Just curious - who on here lives in a "mandatory face coverings required in public" county?

City has it.........county no...........they aren't really enforcing it........I live in the county and nobody gives a damn.

Now repeat after me.......I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask.

When asked why.........repeat after me.

My medical information is private and none of your business.......

Work.....mandatory ......everyone keeps eye out for the mask nazi's......put mask under your nose and it looks like you are wearing it.

Your Welcome......LOL
Repeat after me... I’m a total douchebag for making others deal with my stubborn ass. That’s really all your proving. Grow up
View attachment 359484
Truth is the truth. I’m just here speaking it
You are Hyping the OBEY narrative............it's over rated and the virus is too damned low to give a damn about anymore..........
That’s your ignorant opinion but not how the majority of your fellow citizens feel so stop being a douche and show a little respect for those around you. As much as you might think it does, the world actually does NOT revolve around you

Just because a "majority " might thing different doesn't mean the "minority" doesn't have rights
I never said the minority doesn’t have rights. I’m telling them to stop being douchebags. Are you reading anything I’ve been writing? Where did you get “rights” from?
You don't have to, we knew what you are.
Why haven’t you answered my other question Mike?
People, especially guys, aren't even washing their hands
now that just crazy I wash my hands before I take a piss and after I take a piss
My dick is the cleanest part of my body why would I take my dirty hands and touch it? Why would any guy touch their penis with their dirty hands?
Dude, you just don't know...
I thought every guy washed their hands before and after they took a piss.
City has it.........county no...........they aren't really enforcing it........I live in the county and nobody gives a damn.

Now repeat after me.......I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask.

When asked why.........repeat after me.

My medical information is private and none of your business.......

Work.....mandatory ......everyone keeps eye out for the mask nazi's......put mask under your nose and it looks like you are wearing it.

Your Welcome......LOL
Repeat after me... I’m a total douchebag for making others deal with my stubborn ass. That’s really all your proving. Grow up
View attachment 359484
Truth is the truth. I’m just here speaking it
You are Hyping the OBEY narrative............it's over rated and the virus is too damned low to give a damn about anymore..........
That’s your ignorant opinion but not how the majority of your fellow citizens feel so stop being a douche and show a little respect for those around you. As much as you might think it does, the world actually does NOT revolve around you

Just because a "majority " might thing different doesn't mean the "minority" doesn't have rights
I never said the minority doesn’t have rights. I’m telling them to stop being douchebags. Are you reading anything I’ve been writing? Where did you get “rights” from?
Which part of your being told to F off don't you understand..........I REFUSE........I keep my distance in stores and that is all......0.2%...........that's it.............I don't care about it anymore.
Wonderful, so because of douchbages like you the virus will spread and then the government will make recommendations for safety measures and then they will make laws because assholes won’t listen to the recommendations and then people like you will get ticketed or fined. And for what?! It’s a needless fight because youR ego won’t let you put a fucking cloth in front of your ugly face for a few minutes. People like you are useless.
We have listened to the Fear mongering of people like you for NOTHING......0.2%..........that's it................so SHOVE IT WHERE THE SUN DOESN'T SHINE..........we should have never shut down.
Stop copy and pasting your tired talking points. I’m not spreading fear I’m painting a reality. Prove me wrong. What did I say that wasn’t true?
People, especially guys, aren't even washing their hands
now that just crazy I wash my hands before I take a piss and after I take a piss
My dick is the cleanest part of my body why would I take my dirty hands and touch it? Why would any guy touch their penis with their dirty hands?
Dude, you just don't know...
I thought every guy washed their hands before and after they took a piss.


And those who wash their hands after, didn't wash them before
Yes and yes. I have no intentions of unknowingly infected anyone with the virus. I would feel like shit if someone died because my manhood was wrapped up in not wearing a mask.
People, especially guys, aren't even washing their hands
now that just crazy I wash my hands before I take a piss and after I take a piss
My dick is the cleanest part of my body why would I take my dirty hands and touch it? Why would any guy touch their penis with their dirty hands?
Dude, you just don't know...
I thought every guy washed their hands before and after they took a piss.
Why would you wash your hands before your piss? What have you been touching? Do you dig in your ass or something before you take a piss?
Last edited:
City has it.........county no...........they aren't really enforcing it........I live in the county and nobody gives a damn.

Now repeat after me.......I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask.

When asked why.........repeat after me.

My medical information is private and none of your business.......

Work.....mandatory ......everyone keeps eye out for the mask nazi's......put mask under your nose and it looks like you are wearing it.

