Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic so there is no hope for him -- he will definitely go to hell

Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
There is nothing in the entire Bible about abortion.

So bite your tongue.
Thou shalt not kill.

A more accurate translation is thou shalt not murder.

Good point. It could be quite necessary to kill. Killing is not synonymous with murder.
Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is that what you just thought up?
No. Did you not ever learn anything about Christianity, that you are unaware of basic concepts?
I learned a lot growing up.
And yet you are stumped by basic concepts like what hell is.
And you makeup what hell is.
Why is "You shall not murder" in the Ten Commandments?

What is murder in God’s eyes? From the human perspective, murder is the physical act of taking another’s life. However, we also must consider that God defines murder as any thought or feeling of deep-seated hatred or malice against another person.

Abortion is probably not murder, I don't think these women have deep seated hatred towards their unborn embryo or fetus...most don't even recognize in their own hearts that their fetus is even a ''person'' yet.

In other words, it is more than just a physical act that constitutes murder to God, who tells us that “everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him” (1 John 3:15 ESV). When we harbor hatred in our hearts for another, we have committed the sin of murder in God’s eyes. The disdain towards another person never has to be demonstrated outwardly because God looks upon the heart for the truth (1 Samuel 16:7; Matthew 15:19).



1 John 3:15

15 bEveryone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that cno murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is that what you just thought up?

Oh NNNOOOooo...!!!! It's Twwoooooo.. It's rewee twwwwoooooo!!! :lol:
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
There is nothing in the entire Bible about abortion.

So bite your tongue.
Thou shalt not kill.
As already correctly noted: the reference is to murder, not killing.

And as a fact of law abortion is not ‘murder,’ and not prohibited by the bible.

Moreover, what the bible might or might not ‘prohibit’ is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, as the bible was written by men, subjective, errant, contradictory, and completely devoid of secular authority.

If a theist believes abortion is a ‘sin’ per his subjecting reading of the bible, then he’s at liberty to not have an abortion.

But a theist may not seek to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, nor seek to place an undue burden to her right to privacy, based on his subjective reading of the bible, as to do so would be in violation of the Constitution, as the Supreme Court reaffirmed this week.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is that what you just thought up?
No. Did you not ever learn anything about Christianity, that you are unaware of basic concepts?

Basic concepts? Like... Basic-basic? Do you have any idea how that sounds to anyone that thinks critically? That crap wouldn't even make a good story for a comic book.

It's not any mystery why the christian fundamentalists have such retarded political goals. You have been living your whole lives believing in nonsense. It would be funny but many millions of people have been wasting their self esteem forcing themselves to believe the unbelievable. No wonder so many of you are so screwed up. You have been living a lie so long you are far beyond coming back to reality. Sad.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is that what you just thought up?
No. Did you not ever learn anything about Christianity, that you are unaware of basic concepts?
I learned a lot growing up.

It's hard to un-convince grown ups that believe in Santa Claus. It really is a mental disease by the time they are adults.
Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is that what you just thought up?
No. Did you not ever learn anything about Christianity, that you are unaware of basic concepts?
I learned a lot growing up.
And yet you are stumped by basic concepts like what hell is.

I am only "stumped" why a grown person clings to fairy tales.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is it not apparent that, again, 'God' is being told what is possible? Hell is something 'God' has no control over?

It's that circular logic that is the bible and using it's contents...or it's supposed contents to explain the un-explainable. Then of course there is that old standby "faith"....when all else fails.

It is hopeless trying to talk intelligently with a brainwashed person. They cannot process rational thought. This Blackrook is a classical example of a person so far gone in his fantasy view of his environment that to see reality for what it is would probably cause him to completely shut down and go into a coma. I've seen it happen when someone's world comes crashing down around them like losing a loved one or in the case of a girl I met who was dumped by her fiance' she completely shut down and couldn't communicate with anyone. Sad really.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is it not apparent that, again, 'God' is being told what is possible? Hell is something 'God' has no control over?

It's that circular logic that is the bible and using it's contents...or it's supposed contents to explain the un-explainable. Then of course there is that old standby "faith"....when all else fails.

It is hopeless trying to talk intelligently with a brainwashed person. They cannot process rational thought. This Blackrook is a classical example of a person so far gone in his fantasy view of his environment that to see reality for what it is would probably cause him to completely shut down and go into a coma. I've seen it happen when someone's world comes crashing down around them like losing a loved one or in the case of a girl I met who was dumped by her fiance' she completely shut down and couldn't communicate with anyone. Sad really.

That is why gentility should be used when dealing with such a one.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is it not apparent that, again, 'God' is being told what is possible? Hell is something 'God' has no control over?

It's that circular logic that is the bible and using it's contents...or it's supposed contents to explain the un-explainable. Then of course there is that old standby "faith"....when all else fails.

