just more child indoctrination,,

armed guards hell most school cant afford books for all the kids in classes but you want to pay for armed guards...
armed guards hell most school cant afford books for all the kids in classes but you want to pay for armed guards...
yes I do because children are worth protecting,,, and it can happen overnight,,

I heard someone say it would only take 2 billion to cover all schools in the US, so how about we take that from what we are sending to ukraine to protect their children and use it to protect ours??
why not raise taxes on the rich to pay for it?
why?? they are already paying more than their fair share??

doesnt matter how long it will last,,
dont you think children are worthy of protection??

there are to many programs we can get the money from,, I would start with foreign aid to countries that openly hate us, that is after the money for ukraine runs out,,
paying their fair share...you really dont have a clue do you?
they already pay the highest percentage of taxs while the lower income pays little to nothing and in some cases get more back than paid in,,,

you sure have a lot of excuses to prevent giving our children protection they deserve,,
whats your idea and how long will it take and what would it cost??
Let parents act. Let retired police or military act. No. The reason is, the ultimate goal of the left is depopulation. Abort the children. Kill the children. Sterilize the children.
i think we need some security in schools...i am not sure armed guards are the answer...i have seen the metal walls that can be pulled back and form a solid bullet proof room...class rooms would have to be bigger etc...i dont think teachers want to be armed...watching that woman shoot out the damn doors was shocking..our local elementary depends on glass doors in the front...and windows...do we build schools that look like max prisons? our gun culture is at the root of much of this...guns are most protected than kids...i am a gun owner...i dont have the high power multiple rounds weapons...but my friends who do have issues with being told what they can own as gun owners...i mean why does one need a damn 50 caliber....a rare thing but its out...koresh had one...this woman owned 7 gun legally...are there ever enough red flags? to stop mentally ill people from doing this?

police response is critical ...training of police and staff in schools on how to react is part of it..as easily seen by
the response in texas and the response in tennessee (those fuckers had big balls) it is proven we can lower the body count....i would love to see it totally stopped...

i just cant look into the abyss of a child killer...i dont understand what makes a person kill a child....so i always credit it to mental illness..but then you have andrea yates...

gun control has to play into the solution...as much as people dont like that...do you choose guns over kids?

youtube? reaction videos to drive the likes/dislikes ..you do realize a dislike counts just the same as a like...
youtube? reaction videos to drive the likes/dislikes ..you do realize a dislike counts just the same as a like...
sounds like youre trying to protect people that are harming children,,,

better to discredit the message than attack the messenger,, attacking the messenger just proves them right and you a horrible person,,
i do not understand why trans people are allowed to speak at schools...i would immediately remove my child....big reveal...i taught sex ed...in high school...there is a time and place for these discussions and none of it really needs to come before 5 or 6 th grade..kids are entering puberty much earlier now...

if you listen to kids now you will be shocked at what they already know very young its not all the fault of trans

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