Just got a new meat market near me.

Oh I like street and grocery markets....when I was a child there was a big one very close to my home.....I used to go with my mother every week, everything was so fresh...so many people....

But it was not only a meat market, it was everything, mainly fruit and vegetables and fish, rice so many things....I miss that market.

Yeah,we have a several farmers markets near us.
You cant beat the homegrown tomatoes.
When the Wife and I first met we decided to pick up some KFC and bring it home.
I asked here what she wanted and ordered a bucket of chicken for myself.
She couldnt believe I could eat a bucket of chicken and still want dessert.

The good old days when we could eat a whole freekin farm and not gain an ounce!!!!
Yeah,we have a several farmers markets near us.
You cant beat the homegrown tomatoes.

Yeah, I remember going to the Dallas Farmers Market in downtown every summer when I was a teen.
Nice local farmers with awesome produce. There was a butcher company there in one of the warehouses, where you could order wholesale beef halfs and quarters any way you wanted them. Really good shit, Maynard!!!

I fell in love with Beefsteak Tomatoes then. OMG, best freekin maters I ever ate in my life! Nobody sells them anymore.
Just like Black Diamond watermelons..............nobody sells them anymore.
I've got a friend in Wylie that gets his meat from a small Mexican store there.
He says the owner works a small butcher shop in the back of it, and gets the best meat cuts.
He loves their meat cuts, and won't buy meat anywhere else.

We have a mexican store and meat market we go to and the fajita meat is insane!!
The skirt steak,inside skirt, is a good three foot long and man is it good.
They have a small restaurant inside and all the yard workers eat there,you get some dirty looks from em like you're invading mexico.
Yeah, I remember going to the Dallas Farmers Market in downtown every summer when I was a teen.
Nice local farmers with awesome produce. There was a butcher company there in one of the warehouses, where you could order wholesale beef halfs and quarters any way you wanted them. Really good shit, Maynard!!!

I fell in love with Beefsteak Tomatoes then. OMG, best freekin maters I ever ate in my life! Nobody sells them anymore.
Just like Black Diamond watermelons..............nobody sells them anymore.

Those beefsteak tomatoes are good,it's hard to find em even at the farmers market.
I miss the Ruby red grapefruit from the valley,ever since the blight hit em they're gone.
They still sell one called the Ruby red but they're nothing like they were years ago.
Those beefsteak tomatoes are good,it's hard to find em even at the farmers market.
I miss the Ruby red grapefruit from the valley,ever since the blight hit em they're gone.
They still sell one called the Ruby red but they're nothing like they were years ago.

OMG............the grocery store I shopped at when I moved out on my own in the 80's got a truck load of those in.
I LOVE grapefruit! I bought a FULL brown paper sack of those!!! I ate nothing but grapefruit for a week, and I was one HAPPY CAMPER!!! That stuff tastes like CANDY!!!
I'll pick up a few other things while were there just because I wont be able to resist.
I want to check out their farm eggs. The Wife picks up the expensive ones at HEB and they're pretty good.
If these are yard eggs I'm gonna be real happy!!!

We get large brown yard eggs from a Mennonite lady across the river for $2.50 a dozen. Best eggs you can find around here.
Oh man does this place look awesome!!!
I'd heard about it a year or so ago that they were going to open and I totally forgot about it.
Food Network apparently did a bit on it.
They have pretty much anything you could possibly want in high grade meats.

Nothing beats a good, old fashioned butcher shop. We've got two of them here in town and they're both amazing...
OMG............the grocery store I shopped at when I moved out on my own in the 80's got a truck load of those in.
I LOVE grapefruit! I bought a FULL brown paper sack of those!!! I ate nothing but grapefruit for a week, and I was one HAPPY CAMPER!!! That stuff tastes like CANDY!!!

We used to buy em by the box.
You could make two very large salty dogs with just one of them they were so juicy.
Man do the steaks look good!!!
Two inches thick and two lbs. a piece.
I'd post a pic but Apple for some stupid fucking reason changed the format and I can no longer just click on the pic and load it.
I still havent sat down and figured out how it works. Did a brief search and found a link and they want $10 bucks a month to make it easy.
Fuck that!!! There's gotta be a better way.

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