Just Made Another Contribution to President Trump's Campaign

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?

I'm sure Trump is ecstatic over your 8 dollar and 46 cent donation. After all he had quite a giggle over the little old lady that sent him a $6.79 cheque. Let's see...yeah, your piggy bank bankrupting bonanza just might cover his tip for a starbuck latte.
Whenever I run across your nic it reminds me of a bad habit my old man had. He was probably the most liberal man I ever knew, Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson's books on the coffee table in the early sixties, probably one of the first guys in the world to install seat belts in a family car, that sort of thing. But he was definitely not politically correct, used to refer to immigrants as bohunks, or polacks, or DP's. Origin of polack is obvious, DP's were "displaced persons", never did figure out the etymology of "bohunk". Doesn't matter, I was saying what happens when I see your nic, a polish joke always pops into my mind for some reason. Like your post reminded me of this one;

A polack is going through his wife's junk drawer looking for nickles and dimes, small change you know, usually it was for a wodka down at the local piwiarnia but this time, strangely enough, it was for a donation. Might have been church tho, eh? Anyway as he was digging through the junk he suddenly almost jumped out of his skin, he discovered his wife was planning to murder him! He'd found a bottle of
Polish Remover!

Have a good one, chief polack.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Polish jokes too unPC for you?
Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?

I'm sure Trump is ecstatic over your 8 dollar and 46 cent donation. After all he had quite a giggle over the little old lady that sent him a $6.79 cheque. Let's see...yeah, your piggy bank bankrupting bonanza just might cover his tip for a starbuck latte.
Whenever I run across your nic it reminds me of a bad habit my old man had. He was probably the most liberal man I ever knew, Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson's books on the coffee table in the early sixties, probably one of the first guys in the world to install seat belts in a family car, that sort of thing. But he was definitely not politically correct, used to refer to immigrants as bohunks, or polacks, or DP's. Origin of polack is obvious, DP's were "displaced persons", never did figure out the etymology of "bohunk". Doesn't matter, I was saying what happens when I see your nic, a polish joke always pops into my mind for some reason. Like your post reminded me of this one;

A polack is going through his wife's junk drawer looking for nickles and dimes, small change you know, usually it was for a wodka down at the local piwiarnia but this time, strangely enough, it was for a donation. Might have been church tho, eh? Anyway as he was digging through the junk he suddenly almost jumped out of his skin, he discovered his wife was planning to murder him! He'd found a bottle of
Polish Remover!

Have a good one, chief polack.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Awwwww....don't cry.
Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?

I'm sure Trump is ecstatic over your 8 dollar and 46 cent donation. After all he had quite a giggle over the little old lady that sent him a $6.79 cheque. Let's see...yeah, your piggy bank bankrupting bonanza just might cover his tip for a starbuck latte.
Whenever I run across your nic it reminds me of a bad habit my old man had. He was probably the most liberal man I ever knew, Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson's books on the coffee table in the early sixties, probably one of the first guys in the world to install seat belts in a family car, that sort of thing. But he was definitely not politically correct, used to refer to immigrants as bohunks, or polacks, or DP's. Origin of polack is obvious, DP's were "displaced persons", never did figure out the etymology of "bohunk". Doesn't matter, I was saying what happens when I see your nic, a polish joke always pops into my mind for some reason. Like your post reminded me of this one;

A polack is going through his wife's junk drawer looking for nickles and dimes, small change you know, usually it was for a wodka down at the local piwiarnia but this time, strangely enough, it was for a donation. Might have been church tho, eh? Anyway as he was digging through the junk he suddenly almost jumped out of his skin, he discovered his wife was planning to murder him! He'd found a bottle of
Polish Remover!

Have a good one, chief polack.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ahh....confirmation of my theory that assholes like you always react to getting their butt kicked by accusing their tormentor of having traits they themselves try to suppress.

Have a nice day chief sénor polack.

Sent from my Communication Device using kikabutt.

Your theory?
I didn't realize dipshit was a field of study

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?

