Just One Of 300,000

Doing something about our dependence on fossil fuels is a win-win. Solar, wind and other alternative energy sources are the future. Opposing such progress is the mark of a retard.
Doing something about our dependence on fossil fuels is a win-win. Solar, wind and other alternative energy sources are the future. Opposing such progress is the mark of a retard.

If your daughter can stop one infiltrator or legal immigrant from arriving in America, she will drastically cut that person's GHG emissions in addition to the added strain they put on the environment by living at American standards of living.

Is she prepared to take such easy measures to help the environment? Well, is she?
Doing something about our dependence on fossil fuels is a win-win. Solar, wind and other alternative energy sources are the future. Opposing such progress is the mark of a retard.

There will be millions of retarded frozen corpses when the sun don't shine and the wind don't blow. In fact, might make a great Dylanesque song for the movement that CONFRONTS these morons with the flaws in their demands..

And WTF are these "other alternative energy sources"? Geothermal? It's a dirty mining operation based on FRACKING techniques.. I'm all for it.. ARE YOU ????
And BTW -- geothermal is not "renewable" in the classic sense. The drill holes peter out and the toxic sludge ROTS the equipment..

Give me a list of these "other"...
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Doing something about our dependence on fossil fuels is a win-win. Solar, wind and other alternative energy sources are the future. Opposing such progress is the mark of a retard.

There will be millions of retarded frozen corpses when the sun don't shine and the wind don't blow. In fact, might make a great Dylanesque song for the movement that CONFRONTS these morons with the flaws in their demands..

Poor FLT.......
Where's the list of OTHER ???? Undersea cuisinarts that are an enviro nightmare? Your daughters heroes would Sushi Flipper just to get what they want..
Are you opposed to ending our dependence on fossil fuels? I think you are.
Are you opposed to ending our dependence on fossil fuels? I think you are.

America has been independent in it's ELECTRICITY needs forever..
That's a fact that only retards don't understand..

I'd LOVE to see coal plants phased out.. How about 100 new 3rd generation nuclear plants? You on board with that? NO CO2 either.
Didn't answer ANY of my questions.. CAN YOU ????





For people that supposedly CARE ABOUT THE EARTH, they ceryainly don't act it!

much gay on display!!:boobies::boobies::biggrin:

They can march 5 million through there......if the policy makers keep yawning, it might as well be 5 people marching. And yawning they are......Crap and Tax is dead in America and no signs whatsoever in that changing!! Marches don't do dick in America unless somebody's kid is dying ( see 1968-1972). If people start keeling over from global warming, then some real #'s will show up at MANY marches. Until then.......meh.:coffee:

The AGW bunch remind me of Chicago Cub's fans......they go on a 6 game winning streak in the middle of the summer and the faithful ( no pun intended:eusa_dance:) start talking about the world series. But they haven't won a WS since 1918.

Heres the real poop that stings the AGW k00ks to the point of them screwing themselves into the ground. >>>

More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

168 long pages from the skeptics nation.....but one only has to go through a few pages to see the highly sobering reality about how all this consensus science isn't adding up to anything in the real world.......scores of links to prove it too!!! Scores of links.:up:
Unofficial estimates put the number of marchers attending today's Peoples Climate March at 300k. An impressive number.

My unbelievably perfect 18 y/o daughter was there among them. Thankfully, we've got no shortage of forward thinking........wise young people ready to do what's right for this planet and those who inhabit it.

One step at a time.

I'll be damned. My highly intelligent, not-to-mention handsome (and nice) son was there, too!
Interested peeps need to click on some of the links here from the epic thread in this forum called, PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING. This is just a small fraction of the links posted up in the 168 page thread of dominance. In terms of the landscape of "climate change" below is Realville for the climate k00ks. They talk about "consensus science" but they, in 20 years mind you, havent moved the goalposts even a yard. And they know it too.......but this is stuff you wont find anywhere in the msm.......