Your Welcome......LOL
Repeat after me... I’m a total douchebag for making others deal with my stubborn ass. That’s really all your proving. Grow up
View attachment 359484
Truth is the truth. I’m just here speaking it
You are Hyping the OBEY narrative............it's over rated and the virus is too damned low to give a damn about anymore..........
That’s your ignorant opinion but not how the majority of your fellow citizens feel so stop being a douche and show a little respect for those around you. As much as you might think it does, the world actually does NOT revolve around you

Just because a "majority " might thing different doesn't mean the "minority" doesn't have rights
I never said the minority doesn’t have rights. I’m telling them to stop being douchebags. Are you reading anything I’ve been writing? Where did you get “rights” from?
You don't have to, we knew what you are.
Why haven’t you answered my other question Mike?
Wow, you’ve got the be the weakest debater on this board
City has it.........county no...........they aren't really enforcing it........I live in the county and nobody gives a damn.

Now repeat after me.......I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask.

When asked why.........repeat after me.

My medical information is private and none of your business.......

Work.....mandatory ......everyone keeps eye out for the mask nazi's......put mask under your nose and it looks like you are wearing it.

Your Welcome......LOL
Repeat after me... I’m a total douchebag for making others deal with my stubborn ass. That’s really all your proving. Grow up
View attachment 359484
Truth is the truth. I’m just here speaking it
You are Hyping the OBEY narrative............it's over rated and the virus is too damned low to give a damn about anymore..........
That’s your ignorant opinion but not how the majority of your fellow citizens feel so stop being a douche and show a little respect for those around you. As much as you might think it does, the world actually does NOT revolve around you

Just because a "majority " might thing different doesn't mean the "minority" doesn't have rights
I never said the minority doesn’t have rights. I’m telling them to stop being douchebags. Are you reading anything I’ve been writing? Where did you get “rights” from?
You don't have to, we knew what you are.
Why haven’t you answered my other question Mike?
Wow, you’ve got the be the weakest debater on this board
Debating mike is like debating a retarded doorknob. At some point in every single debate he realizes that everyone else knows that he doesnt have a clue what he is talking about. Then he gets mad and wont answer you.
City has it.........county no...........they aren't really enforcing it........I live in the county and nobody gives a damn.

Now repeat after me.......I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask.

When asked why.........repeat after me.

My medical information is private and none of your business.......

Work.....mandatory ......everyone keeps eye out for the mask nazi's......put mask under your nose and it looks like you are wearing it.

Your Welcome......LOL
Repeat after me... I’m a total douchebag for making others deal with my stubborn ass. That’s really all your proving. Grow up
View attachment 359484
Truth is the truth. I’m just here speaking it
You are Hyping the OBEY narrative............it's over rated and the virus is too damned low to give a damn about anymore..........
That’s your ignorant opinion but not how the majority of your fellow citizens feel so stop being a douche and show a little respect for those around you. As much as you might think it does, the world actually does NOT revolve around you

Just because a "majority " might thing different doesn't mean the "minority" doesn't have rights
I never said the minority doesn’t have rights. I’m telling them to stop being douchebags. Are you reading anything I’ve been writing? Where did you get “rights” from?
You don't have to, we knew what you are.
Why haven’t you answered my other question Mike?
Wow, you’ve got the be the weakest debater on this board
Debating mike is like debating a retarded doorknob. At some point in every single debate he realizes that everyone else knows that he doesnt have a clue what he is talking about. Then he gets mad and wont answer you.
That is a great analysis... haha
People, especially guys, aren't even washing their hands
now that just crazy I wash my hands before I take a piss and after I take a piss
My dick is the cleanest part of my body why would I take my dirty hands and touch it? Why would any guy touch their penis with their dirty hands?
Dude, you just don't know...
I thought every guy washed their hands before and after they took a piss.
Why would you wash your hands before your piss? What have you been touching? Do you dig in your ass or something before you take a piss?
WOW the ignorance in this post
If you work you touch things that others have touch fucking dumbass
I live in deepest, darkest, reddist, backward, ignorant, uneducated MAGAt country. Its one of the states where the gumt says do what you want and of course, where the virus and death count are climbing every day.

Can anyone say why idiot trump is working so hard to kill his own base? Surely he knows they're blindly following his orders, right? Elsewhere, I read a guy saying that since trump is getting tested, the rest of us are safe. Dumb as driveway gravel.
City has it.........county no...........they aren't really enforcing it........I live in the county and nobody gives a damn.

Now repeat after me.......I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask.

When asked why.........repeat after me.

My medical information is private and none of your business.......

