Just how badly will Low IQ Biden get pasted in Iowa and NH?


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
Sometimes things just go BAD.... and in a few months, that's what will happen to "Dad of Hunter...."

Low IQ Joe won't finish in the top 3 in either of the first two primaries (one being a Caucus) unless DWS makes him the "winner" in Iowa without releasing the actual vote total, which is what she and the DNC did to The Bern in 2016...

In fact, without a clear "darkhorse" emerging, the Dems are right on course for that "brokered convention..."

Low IQ Biden is OUT after NH and Iowa, that's the call here....
Whether many people perceive it or not, Biden REMAINS the Democrat with the best chance of unseating The Donald. Pocahontas and her "Medicare for All" bullshit will get pasted (Blacks don't like her), Bernie has no chance, Pete is a pipe dream for the Gay Mafia...Christ, other than Biden, HILLARY is the Dem's best shot, and she has NO shot.

So for a majority of Democrats whose main goal in life is to get rid of Trump, they are just as willing to hold their figurative nose and vote for Joe as "we" Republicans were willing to hold our noses and vote for The Donald in 2016.
Low IQ Biden? You mean Trump is biggest dummy in the White House. Trump had his people go NY Military School and nab his transcripts of his grades and hide them from the public. He is Low IQ man. He says the most incoherent and made up mumbo jumbo out of anybody we know! Int - Wrong person!
Whether many people perceive it or not, Biden REMAINS the Democrat with the best chance of unseating The Donald. Pocahontas and her "Medicare for All" bullshit will get pasted (Blacks don't like her), Bernie has no chance, Pete is a pipe dream for the Gay Mafia...Christ, other than Biden, HILLARY is the Dem's best shot, and she has NO shot.

So for a majority of Democrats whose main goal in life is to get rid of Trump, they are just as willing to hold their figurative nose and vote for Joe as "we" Republicans were willing to hold our noses and vote for The Donald in 2016.

If Biden is their best chance that means they have no chance.
I can't even imagine Biden being a boy scout leader let alone the leader of the free world. He definitely has dementia and could very well be in the first stages of alzheimers.
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Democrat with the best chance of winning a GENERAL ELECTION against Donald Trump

Amy Klobuchar
Latest bad news from Iowa for Low IQ Joe....

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest Polls

Quinnipiac Poll - Iowa

Pocahontas 20
Pistol Pete 19 (arrow UP)
The Bern 17
Low IQ Joe 15
Klobuchar 5
Hate Hoax Harris 4
Gabbard 3

Pistol Pete is a beneficiary of the truth of the Iowa Democrats, that most are not from Iowa, and that a majority of those not from Iowa are HOMOS....
Whether many people perceive it or not, Biden REMAINS the Democrat with the best chance of unseating The Donald. Pocahontas and her "Medicare for All" bullshit will get pasted (Blacks don't like her), Bernie has no chance, Pete is a pipe dream for the Gay Mafia...Christ, other than Biden, HILLARY is the Dem's best shot, and she has NO shot.

So for a majority of Democrats whose main goal in life is to get rid of Trump, they are just as willing to hold their figurative nose and vote for Joe as "we" Republicans were willing to hold our noses and vote for The Donald in 2016.
Trump would roll over Biden in the debates. It will be Hillary 2.0. The Dems would rather lose with Biden than to win with Bernie or Tulsi.
Sometimes things just go BAD.... and in a few months, that's what will happen to "Dad of Hunter...."

Low IQ Joe won't finish in the top 3 in either of the first two primaries (one being a Caucus) unless DWS makes him the "winner" in Iowa without releasing the actual vote total, which is what she and the DNC did to The Bern in 2016...

In fact, without a clear "darkhorse" emerging, the Dems are right on course for that "brokered convention..."

Low IQ Biden is OUT after NH and Iowa, that's the call here....
New Hampshire?

New Quinnipiac poll finds Biden leading in New Hampshire
"The latest Quinnipiac University survey of New Hampshire finds Biden at 20 percent, followed by Warren at 16 percent, Buttigieg at 15 percent and Sanders at 14 percent."

100% name recognition

20% support

Low IQ Joe and the other three are all paper lions. Hilariously enough, there may be enough "core support" with each that they mess up the primary and end up in a


Now, who should host such a 2020 Dem brokered convention?

The two top candidates to broker it....


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