Just Made Another Contribution to President Trump's Campaign

It seems you have a pre-occupation to sucking off Obama. If that is your thing go for it sperm burper.
ONly giving you some truth and you go into a rant about sucking his cock.
Glad you could come out of the closet, gay boy

You cannot stand the truth!

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

I'm sure Trump is ecstatic over your 8 dollar and 46 cent donation. After all he had quite a giggle over the little old lady that sent him a $6.79 cheque. Let's see...yeah, your piggy bank bankrupting bonanza just might cover his tip for a starbuck latte.
Whenever I run across your nic it reminds me of a bad habit my old man had. He was probably the most liberal man I ever knew, Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson's books on the coffee table in the early sixties, probably one of the first guys in the world to install seat belts in a family car, that sort of thing. But he was definitely not politically correct, used to refer to immigrants as bohunks, or polacks, or DP's. Origin of polack is obvious, DP's were "displaced persons", never did figure out the etymology of "bohunk". Doesn't matter, I was saying what happens when I see your nic, a polish joke always pops into my mind for some reason. Like your post reminded me of this one;

A polack is going through his wife's junk drawer looking for nickles and dimes, small change you know, usually it was for a wodka down at the local piwiarnia but this time, strangely enough, it was for a donation. Might have been church tho, eh? Anyway as he was digging through the junk he suddenly almost jumped out of his skin, he discovered his wife was planning to murder him! He'd found a bottle of
Polish Remover!

Have a good one, chief polack.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

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Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

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See, you admited....you are stupid naturally!
Good you are recognizing all your real life wants and ways.

You cannot stand the truth!

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

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I was asking boilingmad about the pc business but damn you're even more crazy-mad than he is. You better run along now and take your pills before you stroke out. More advice... stay down there in your own weight class if you can't stand getting a shit-kicking, I wouldn't want to be responsible for any real damage, just playin' with ya. Must be terrible being a joke and having no sense of humor, eh?

Who are you talking to?
Stupid naturally, or do take something to enhance it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It seems you have a pre-occupation to sucking off Obama. If that is your thing go for it sperm burper.
ONly giving you some truth and you go into a rant about sucking his cock.
Glad you could come out of the closet, gay boy

You cannot stand the truth!

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Unsure what to make if your fascination for black cock ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
See, you admited....you are stupid naturally!
Good you are recognizing all your real life wants and ways.

You cannot stand the truth!

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was asking boilingmad about the pc business but damn you're even more crazy-mad than he is. You better run along now and take your pills before you stroke out. More advice... stay down there in your own weight class if you can't stand getting a shit-kicking, I wouldn't want to be responsible for any real damage, just playin' with ya. Must be terrible being a joke and having no sense of humor, eh?

Who are you talking to?
Stupid naturally, or do take something to enhance it?

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How many socks do you manage stupidly like this one ?

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It seems you have a pre-occupation to sucking off Obama. If that is your thing go for it sperm burper.
ONly giving you some truth and you go into a rant about sucking his cock.
Glad you could come out of the closet, gay boy

You cannot stand the truth!

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Unsure what to make if your fascination for black cock ?

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I think the quality of this board has reached a new low...and that says a lot.
You child.
You started the comment and it means you have this deep desire to be taken by a black cock you phony cum sucking asswipe.
If your desire is to kneel in front of black cock do so.
But don't come here and deny it when you brought it up.
Again, you child.

It seems you have a pre-occupation to sucking off Obama. If that is your thing go for it sperm burper.
ONly giving you some truth and you go into a rant about sucking his cock.
Glad you could come out of the closet, gay boy

You cannot stand the truth!

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Unsure what to make if your fascination for black cock ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, when the stupid asses from the teabagging party say ignorant things they need to be called out. And when they resort to insults, just like their hero,"the donald", they need a dose of their own medicine.
Left unchecked they feel they are superior, which is anything from the truth.
This person is a bigotted lying latent homosexual

It seems you have a pre-occupation to sucking off Obama. If that is your thing go for it sperm burper.
ONly giving you some truth and you go into a rant about sucking his cock.
Glad you could come out of the closet, gay boy

You cannot stand the truth!

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Unsure what to make if your fascination for black cock ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think the quality of this board has reached a new low...and that says a lot.
You child.
You started the comment and it means you have this deep desire to be taken by a black cock you phony cum sucking asswipe.
If your desire is to kneel in front of black cock do so.
But don't come here and deny it when you brought it up.
Again, you child.

It seems you have a pre-occupation to sucking off Obama. If that is your thing go for it sperm burper.
ONly giving you some truth and you go into a rant about sucking his cock.
Glad you could come out of the closet, gay boy

You cannot stand the truth!

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Unsure what to make if your fascination for black cock ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There you go again with that craving
Going for a third (or fourth) time next, assbreath ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ALl know it is you with your deepest desire. Remember you are the one that made the comment first. Child boy.
So go take your "pacifier" like a good little kneeler

You child.
You started the comment and it means you have this deep desire to be taken by a black cock you phony cum sucking asswipe.
If your desire is to kneel in front of black cock do so.
But don't come here and deny it when you brought it up.
Again, you child.

It seems you have a pre-occupation to sucking off Obama. If that is your thing go for it sperm burper.
ONly giving you some truth and you go into a rant about sucking his cock.
Glad you could come out of the closet, gay boy

You cannot stand the truth!

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Unsure what to make if your fascination for black cock ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There you go again with that craving
Going for a third (or fourth) time next, assbreath ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, when the stupid asses from the teabagging party say ignorant things they need to be called out. And when they resort to insults, just like their hero,"the donald", they need a dose of their own medicine.
Left unchecked they feel they are superior, which is anything from the truth.
This person is a bigotted lying latent homosexual

It seems you have a pre-occupation to sucking off Obama. If that is your thing go for it sperm burper.
ONly giving you some truth and you go into a rant about sucking his cock.
Glad you could come out of the closet, gay boy

You cannot stand the truth!

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Unsure what to make if your fascination for black cock ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think the quality of this board has reached a new low...and that says a lot.

You seem to have power issues, as well as some deep self-esteem flare-ups
You're not in any sort of supervisory position at a Mikey D's are you?
God help us
Inbreds like you are the reason I live in rural Virginia and carry a weapon at all times.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Making the truth about you known. That is all. Do you think, you know what it is..."wink" "wink".

Well, when the stupid asses from the teabagging party say ignorant things they need to be called out. And when they resort to insults, just like their hero,"the donald", they need a dose of their own medicine.
Left unchecked they feel they are superior, which is anything from the truth.
This person is a bigotted lying latent homosexual

It seems you have a pre-occupation to sucking off Obama. If that is your thing go for it sperm burper.
ONly giving you some truth and you go into a rant about sucking his cock.
Glad you could come out of the closet, gay boy

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Unsure what to make if your fascination for black cock ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think the quality of this board has reached a new low...and that says a lot.

You seem to have power issues, as well as some deep self-esteem flare-ups
You're not in any sort of supervisory position at a Mikey D's are you?
God help us
Inbreds like you are the reason I live in rural Virginia and carry a weapon at all times.

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I wonder if the establishment will now attack Dr Carson...the accomplished, moral, articulate black conservative?

Ha! Funny stuff....Carson is a fucking idiot for endorsing this psychopath:

Donald Trump Compares Ben Carson To A Child Molester
Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?

What a dope.....


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