JUST IN: Maryland Shooter Identified as 38-Year-Old Navy Sailor Fantahun Woldesenbet

My thread got merged and the title changed? WTF is that all about?
Your title and opening post were excellent! This is how censorship works though. You will be told that you were not following some rule, and the fake white supremacy narrative that lefties have been getting beat up on will be shielded from the mocking that it deserves.
Distribution that was already in high gear when Obiden was sworn in
That's a straight up lie.

No it isn't...

Those don't say what you're claiming.
Biden said there was no vaccine rollout plan before January 20th.
What the Hell is this? Check date.
Biden knows he can just blatantly lie, and nobody in the media will challenge him, and Trump is muzzled.
That's for the defense department not the public.
Um, no. The DoD were primed to help vaccinate the public.
Let’s bring in all the diseased and non contributory people we can so they can mooch off those who do contribute. Even better is if they get angry and want to burn loot and murder(BLM) then we cower and blame all of it on white men.
Distribution that was already in high gear when Obiden was sworn in
That's a straight up lie.

No it isn't...

Those don't say what you're claiming.
Biden said there was no vaccine rollout plan before January 20th.
What the Hell is this? Check date.
Biden knows he can just blatantly lie, and nobody in the media will challenge him, and Trump is muzzled.
That's for the defense department not the public.
Um, no. The DoD were primed to help vaccinate the public.
Then why weren't they?
Last three murderers:

> Colorado shooter - Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa - Arab Muslim

>Capital rammer - Noah Green - Black Nation of Islam and Farrakhan supporter

>Fort Detrick shooter - Fantahun Girma Woldesenbet - Black dude?

All this while Biden is trying to root out white supremacists across the country........
Yeah, really, Biden might be having a problem seeing what is really going on before his eyes!

Darn. I'm betting this last guy is African some way. An illegal, probably.

If he was a lab tech working at Ft. Detrick he needed a high clearance. Doubt very much he was an illegal...

One does not have to be an illegal to come here from Africa.....they are favored.
Kind of looks like something Barry and Micheal would produce.... if that was biologically possible....

Where in the world is this character from? I can't begin to guess!

Ever heard of an anglo with a name like dat?

The more astute learned long ago that any time the media does not identify someone as white then they are not.

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