It is hopeless trying to talk intelligently with a brainwashed person. They cannot process rational thought. This Blackrook is a classical example of a person so far gone in his fantasy view of his environment that to see reality for what it is would probably cause him to completely shut down and go into a coma. I've seen it happen when someone's world comes crashing down around them like losing a loved one or in the case of a girl I met who was dumped by her fiance' she completely shut down and couldn't communicate with anyone. Sad really.

That is why gentility should be used when dealing with such a one.

I agree. There is no point crushing someone's entire view of life to win an argument. That is what you would have to do to get through to some people that want to believe with such passion that they would lose all passion if they had to disavow the very foundation of what they had been.

To me THAT is the real tragedy of believing in fantasy as one's foundation. And it is one of the most insidious aspects of the fraud that is religion.
Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is it not apparent that, again, 'God' is being told what is possible? Hell is something 'God' has no control over?

It's that circular logic that is the bible and using it's contents...or it's supposed contents to explain the un-explainable. Then of course there is that old standby "faith"....when all else fails.

It is hopeless trying to talk intelligently with a brainwashed person. They cannot process rational thought. This Blackrook is a classical example of a person so far gone in his fantasy view of his environment that to see reality for what it is would probably cause him to completely shut down and go into a coma. I've seen it happen when someone's world comes crashing down around them like losing a loved one or in the case of a girl I met who was dumped by her fiance' she completely shut down and couldn't communicate with anyone. Sad really.

That is why gentility should be used when dealing with such a one.

I agree. There is no point crushing someone's entire view of life to win an argument. That is what you would have to do to get through to some people that want to believe with such passion that they would lose all passion if they had to disavow the very foundation of what they had been.

To me THAT is the real tragedy of believing in fantasy as one's foundation. And it is one of the most insidious aspects of the fraud that is religion.


Please pay attention. You have been told that...since you don't believe....you have no standing to argue one way or another. Your failure to believe the word of God is evidence of your complete ignorance of the subject matter. You are not to be considered credible.

I hope that helps.
I support the Catholic Church because it is one of the only churches that is in the trenches fighting the abortion issue. All of the mainline Protestant churches are AWOL, and Christ will call them to account for it. We have only the evangelicals helping us on abortion, and they hate us, but they are still our allies on abortion.
you had better hope that christ was a made up character...because he will want to have a few words with those like you...and you may not like what he will say.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is it not apparent that, again, 'God' is being told what is possible? Hell is something 'God' has no control over?

It's that circular logic that is the bible and using it's contents...or it's supposed contents to explain the un-explainable. Then of course there is that old standby "faith"....when all else fails.

It is hopeless trying to talk intelligently with a brainwashed person. They cannot process rational thought. This Blackrook is a classical example of a person so far gone in his fantasy view of his environment that to see reality for what it is would probably cause him to completely shut down and go into a coma. I've seen it happen when someone's world comes crashing down around them like losing a loved one or in the case of a girl I met who was dumped by her fiance' she completely shut down and couldn't communicate with anyone. Sad really.

That is why gentility should be used when dealing with such a one.

I agree. There is no point crushing someone's entire view of life to win an argument. That is what you would have to do to get through to some people that want to believe with such passion that they would lose all passion if they had to disavow the very foundation of what they had been.

To me THAT is the real tragedy of believing in fantasy as one's foundation. And it is one of the most insidious aspects of the fraud that is religion.


Please pay attention. You have been told that...since you don't believe....you have no standing to argue one way or another. Your failure to believe the word of God is evidence of your complete ignorance of the subject matter. You are not to be considered credible.

I hope that helps.


I have read all of the major scriptures and bibles. I spent several years and accumulated a respectable personal library on religion and the occult when in my early twenties. My conclusions have come through a thorough investigation of the information available. Over the years I have watched many investigations concerning religion on videos and documentaries. In short I have seen much more than needed to conclude that religion is a fraud.

I have better standing than anyone brainwashed. People that cannot look at the evidence clearly and without prejudice are the ones incapable of "standing" as they are always in the position of defending what they have been taught to believe and systematically had the brainwashing continually re-enforced by those they look up to and the peer pressure of those they associate with.

I have no associations with other non believers. My conclusions are my own derived without prejudice.

I pity you and those like you that must defend such ridiculous fairy tales and submit to those that still have you under their thumbs as they commit this fraud on you.

I would like to say "get help" but the strength to break away must come from within. As long as you submit you are and will be an unwitting victim.

