Just when you thought our government couldn't get more f**d up....

She's not a criminal.
Is marrying your brother?

She didn't marry her brother. That's just another one of your endless conspiracy theories.

Yes she did. One would think you Proggies would celebrate her marriage fluidity.
You have every right to your own personal belief system, Even if it isn’t factually based.

You wouldn't recognize a fact is it smacked you on the ass and called you Judy.
She's not a criminal.
Is marrying your brother?

She didn't marry her brother. That's just another one of your endless conspiracy theories.

Yes she did. One would think you Proggies would celebrate her marriage fluidity.
You have every right to your own personal belief system, Even if it isn’t factually based.

You wouldn't recognize a fact is it smacked you on the ass and called you Judy.
Coming from you, I will give the regard it deserves.
She's not a criminal.

She married her brother.
She committed immigration fraud.
She committed campaign financing fraud.

For starters...
Show me the charges and indictments, for starters.

That doesn't work anymore, hun. We no longer have the Rule of Law; it's been replaced by the Rule of Political Influence & Pull. Ilhan is in the Prog in-crowd. She can get away with literal murder, just like Teddy. So no worries about a bit of incest and fraud as long it's all in the service of the Prog-Fascist Party.
She's not a criminal.

She married her brother.
She committed immigration fraud.
She committed campaign financing fraud.

For starters...


Now if you had these 6 asshats sitting behind you in a plane, it would cross your mind that you hope you land in one full piece.
She's not a criminal.
Is marrying your brother?

She didn't marry her brother. That's just another one of your endless conspiracy theories.

Yes she did. One would think you Proggies would celebrate her marriage fluidity.
You have every right to your own personal belief system, Even if it isn’t factually based.

You wouldn't recognize a fact is it smacked you on the ass and called you Judy.
Coming from you, I will give the regard it deserves.
I really wish that all USMB members would be female
She's not a criminal.

She married her brother.
She committed immigration fraud.
She committed campaign financing fraud.

For starters...
Show me the charges and indictments, for starters.
She is totatlly immune because she is black, female and wears a diaper around her head, AND an illegal immigrant as a cherry on top.

Who you bullshittin woman?
USA is collapsing and you know it
We are a failed nation

Those are the words of a failed citizen. Is that what they taught you in MMA class? Give up at the first opportunity?
Thanks to the fraud we live in a failed nation. Something we all have in common now.

GTFO if you've given up.
I have not given up, but reality is reality.The people in power hate this country.
She's not a criminal.
Is marrying your brother?

She didn't marry her brother. That's just another one of your endless conspiracy theories.

Yes she did. One would think you Proggies would celebrate her marriage fluidity.
You have every right to your own personal belief system, Even if it isn’t factually based.

You wouldn't recognize a fact is it smacked you on the ass and called you Judy.
Coming from you, I will give the regard it deserves.
I really wish that all USMB members would be female
She's not a criminal.

She married her brother.
She committed immigration fraud.
She committed campaign financing fraud.

For starters...
Show me the charges and indictments, for starters.
She is totatlly immune because she is black, female and wears a diaper around her head, AND an illegal immigrant as a cherry on top.

Who you bullshittin woman?
Wow. She ticks all your boxes doesn’t she? Well...wait, she doesn’t tick transgender.

No wonder y’all hate her so much.
She's not a criminal.
Is marrying your brother?

She didn't marry her brother. That's just another one of your endless conspiracy theories.

Yes she did. One would think you Proggies would celebrate her marriage fluidity.
You have every right to your own personal belief system, Even if it isn’t factually based.

You wouldn't recognize a fact is it smacked you on the ass and called you Judy.
Coming from you, I will give the regard it deserves.
I really wish that all USMB members would be female
She's not a criminal.

She married her brother.
She committed immigration fraud.
She committed campaign financing fraud.

For starters...
Show me the charges and indictments, for starters.
She is totatlly immune because she is black, female and wears a diaper around her head, AND an illegal immigrant as a cherry on top.

Who you bullshittin woman?
Wow. She ticks all your boxes doesn’t she? Well...wait, she doesn’t tick transgender.

No wonder y’all hate her so much.
I don't hate her. I think she is a spoiled rotten pompous ungrateful child. The opportunities this country gave her and she says it is evil. She is an anus erectus of the highest degree.
USA is collapsing and you know it
We are a failed nation

Those are the words of a failed citizen. Is that what they taught you in MMA class? Give up at the first opportunity?
Thanks to the fraud we live in a failed nation. Something we all have in common now.

GTFO if you've given up.
I have not given up, but reality is reality.....

= you have given up
USA is collapsing and you know it
We are a failed nation

Those are the words of a failed citizen. Is that what they taught you in MMA class? Give up at the first opportunity?
Thanks to the fraud we live in a failed nation. Something we all have in common now.

GTFO if you've given up.
I have not given up, but reality is reality.....

= you have given up
You are entitled to your opinion, but I am a better source on me than you.
USA is collapsing and you know it
We are a failed nation

Those are the words of a failed citizen. Is that what they taught you in MMA class? Give up at the first opportunity?
Thanks to the fraud we live in a failed nation. Something we all have in common now.

GTFO if you've given up.
I have not given up, but reality is reality.....

= you have given up
I am waiting on PT and my vaccine then I can try only 2 more gyms . If those suck ..then I am going back to my teenage years of video games
USA is collapsing and you know it
We are a failed nation

Those are the words of a failed citizen. Is that what they taught you in MMA class? Give up at the first opportunity?
Thanks to the fraud we live in a failed nation. Something we all have in common now.

GTFO if you've given up.
And go where ?? I would automatically be accepted into Israel under the “ law of return “
All they need is a DNA test
They would even give me a free house in the West Bank and an uzi
USA is collapsing and you know it
We are a failed nation

Those are the words of a failed citizen. Is that what they taught you in MMA class? Give up at the first opportunity?
They cancelled my class and I have been mentally unstable!!
The Stalinist left has even made the USSC another pawn
The Stalins have destroyed everything
Ilhan Omar, the criminal Muslim serving in OUR CONGRESS was just named the freaking head of foreign affairs committee!! That 90 pound Q-Tip should be serving time in Gitmo right now.

The one thing I continually say - "This is NOT the country I grew up in..."

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