I'm sure Trump is ecstatic over your 8 dollar and 46 cent donation. After all he had quite a giggle over the little old lady that sent him a $6.79 cheque. Let's see...yeah, your piggy bank bankrupting bonanza just might cover his tip for a starbuck latte.
Whenever I run across your nic it reminds me of a bad habit my old man had. He was probably the most liberal man I ever knew, Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson's books on the coffee table in the early sixties, probably one of the first guys in the world to install seat belts in a family car, that sort of thing. But he was definitely not politically correct, used to refer to immigrants as bohunks, or polacks, or DP's. Origin of polack is obvious, DP's were "displaced persons", never did figure out the etymology of "bohunk". Doesn't matter, I was saying what happens when I see your nic, a polish joke always pops into my mind for some reason. Like your post reminded me of this one;

A polack is going through his wife's junk drawer looking for nickles and dimes, small change you know, usually it was for a wodka down at the local piwiarnia but this time, strangely enough, it was for a donation. Might have been church tho, eh? Anyway as he was digging through the junk he suddenly almost jumped out of his skin, he discovered his wife was planning to murder him! He'd found a bottle of
Polish Remover!

Have a good one, chief polack.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ahh....confirmation of my theory that assholes like you always react to getting their butt kicked by accusing their tormentor of having traits they themselves try to suppress.

Have a nice day chief sénor polack.

Sent from my Communication Device using kikabutt.

Your theory?
I didn't realize dipshit was a field of study

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have to say I don't usually waste my time studying dipshits like you, but you're such a perfect representation of a unique subspecies, rectumora pilitus, I just couldn't pass on the opportunity to subject a living example of the breed to various negative stimuli, hoping to solve the mystery of how such a deficient example of the biosphere could survive to maturity. So far all I've discovered is the assumption you are mature was fundamentally mistaken.
Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?

I'm sure Trump is ecstatic over your 8 dollar and 46 cent donation. After all he had quite a giggle over the little old lady that sent him a $6.79 cheque. Let's see...yeah, your piggy bank bankrupting bonanza just might cover his tip for a starbuck latte.
Whenever I run across your nic it reminds me of a bad habit my old man had. He was probably the most liberal man I ever knew, Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson's books on the coffee table in the early sixties, probably one of the first guys in the world to install seat belts in a family car, that sort of thing. But he was definitely not politically correct, used to refer to immigrants as bohunks, or polacks, or DP's. Origin of polack is obvious, DP's were "displaced persons", never did figure out the etymology of "bohunk". Doesn't matter, I was saying what happens when I see your nic, a polish joke always pops into my mind for some reason. Like your post reminded me of this one;

A polack is going through his wife's junk drawer looking for nickles and dimes, small change you know, usually it was for a wodka down at the local piwiarnia but this time, strangely enough, it was for a donation. Might have been church tho, eh? Anyway as he was digging through the junk he suddenly almost jumped out of his skin, he discovered his wife was planning to murder him! He'd found a bottle of
Polish Remover!

Have a good one, chief polack.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ahh....confirmation of my theory that assholes like you always react to getting their butt kicked by accusing their tormentor of having traits they themselves try to suppress.

Have a nice day chief sénor polack.

Sent from my Communication Device using kikabutt.

Your theory?
I didn't realize dipshit was a field of study

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have to say I don't usually waste my time studying dipshits like you, but you're such a perfect representation of a unique subspecies, rectumora pilitus, I just couldn't pass on the opportunity to subject a living example of the breed to various negative stimuli, hoping to solve the mystery of how such a deficient example of the biosphere could survive to maturity. So far all I've discovered is the assumption you are mature was fundamentally mistaken.

Let me guess, you're an unemployed ass wiper at an interstate rest stop. Fear not shitstain - President Trump will see to it that you are either (a) gainfully employed, or (b) deported.

Best of luck in your journey for something semi-meaningful in life.
I'm sure Trump is ecstatic over your 8 dollar and 46 cent donation. After all he had quite a giggle over the little old lady that sent him a $6.79 cheque. Let's see...yeah, your piggy bank bankrupting bonanza just might cover his tip for a starbuck latte.
Whenever I run across your nic it reminds me of a bad habit my old man had. He was probably the most liberal man I ever knew, Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson's books on the coffee table in the early sixties, probably one of the first guys in the world to install seat belts in a family car, that sort of thing. But he was definitely not politically correct, used to refer to immigrants as bohunks, or polacks, or DP's. Origin of polack is obvious, DP's were "displaced persons", never did figure out the etymology of "bohunk". Doesn't matter, I was saying what happens when I see your nic, a polish joke always pops into my mind for some reason. Like your post reminded me of this one;

A polack is going through his wife's junk drawer looking for nickles and dimes, small change you know, usually it was for a wodka down at the local piwiarnia but this time, strangely enough, it was for a donation. Might have been church tho, eh? Anyway as he was digging through the junk he suddenly almost jumped out of his skin, he discovered his wife was planning to murder him! He'd found a bottle of
Polish Remover!