If you are curious why I bother to argue with brainwashed morons it is because I believe there is a value to truth and part of who I am resents bullies and protects victims. I have always been that way as far back as I can remember. Even in grade school at an early age I made it a point to step in and challenge bullies in the schoolyard playgrounds and hallways. It has always raised my hackles to see the cause of victimization. It has not always gained me popularity but the personal satisfaction has more than made up for the minor negative social rejection. Since I have never sought the approval of the mindless I have missed nothing. My dance card has always been full as I was gifted with good genes and that alone has attracted more attention than I have had time for.

I share what I have learned and that is 180 degrees from what people like you continue to deceive yourselves and others with.

Have a great day.

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Is it not apparent that, again, 'God' is being told what is possible? Hell is something 'God' has no control over?

It's that circular logic that is the bible and using it's contents...or it's supposed contents to explain the un-explainable. Then of course there is that old standby "faith"....when all else fails.

It is hopeless trying to talk intelligently with a brainwashed person. They cannot process rational thought. This Blackrook is a classical example of a person so far gone in his fantasy view of his environment that to see reality for what it is would probably cause him to completely shut down and go into a coma. I've seen it happen when someone's world comes crashing down around them like losing a loved one or in the case of a girl I met who was dumped by her fiance' she completely shut down and couldn't communicate with anyone. Sad really.

That is why gentility should be used when dealing with such a one.

I agree. There is no point crushing someone's entire view of life to win an argument. That is what you would have to do to get through to some people that want to believe with such passion that they would lose all passion if they had to disavow the very foundation of what they had been.

To me THAT is the real tragedy of believing in fantasy as one's foundation. And it is one of the most insidious aspects of the fraud that is religion.


Please pay attention. You have been told that...since you don't believe....you have no standing to argue one way or another. Your failure to believe the word of God is evidence of your complete ignorance of the subject matter. You are not to be considered credible.

I hope that helps.


I have read all of the major scriptures and bibles. I spent several years and accumulated a respectable personal library on religion and the occult when in my early twenties. My conclusions have come through a thorough investigation of the information available. Over the years I have watched many investigations concerning religion on videos and documentaries. In short I have seen much more than needed to conclude that religion is a fraud.

I have better standing than anyone brainwashed. People that cannot look at the evidence clearly and without prejudice are the ones incapable of "standing" as they are always in the position of defending what they have been taught to believe and systematically had the brainwashing continually re-enforced by those they look up to and the peer pressure of those they associate with.

I have no associations with other non believers. My conclusions are my own derived without prejudice.

I pity you and those like you that must defend such ridiculous fairy tales and submit to those that still have you under their thumbs as they commit this fraud on you.

I would like to say "get help" but the strength to break away must come from within. As long as you submit you are and will be an unwitting victim.

Sarcasm alert.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, etc. etc.
Catholic, my ass.
They need to get to confession STAT. Well, less the Kennedy's. They're simply burning in hell.
It's that circular logic that is the bible and using it's contents...or it's supposed contents to explain the un-explainable. Then of course there is that old standby "faith"....when all else fails.

It is hopeless trying to talk intelligently with a brainwashed person. They cannot process rational thought. This Blackrook is a classical example of a person so far gone in his fantasy view of his environment that to see reality for what it is would probably cause him to completely shut down and go into a coma. I've seen it happen when someone's world comes crashing down around them like losing a loved one or in the case of a girl I met who was dumped by her fiance' she completely shut down and couldn't communicate with anyone. Sad really.

That is why gentility should be used when dealing with such a one.

I agree. There is no point crushing someone's entire view of life to win an argument. That is what you would have to do to get through to some people that want to believe with such passion that they would lose all passion if they had to disavow the very foundation of what they had been.

To me THAT is the real tragedy of believing in fantasy as one's foundation. And it is one of the most insidious aspects of the fraud that is religion.


Please pay attention. You have been told that...since you don't believe....you have no standing to argue one way or another. Your failure to believe the word of God is evidence of your complete ignorance of the subject matter. You are not to be considered credible.

I hope that helps.


I have read all of the major scriptures and bibles. I spent several years and accumulated a respectable personal library on religion and the occult when in my early twenties. My conclusions have come through a thorough investigation of the information available. Over the years I have watched many investigations concerning religion on videos and documentaries. In short I have seen much more than needed to conclude that religion is a fraud.

I have better standing than anyone brainwashed. People that cannot look at the evidence clearly and without prejudice are the ones incapable of "standing" as they are always in the position of defending what they have been taught to believe and systematically had the brainwashing continually re-enforced by those they look up to and the peer pressure of those they associate with.

I have no associations with other non believers. My conclusions are my own derived without prejudice.

I pity you and those like you that must defend such ridiculous fairy tales and submit to those that still have you under their thumbs as they commit this fraud on you.

I would like to say "get help" but the strength to break away must come from within. As long as you submit you are and will be an unwitting victim.

Sarcasm alert.

