I myself, am?

What a fucking prima donna YOU are..... damn, guy. (smh)
No dumbass, I’m pointing out that you don’t give a shIt about anybody other than yourself. You not wearing a mask when in public is you protecting yourself it’s you putting your BS political agenda o we the concerns of those around you. And from your work conditions It sounds like you have a high risk due to exposure. So you very well could catch it and then go spread it. The fact that you do see that or seem to care is really fucked up
No, you're angry that I refuse to cosign your bullshit.

If you're scared of me having it, all you have to do is keep back.... but instead you feel entitled to dictate what I wear in public. That's not about fear of transmission, that's just bullying.

Fuck you, and fuck that.
It’s not bullshit I could prove that to you if you answered my question about how it spreads but you won’t answer. Gee I wonder why
Uh....... hey dumbass, go re-read.
I already did answer that, not that you were entitled to an answer.

You catch this flu strain the same way you do any other; it's not magic.
Wow, Freyasman sure got triggered.
Yeah, people like that piss me off.
The folks who just demand that everyone just go along, and do whatever the herd does, or else.

I truly do not get people like that..... where does that sort of attitude come from? In a country founded on freedom, why are there so many folks who feel entitled to coerce conformity from other people? Why are so many people so willing to make up nonsense and then demand that everyone else fall in and co-sign their bullshit?

Can someone explain that?

WTF, over?
Because people are fucking dying you dumbshit. Assholes like you are ignoring safety recommendations going out and partying and now we see cases spiking in those areas. Now as a result the gov is shutting shit down again. I don’t like the government shutting shit down, I don’t like losing 1000s of dollars a month, I don’t like having zero social life... but I do these things to be a good citizen and to help do my part to get rid of this virus. But then the dickweeds like you go out and screw it all up. But your doing it in the name of freedom so you can feel good about yourself. No... fuck off. Your priorities are all screwed
People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have.
My, my, if I ever read a comment to the BikerSailorDude, that was so way off fucking mark this is it.

"People are always fucking dying, you dipshit drama queen. You know what the leading cause of death is? Birth, you dumbass.... :rolleyes: Out of all the friends I made in 20 years in the Army, only 2 of them are still alive. Death is part of life; that isn't going to change just because you all strap maxi-pads to your faces.
And the government can't shut down shit if you all just ignore them you dumb fuck..... quit going along with everything everyone tells you to, all the time. Learn to say; "No." already, it's not that hard.
You aren't doing this to be a good citizen, you're doing it because you're too scared and weak not to. And then you attack everyone else who refuses to play these stupid games because it reminds you of how you, yourself are too gutless to stand up for yourself and that makes you angry and resentful. So you attack anyone who hasn't been gelded yet, like you have."

Just wear a mask and be done with it. Besides, you have bad breath. Just wait and see. Put one on and you'll smell.
Fuck.... another lemming racing for the cliffs edge.

Shake your head, cumquat. Lemmings following your leadership.
I am just living my life, not hurting a soul, and minding my own business.

I wish more people would follow that example.
I have no problem with you doing that but if you’re gonna come into my shop then put on a mask like everybody else or don’t come in at all. Cool?
That's fine; the only 2 times it's come up I just very politely kept asking if they wanted my money or not?
I told them I just wanted to spend some money there and would they please let me.... and they did.
So you put the minimum wage workers standing behind the counter in that kind of a position?. It shouldn’t be their job to enforce mask policy, yet your douchey ass has to go there and make them deal with another self centered asshole. Great... you sound like a real winner.
No, THEIR BOSS put them in that position by not having the guts to stand up to this shit.
I didn't tell anyone to fuck off, I politely asked if they wanted my business.

Like I said, I'm just living my life and going about my day, not hurting or bothering a soul.

Why don't people just let me?
So you’re gonna be a dick to them for a policy their boss has? A policy made to protect them as they expose themselves to stranger after stranger some of which may have a contagious disease that they could take him to their family. All for min wage? Just so you can prove a point. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re polite. You’re being a passive aggressive antagonistic asshole and we all know it
I'm never passive aggressive, I can flip the asshole switch faster than anyone you ever met. But I didn't do that..... I just asked a simple question and then did my shopping.
That doesn't make me the bad guy and you probably need to reflect on how fucked up things are if you think it does.

I'm not trying to force some arbitrary new societal norm down anyone's throat, I'm just pleasantly going about my day and being hounded by strangers who all seem to be brainwashed cult members.

Wtf, over?
Asking if “you want my money” is passive aggressive. If you didn’t have a mask and you politely asked if you could shop without a mask that would be different.
I have two friends ive recently spoken to, ones a bartender and The other a hair stylist. They’ve both been brought to tears because of people giving them a hard time about masks at work. These ladies are just trying to make rent and one lives with her elderly mother and is terrified of getting sick and bringing it home. These are the people your fucking with because your pansy ass can’t put a piece of cloth over you mouth while your in their place of business. Yes, you are a total asshole.
And I wrestle fucktards almost every night in a facility full of infected people; you don't hear me whining about it.
If I decide the risk isn't worth the pay, I'll quit.... that's my call.

I didn't create this virus, I'm not spreading this virus, I didn't tell everyone to hide at home, and I didn't nuke the economy.
This shit ain't on me, and while I understand the desire to lash out at innocent people (childish btw) ya'll need to remember that some of us will defend ourselves.
And you will not like it when your bullying gets addressed.
Hey, I’m just telling you how douchey your little snowflake games are and who they effect. Not that you give a shit. It’s all about YOU I guess
So you're getting pissy because you are not as important to me, as I myself, am?

What a fucking prima donna YOU are..... damn, guy. (smh)
No dumbass, I’m pointing out that you don’t give a shIt about anybody other than yourself. You not wearing a mask when in public is you protecting yourself it’s you putting your BS political agenda o we the concerns of those around you. And from your work conditions It sounds like you have a high risk due to exposure. So you very well could catch it and then go spread it. The fact that you do see that or seem to care is really fucked up
No, you're angry that I refuse to cosign your bullshit.

If you're scared of me having it, all you have to do is keep back.... but instead you feel entitled to dictate what I wear in public. That's not about fear of transmission, that's just bullying.

Fuck you, and fuck that.
It’s not bullshit I could prove that to you if you answered my question about how it spreads but you won’t answer. Gee I wonder why
Uh....... hey dumbass, go re-read.
I already did answer that, not that you were entitled to an answer.

You catch this flu strain the same way you do any other; it's not magic.
Same way you catch any other?? That’s not an answer. How do you catch all the others?? Lay it out for me... how is this thing spreading?

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