Just What We Need? Another Dummy On The Left!


Mar 26, 2015
Nebraska senator wonā€™t back down or apologize for saying heā€™d shoot a cop
By Deena Winter / March 26, 2015 / 61 Comments

AP file photo

NOT GONNA DO IT: Nebraska state Sen. Ernie Chambers says he will not apologize for saying heā€™d shoot a police officer if he had a gun.

By Deena Winter | Nebraska Watchdog

LINCOLN, Neb. ā€” State Sen. Sen. Ernie Chambers isnā€™t backing down.

The state lawmaker froma Omaha defiantly stood Thursday on the floor of the Nebraska Legislature and rejected many of his colleaguesā€™ calls for him to apologize ā€” or even resign ā€” for comparing cops to ISIS terrorists and suggesting heā€™d shoot a cop if he werenā€™t nonviolent and had a gun.

ā€œI meant what I said and I said what I meant,ā€ Chambers said.

He said the irony is that lawmakers were discussing freedom of expression on Wednesday, and said it was ignorant and ā€œidle talkā€ to suggest taking any kind of legal action, since lawmakers are immune from civil or criminal liability in connection with anything they say in the Legislature.

ā€œIā€™m not going to resign,ā€ he said. ā€œIā€™m not going to apologize. Why do you think I would apologize?ā€

Yo, they need to take this one out behind the barn? What a total Azz!!!

Nebraska senator won t back down or apologize for saying he d shoot a cop - Watchdog.org



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