Have a good one, chief polack.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ahh....confirmation of my theory that assholes like you always react to getting their butt kicked by accusing their tormentor of having traits they themselves try to suppress.

Have a nice day chief sénor polack.

Sent from my Communication Device using kikabutt.

Your theory?
I didn't realize dipshit was a field of study

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have to say I don't usually waste my time studying dipshits like you, but you're such a perfect representation of a unique subspecies, rectumora pilitus, I just couldn't pass on the opportunity to subject a living example of the breed to various negative stimuli, hoping to solve the mystery of how such a deficient example of the biosphere could survive to maturity. So far all I've discovered is the assumption you are mature was fundamentally mistaken.

Let me guess, you're an unemployed ass wiper at an interstate rest stop. Fear not shitstain - President Trump will see to it that you are either (a) gainfully employed, or (b) deported.

Best of luck in your journey for something semi-meaningful in life.

Jesus, you're looking dumber by the post. What're you doing anyway, stealing time from your employer dicking around in cyberworld while you're supposed to be pushing that broom? Or sneaking into the Warden's office using up his data? (a) I'm gainfully retired after working 40 yrs. harder and smarter than your dumb lazy ass could even conceive. (b) don't you have my avatar to the left with my location listed? If so you get another 5 points deducted from estimated I.Q. Get any lower I'll start wondering if you're a bi-ped. Already comfortably removed from U.S. living in one of the greatest cities in the World.

I saw your claim you are from Luray, Virginia so I went and had a look, kind of hoping I could dump some dirt on it too. Turns out that it's kind of a nice little town. Went down Wilson St. passed Bristol Ave. to High St. A little strange seeing so many unfenced yards, in most of our small towns most of the yards are fenced. The lots are bigger than our average too. This place kind of reminds me of a small town I lived in for a while in Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. Same sort of ambience too more or less. Went as far as 1st ST. and started back. That place. looks like #139 High, the one with the full front porch is about the same age as our first house. Somebody's resided it with white vinyl siding too. I resided ours with the same damn siding. Well I actually resided about a third of ours, I was a rookie at it and it was taking too long. I was putting in too many hours in those days. Had to hire somebody to finish. Didn't love the vinyl but some of the lower wood siding was starting to rot, had to do something.
Say, that red brick church on the corner of Berrey Blvd doesn't have any sign of denomination, nothing.
What's up with that? No Sunday Service time, no Jesus Welcomes You, zip. That's weird, wonder what the secret is, must still be active, it's very well kept, lawn and all. Hmm. Anyway back to 1st. Passed a place having an auction on Saturday, might have some nice old Americana in a place like that, small town Virginia, eh? I'm an old Sunday garage sale surfer.
Got to one of them infamous Confederate monuments by the Farmer's and Merchant Bank, couldn't see who the statue was supposed to be, couldn't make out the inscription either. I rotated a few times to have a look around and sure enough figured out I was lost. Had to beam the hell out of there, probably go back some time and window shop that little business area up from the Bank.

Well I guess that was kind of a semi-meaningful journey but now I've got no more time to rag your ass, later maybe, just have to run to the store.

See ya, chief polecat.
Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ahh....confirmation of my theory that assholes like you always react to getting their butt kicked by accusing their tormentor of having traits they themselves try to suppress.

Have a nice day chief sénor polack.

Sent from my Communication Device using kikabutt.

Your theory?
I didn't realize dipshit was a field of study

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have to say I don't usually waste my time studying dipshits like you, but you're such a perfect representation of a unique subspecies, rectumora pilitus, I just couldn't pass on the opportunity to subject a living example of the breed to various negative stimuli, hoping to solve the mystery of how such a deficient example of the biosphere could survive to maturity. So far all I've discovered is the assumption you are mature was fundamentally mistaken.