For many, many more similar links, just go to the thread PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING.......it is always somewhere on PAGE 1 of this forum and always will be!!!!

The Fantasy of Extreme Weather Behind The Black

The ensemble of models is completely meaningless statistically Watts Up With That

If you still believe in climate change read this 8230 8211 Telegraph Blogs

Cookies must be enabled. The Australian

People Are Losing Hope For Green Energy - Business Insider


The Green Agenda

What climate change Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up UK News Daily Express

Drill Baby Drill U.S. Energy Revolution Being Heard Round the World Yergin Says Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

Study Earth was warmer in Roman Medieval Times The Daily Caller

Satellite data shows Arctic sea ice coverage up 50 percent The Daily Caller

69 Say It s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Rasmussen Reports trade

Solar Provides 0.2 of Electric Supply--Up From 0.02 Before Obama CNS News

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes

The green dream in Europe turns black as renewable energy fails

The below links are particularly instructive.......shows very clearly ( Obama administration projections ) that fossil fuels are going to be around for decades. Why? Because in the real world, costs matter and renewables are still expensive as hell.

10 predictions for the world s energy future News OPB

EIA Report Estimates Growth of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040 Department of Energy

Unofficial estimates put the number of marchers attending today's Peoples Climate March at 300k. An impressive number.

My unbelievably perfect 18 y/o daughter was there among them. Thankfully, we've got no shortage of forward thinking........wise young people ready to do what's right for this planet and those who inhabit it.

One step at a time.

I'll be damned. My highly intelligent, not-to-mention handsome (and nice) son was there, too!

And when you were your son's age you probably owned a Pet Rock and went along with the fashionable nonsense of your generation.
Unofficial estimates put the number of marchers attending today's Peoples Climate March at 300k. An impressive number.

My unbelievably perfect 18 y/o daughter was there among them. Thankfully, we've got no shortage of forward thinking........wise young people ready to do what's right for this planet and those who inhabit it.

One step at a time.

I'll be damned. My highly intelligent, not-to-mention handsome (and nice) son was there, too!

And when you were your son's age you probably owned a Pet Rock and went along with the fashionable nonsense of your generation.

Actually, no. I was reading the nonsense of Ayn Rand. :beer:
Unofficial estimates put the number of marchers attending today's Peoples Climate March at 300k. An impressive number.

My unbelievably perfect 18 y/o daughter was there among them. Thankfully, we've got no shortage of forward thinking........wise young people ready to do what's right for this planet and those who inhabit it.

One step at a time.

I'll be damned. My highly intelligent, not-to-mention handsome (and nice) son was there, too!

And when you were your son's age you probably owned a Pet Rock and went along with the fashionable nonsense of your generation.

By the way, my son is also a free and critical thinker.

He can stand disagreement without feeling the need to disparage. Great kid.
Unofficial estimates put the number of marchers attending today's Peoples Climate March at 300k. An impressive number.

My unbelievably perfect 18 y/o daughter was there among them. Thankfully, we've got no shortage of forward thinking........wise young people ready to do what's right for this planet and those who inhabit it.

One step at a time.

Just wait until they decide to stop paying you your social security because they won't be getting it, then I want to hear about how progressive the next generation is.

There will be no need for social security..they'll just execute everybody that reaches the age of 60.
Unofficial estimates put the number of marchers attending today's Peoples Climate March at 300k. An impressive number.

My unbelievably perfect 18 y/o daughter was there among them. Thankfully, we've got no shortage of forward thinking........wise young people ready to do what's right for this planet and those who inhabit it.

One step at a time.

I'll be damned. My highly intelligent, not-to-mention handsome (and nice) son was there, too!

And when you were your son's age you probably owned a Pet Rock and went along with the fashionable nonsense of your generation.

By the way, my son is also a free and critical thinker.

He can stand disagreement without feeling the need to disparage. Great kid.

Liberalism is to free and critical thinking as goth is to individualism.


This is the free and critical thinker, the one who doesn't go along with fashionable nonsense.


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