Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic so there is no hope for him -- he will definitely go to hell

Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Did God tell you that, or did you just decide it all on your own?
Are you judging me? You murder babies by the millions and you DARE to judge me? You rob Catholics of their freedom and you DARE to judge me?

I judge you to be a religious nut who enjoys ranting and raving more than behaving as Jesus said to.
With a great deal in common with the fanatical Moooslims.
That's correct. I have no idea what it is like to be caught up in a massive fraud as you are.

The only fraud here is you pretending to know something on the subject which you patently do not. You are an ignorant liar, a bigot and a fake.

I have not a clue what it feels like to be brainwashed. In that I cannot relate.

Brainwashed people like y9ou never realize that they are brainqwashed, because when they finally do, they are no longer brainwashed, genius.

But lets talk facts. Lets talk about the how the Infinite Regression Fallacy indicates that time must be finite and cannot be eternal.

Lets talk about how Greek philosophers came to believe in a Creator without the influence of religion, just using plain old reason.

Lets talk about how ignorant savages cloaked under the banner of atheism have slaughter nearly 200 million people in the last 150 years.

Lets talk about how atheists have eroded and subverted the public morality, the legal system and the Constitution of the United States with their ridiculous nonsense, denying the God given rights of Mankind. Bring it you retarded little monkey and lets discuss it.

But till you can discuss the FACTS, why dont you just shut the hell up and stop embarrassing yourself?

Your defense is more like a zombie in a bad sci-fi move though. Mindless, angry, accusatory and without any credible point.

Because you do not understand the arguments does not make them mindless, idiot.

So what makes me "the typical, contemptible, ignorant atheist" ? Is it the fact that I think for myself and have concluded that there is no god on my own without any peer pressure? Or, is it that I freely bring this finding to USMB and share it with people like you who make bizzare statements concerning MY future upon death?

No, it is the fact that you do not understand what you claim to have rejected and you remain stubborn refusing to to grapple with what people say they believe in and substitute lies instead that you can easily deny like the typical Straw Man argument. You do not believe in a Sky Fairy? Great, no one else does either, you fucking fool.

What gives you any right to suggest that anyone but yourself will go to hell?

I do not suggest specific people will go to Hell, but I know some will.

IF that bothers you, tough shit.

All I say is that when you die there will be nothing. Does the fact that when your brain starts getting consumed by maggots or is pickled by the embalmers chemicals that there will be no "you" left at all? And you will certainly not become the latest member in any magical Disney World in the sky or some fire and brimstone underground cave with the devil as a social director.

Lol, a mans brain is not what determines his thoughts, idiot. Anyone can demonstrate to themselves how they can shift focus from one sensation to a thought to another sensation and to any topic they might want, without the interference of anything that goes on in the brain. The brain responds to the person, and is not the person themselves.

Why so angry? I didn't make up the rules. They are what they are.

You dont know the rules, understand the rules or show any respect for the rules.

You are a jack ass kicking yourself in the ass all day long and thinking you are winning the fight.

The fight is your own failure to be a real human being, and is the fault of no one else.

Right... I get it. You think that because you have been convinced of the made up truth of your religion that you believe you are better than those who reject your religion. You take it personally. Therefor I must be "evil", "stupid" ... Etc....

The fact that all human memory is kept in the brain has nothing to do with "who" is human and who is not human according to you. Naturally you cannot pinpoint the exact location of this "personality", which makes us all unique, if not in the brain. I suppose you have some bizzare notion that there is a "god cloud" of information where your personality is kept and your body is just a temporary shell housing a sending unit that communicates with your "god cloud" self. Good luck with that.

I'm sorry to inform you that I am not angry with myself and there is no self directed "ass kicking" going on as you have suggested.

I am happy that you see me as a threat to your belief system. You would not invest so much venom towards me if that was not so. Good. Your words indicate that you are beyond help and as others read them you expose the mindlessness of which I speak as I expose your fraud.

Thank you.
Right... I get it. You think that because you have been convinced of the made up truth of your religion that you believe you are better than those who reject your religion. You take it personally. Therefor I must be "evil", "stupid" ... Etc.... .

Know, the ignorance and stupidity you continue to display by misrepresenting the actual concepts and claims of those you disagree with shows that you are a moron and a fool.

All I am doing is pointing to it, you loser idiot.
Right... I get it. You think that because you have been convinced of the made up truth of your religion that you believe you are better than those who reject your religion. You take it personally. Therefor I must be "evil", "stupid" ... Etc.... .

Know, the ignorance and stupidity you continue to display by misrepresenting the actual concepts and claims of those you disagree with shows that you are a moron and a fool.

All I am doing is pointing to it, you loser idiot.

You haven't offered a single fact to support your contention that I am "stupid", a "moron"or a "loser idiot. All you have come with is anger. You being mad isn't in itself convincing that I am anything one way or the other. It's hard to be offended by such a weak attack.
You haven't offered a single fact to support your contention that I am "stupid", a "moron"or a "loser idiot.
Sure I have, by pointing out your inability to comprehend the subject for discussion. You do not understand the monotheistic concept of a God/Creator, nor more specifically the more intricate concept of God in the Christian faith., and that is just one of many things you get completely wrong and refuse to correct because you cannot grasp the differences.

These things prove you to be an idiot, ignorant on the subject and a fool.
You haven't offered a single fact to support your contention that I am "stupid", a "moron"or a "loser idiot.
Sure I have, by pointing out your inability to comprehend the subject for discussion. You do not understand the monotheistic concept of a God/Creator, nor more specifically the more intricate concept of God in the Christian faith., and that is just one of many things you get completely wrong and refuse to correct because you cannot grasp the differences.

These things prove you to be an idiot, ignorant on the subject and a fool.

You certainly are persistent in your "beliefs". You wouldn't make a very good atheist. Faith is the least important tool invested in weighing truth vs false statements. I reserve "faith" for my own path as that is all we can claim as our own.
So - no Lazarus? No Jesus for that matter. Dead men walking right there.

Sky fairy, right. Maybe we should say sky djinn instead? Since humans ask (pray) for wishes to be granted, and then the djinn grants them. Or not. Mostly not.

Now the Bible! There's a special book, amirite? Full of insane rantings against women. Full of hate, and judgement. It would have potential, if the followers stuck with the teaching of love - but no. Their favorite parts let them judge, so they can feel superior. How the djinn did not see this coming, I have no idea. He can't be all that bright. I mean, not if those created "in his image" are any indication.
Perhaps not, but it's obvious you are afraid to face a world where you and people just like you aren't the only ones to get the advantages.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.
We need to go Medieval

so your church needs to revert to the medieval level where radical Islam is now???? going back to the inquisitions crusades against non Christians?
You can go medieval now, blackrook, just not with torches, pitchforks, pincers, stakes, etc.

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