Let me guess, you're an unemployed ass wiper at an interstate rest stop. Fear not shitstain - President Trump will see to it that you are either (a) gainfully employed, or (b) deported.

Best of luck in your journey for something semi-meaningful in life.

Jesus, you're looking dumber by the post. What're you doing anyway, stealing time from your employer dicking around in cyberworld while you're supposed to be pushing that broom? Or sneaking into the Warden's office using up his data? (a) I'm gainfully retired after working 40 yrs. harder and smarter than your dumb lazy ass could even conceive. (b) don't you have my avatar to the left with my location listed? If so you get another 5 points deducted from estimated I.Q. Get any lower I'll start wondering if you're a bi-ped. Already comfortably removed from U.S. living in one of the greatest cities in the World.

I saw your claim you are from Luray, Virginia so I went and had a look, kind of hoping I could dump some dirt on it too. Turns out that it's kind of a nice little town. Went down Wilson St. passed Bristol Ave. to High St. A little strange seeing so many unfenced yards, in most of our small towns most of the yards are fenced. The lots are bigger than our average too. This place kind of reminds me of a small town I lived in for a while in Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. Same sort of ambience too more or less. Went as far as 1st ST. and started back. That place. looks like #139 High, the one with the full front porch is about the same age as our first house. Somebody's resided it with white vinyl siding too. I resided ours with the same damn siding. Well I actually resided about a third of ours, I was a rookie at it and it was taking too long. I was putting in too many hours in those days. Had to hire somebody to finish. Didn't love the vinyl but some of the lower wood siding was starting to rot, had to do something.
Say, that red brick church on the corner of Berrey Blvd doesn't have any sign of denomination, nothing.
What's up with that? No Sunday Service time, no Jesus Welcomes You, zip. That's weird, wonder what the secret is, must still be active, it's very well kept, lawn and all. Hmm. Anyway back to 1st. Passed a place having an auction on Saturday, might have some nice old Americana in a place like that, small town Virginia, eh? I'm an old Sunday garage sale surfer.
Got to one of them infamous Confederate monuments by the Farmer's and Merchant Bank, couldn't see who the statue was supposed to be, couldn't make out the inscription either. I rotated a few times to have a look around and sure enough figured out I was lost. Had to beam the hell out of there, probably go back some time and window shop that little business area up from the Bank.

Well I guess that was kind of a semi-meaningful journey but now I've got no more time to rag your ass, later maybe, just have to run to the store.

See ya, chief polecat.

You would explain the queer we saw drive through town today
Thanks for the update, stupid
Come on back sometime, ya hear?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?
It's your money to throw away.

And it's your right to exhibit your ignorance, bigotry, and hate.
Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?

seeing the leftist thugs in action

all the more reason not to support democrats
Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?

Trump looks and acts like Benito Mussolini. Give your money away. What a loser! A suggestion for you....park your right wing ass in front of a mirror and practice saying, "Madame President!"
You cannot stand the truth!

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?

I'm sure Trump is ecstatic over your 8 dollar and 46 cent donation. After all he had quite a giggle over the little old lady that sent him a $6.79 cheque. Let's see...yeah, your piggy bank bankrupting bonanza just might cover his tip for a starbuck latte.
Whenever I run across your nic it reminds me of a bad habit my old man had. He was probably the most liberal man I ever knew, Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson's books on the coffee table in the early sixties, probably one of the first guys in the world to install seat belts in a family car, that sort of thing. But he was definitely not politically correct, used to refer to immigrants as bohunks, or polacks, or DP's. Origin of polack is obvious, DP's were "displaced persons", never did figure out the etymology of "bohunk". Doesn't matter, I was saying what happens when I see your nic, a polish joke always pops into my mind for some reason. Like your post reminded me of this one;

A polack is going through his wife's junk drawer looking for nickles and dimes, small change you know, usually it was for a wodka down at the local piwiarnia but this time, strangely enough, it was for a donation. Might have been church tho, eh? Anyway as he was digging through the junk he suddenly almost jumped out of his skin, he discovered his wife was planning to murder him! He'd found a bottle of
Polish Remover!

Have a good one, chief polack.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Polish jokes too unPC for you?
You cannot stand the truth!