Work.....mandatory ......everyone keeps eye out for the mask nazi's......put mask under your nose and it looks like you are wearing it.

Your Welcome......LOL
Repeat after me... I’m a total douchebag for making others deal with my stubborn ass. That’s really all your proving. Grow up
View attachment 359484
Truth is the truth. I’m just here speaking it
You are Hyping the OBEY narrative............it's over rated and the virus is too damned low to give a damn about anymore..........
That’s your ignorant opinion but not how the majority of your fellow citizens feel so stop being a douche and show a little respect for those around you. As much as you might think it does, the world actually does NOT revolve around you

Just because a "majority " might thing different doesn't mean the "minority" doesn't have rights

Here's three million American families who will be thrilled to hear that.

People, especially guys, aren't even washing their hands
now that just crazy I wash my hands before I take a piss and after I take a piss
My dick is the cleanest part of my body why would I take my dirty hands and touch it? Why would any guy touch their penis with their dirty hands?
Dude, you just don't know...
I thought every guy washed their hands before and after they took a piss.
Why would you wash your hands before your piss? What have you been touching? Do you dig in your ass or something before you take a piss?
WOW the ignorance in this post
If you work you touch things that others have touch fucking dumbass
What are you touching that others have touched and why would that make you wash your hands before you piss? You are touching your face on the average of 120 times a day. Do you wash your hands 120 times a day?
Here are the good people who will take care of your loved one or your self if you become sick. RWs don't give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves though so, if these people are willing to die for you, you're fine with that.

Cases & Deaths among Healthcare Personnel
Data were collected from 2,334,775 people, but healthcare personnel status was only available for 500,918 (21.5%) people. For the 92,572 cases of COVID-19 among healthcare personnel, death status was only available for 60,770 (65.6%).
People, especially guys, aren't even washing their hands
now that just crazy I wash my hands before I take a piss and after I take a piss
My dick is the cleanest part of my body why would I take my dirty hands and touch it? Why would any guy touch their penis with their dirty hands?
Dude, you just don't know...
I thought every guy washed their hands before and after they took a piss.
Why would you wash your hands before your piss? What have you been touching? Do you dig in your ass or something before you take a piss?
WOW the ignorance in this post
If you work you touch things that others have touch fucking dumbass
What are you touching that others have touched and why would that make you wash your hands before you piss? You are touching your face on the average of 120 times a day. Do you wash your hands 120 times a day?
the stupid is thick in this one.
If you use a public restroom how do you enter the restroom? if you go in a department store and it doesn't have an automatic door opener how do you open the door? When you shop do you touch what you are looking at? how do you do a transaction when using paper currency and coin?
When you use a credit card or debit card and you need to sign the recipe do you use their pen?
People, especially guys, aren't even washing their hands
now that just crazy I wash my hands before I take a piss and after I take a piss
My dick is the cleanest part of my body why would I take my dirty hands and touch it? Why would any guy touch their penis with their dirty hands?
Dude, you just don't know...
I thought every guy washed their hands before and after they took a piss.
Why would you wash your hands before your piss? What have you been touching? Do you dig in your ass or something before you take a piss?
WOW the ignorance in this post
If you work you touch things that others have touch fucking dumbass
What are you touching that others have touched and why would that make you wash your hands before you piss? You are touching your face on the average of 120 times a day. Do you wash your hands 120 times a day?
the stupid is thick in this one.
If you use a public restroom how do you enter the restroom? if you go in a department store and it doesn't have an automatic door opener how do you open the door? When you shop do you touch what you are looking at? how do you do a transaction when using paper currency and coin?
When you use a credit card or debit card and you need to sign the recipe do you use their pen?
Where the fuck you live where they dont have automatic doors? Public bathrooms there are no doors. I dont use cash and I dont feel on shit when I am shopping. Even if I did I wouldnt wait to take a piss to wash my hands. I would wash my hands after doing those things you just mentioned.
Last edited:
If wearing a mask in my area is mandatory, I haven't been made aware of it yet. The only time that I have one on is when I am at work and just a little bit ago, I was at my local Wal-Mart. I wasn't wearing one and obviously no one was bothered by it. The only time that I was approached was when I paid for my things and the "confrontation" if it can be labeled one only concerned how the self checkout registers are now. Sadly, they are card only now. Cash can't be accepted and it can't be given back either.

God bless you always!!!

Don’t be a douche and make low wage workers deal with having to ask you to put a mask on. They don’t get paid enough to deal with that crap. Be a good citizen and just wear a mask when your In a crowd or place of business
Yes, be a good citizen and just step right into this here oven.......

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