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

Not that he needs it, but hey - every little bit will help to defeat this "Brownshirt" mentality this nation has become under Heir Obama. Where is that asshole this week while the middle class starves? Some hip-hop festival shaking his bony little ass to Raggae music while families and children starve and our men and women die in one on the gazillion illegal and immoral wars this nutsack warnmongering chickenhawk has us involved with?

I'm sure Trump is ecstatic over your 8 dollar and 46 cent donation. After all he had quite a giggle over the little old lady that sent him a $6.79 cheque. Let's see...yeah, your piggy bank bankrupting bonanza just might cover his tip for a starbuck latte.
Whenever I run across your nic it reminds me of a bad habit my old man had. He was probably the most liberal man I ever knew, Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson's books on the coffee table in the early sixties, probably one of the first guys in the world to install seat belts in a family car, that sort of thing. But he was definitely not politically correct, used to refer to immigrants as bohunks, or polacks, or DP's. Origin of polack is obvious, DP's were "displaced persons", never did figure out the etymology of "bohunk". Doesn't matter, I was saying what happens when I see your nic, a polish joke always pops into my mind for some reason. Like your post reminded me of this one;

A polack is going through his wife's junk drawer looking for nickles and dimes, small change you know, usually it was for a wodka down at the local piwiarnia but this time, strangely enough, it was for a donation. Might have been church tho, eh? Anyway as he was digging through the junk he suddenly almost jumped out of his skin, he discovered his wife was planning to murder him! He'd found a bottle of
Polish Remover!

Have a good one, chief polack.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You cannot stand the truth!

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

I'm sure Trump is ecstatic over your 8 dollar and 46 cent donation. After all he had quite a giggle over the little old lady that sent him a $6.79 cheque. Let's see...yeah, your piggy bank bankrupting bonanza just might cover his tip for a starbuck latte.
Whenever I run across your nic it reminds me of a bad habit my old man had. He was probably the most liberal man I ever knew, Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson's books on the coffee table in the early sixties, probably one of the first guys in the world to install seat belts in a family car, that sort of thing. But he was definitely not politically correct, used to refer to immigrants as bohunks, or polacks, or DP's. Origin of polack is obvious, DP's were "displaced persons", never did figure out the etymology of "bohunk". Doesn't matter, I was saying what happens when I see your nic, a polish joke always pops into my mind for some reason. Like your post reminded me of this one;

A polack is going through his wife's junk drawer looking for nickles and dimes, small change you know, usually it was for a wodka down at the local piwiarnia but this time, strangely enough, it was for a donation. Might have been church tho, eh? Anyway as he was digging through the junk he suddenly almost jumped out of his skin, he discovered his wife was planning to murder him! He'd found a bottle of
Polish Remover!

Have a good one, chief polack.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was asking boilingmad about the pc business but damn you're even more crazy-mad than he is. You better run along now and take your pills before you stroke out. More advice... stay down there in your own weight class if you can't stand getting a shit-kicking, I wouldn't want to be responsible for any real damage, just playin' with ya. Must be terrible being a joke and having no sense of humor, eh?
You cannot stand the truth!

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

Spare my your racist bigotry, faggot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was asking boilingmad about the pc business but damn you're even more crazy-mad than he is. You better run along now and take your pills before you stroke out. More advice... stay down there in your own weight class if you can't stand getting a shit-kicking, I wouldn't want to be responsible for any real damage, just playin' with ya. Must be terrible being a joke and having no sense of humor, eh?

Who are you talking to?
Stupid naturally, or do take something to enhance it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You cannot stand the truth!

I think you are the real racists.
NO. You are the real racists.

Polish jokes too unPC for you?

Did I miss a joke, faggot?
Something unique? Or just as old as that crusty old Obama jizz around your mouth and ass?
Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was asking boilingmad about the pc business but damn you're even more crazy-mad than he is. You better run along now and take your pills before you stroke out. More advice... stay down there in your own weight class if you can't stand getting a shit-kicking, I wouldn't want to be responsible for any real damage, just playin' with ya. Must be terrible being a joke and having no sense of humor, eh?

Who are you talking to?
Stupid naturally, or do take something to enhance it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You seem to enjoy this petty back and forth a little too much. Sorry, you'll have to go find somebody with a compatible sub-body temperature I.Q. You bore me.

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