I know...It's hard to be clever when you are not playing with a full deck. I'm not being sarcastic in the least. You had better get back to attempting to defend your foolishness and fraudulent agenda with facts. I am not going away.
That is why gentility should be used when dealing with such a one.

I agree. There is no point crushing someone's entire view of life to win an argument. That is what you would have to do to get through to some people that want to believe with such passion that they would lose all passion if they had to disavow the very foundation of what they had been.

To me THAT is the real tragedy of believing in fantasy as one's foundation. And it is one of the most insidious aspects of the fraud that is religion.


Please pay attention. You have been told that...since you don't believe....you have no standing to argue one way or another. Your failure to believe the word of God is evidence of your complete ignorance of the subject matter. You are not to be considered credible.

I hope that helps.


I have read all of the major scriptures and bibles. I spent several years and accumulated a respectable personal library on religion and the occult when in my early twenties. My conclusions have come through a thorough investigation of the information available. Over the years I have watched many investigations concerning religion on videos and documentaries. In short I have seen much more than needed to conclude that religion is a fraud.

I have better standing than anyone brainwashed. People that cannot look at the evidence clearly and without prejudice are the ones incapable of "standing" as they are always in the position of defending what they have been taught to believe and systematically had the brainwashing continually re-enforced by those they look up to and the peer pressure of those they associate with.

I have no associations with other non believers. My conclusions are my own derived without prejudice.

I pity you and those like you that must defend such ridiculous fairy tales and submit to those that still have you under their thumbs as they commit this fraud on you.

I would like to say "get help" but the strength to break away must come from within. As long as you submit you are and will be an unwitting victim.

Sarcasm alert.

I know...It's hard to be clever when you are not playing with a full deck. I'm not being sarcastic in the least. You had better get back to attempting to defend your foolishness and fraudulent agenda with facts. I am not going away.

I was being sarcastic. Dumb shit.
I agree. There is no point crushing someone's entire view of life to win an argument. That is what you would have to do to get through to some people that want to believe with such passion that they would lose all passion if they had to disavow the very foundation of what they had been.

To me THAT is the real tragedy of believing in fantasy as one's foundation. And it is one of the most insidious aspects of the fraud that is religion.


Please pay attention. You have been told that...since you don't believe....you have no standing to argue one way or another. Your failure to believe the word of God is evidence of your complete ignorance of the subject matter. You are not to be considered credible.

I hope that helps.


I have read all of the major scriptures and bibles. I spent several years and accumulated a respectable personal library on religion and the occult when in my early twenties. My conclusions have come through a thorough investigation of the information available. Over the years I have watched many investigations concerning religion on videos and documentaries. In short I have seen much more than needed to conclude that religion is a fraud.

I have better standing than anyone brainwashed. People that cannot look at the evidence clearly and without prejudice are the ones incapable of "standing" as they are always in the position of defending what they have been taught to believe and systematically had the brainwashing continually re-enforced by those they look up to and the peer pressure of those they associate with.

I have no associations with other non believers. My conclusions are my own derived without prejudice.

I pity you and those like you that must defend such ridiculous fairy tales and submit to those that still have you under their thumbs as they commit this fraud on you.

I would like to say "get help" but the strength to break away must come from within. As long as you submit you are and will be an unwitting victim.

Sarcasm alert.

I know...It's hard to be clever when you are not playing with a full deck. I'm not being sarcastic in the least. You had better get back to attempting to defend your foolishness and fraudulent agenda with facts. I am not going away.

I was being sarcastic. Dumb shit.

Still not clever. You are out of your depth.

Please pay attention. You have been told that...since you don't believe....you have no standing to argue one way or another. Your failure to believe the word of God is evidence of your complete ignorance of the subject matter. You are not to be considered credible.

I hope that helps.


I have read all of the major scriptures and bibles. I spent several years and accumulated a respectable personal library on religion and the occult when in my early twenties. My conclusions have come through a thorough investigation of the information available. Over the years I have watched many investigations concerning religion on videos and documentaries. In short I have seen much more than needed to conclude that religion is a fraud.

I have better standing than anyone brainwashed. People that cannot look at the evidence clearly and without prejudice are the ones incapable of "standing" as they are always in the position of defending what they have been taught to believe and systematically had the brainwashing continually re-enforced by those they look up to and the peer pressure of those they associate with.

I have no associations with other non believers. My conclusions are my own derived without prejudice.

I pity you and those like you that must defend such ridiculous fairy tales and submit to those that still have you under their thumbs as they commit this fraud on you.

I would like to say "get help" but the strength to break away must come from within. As long as you submit you are and will be an unwitting victim.

Sarcasm alert.

I know...It's hard to be clever when you are not playing with a full deck. I'm not being sarcastic in the least. You had better get back to attempting to defend your foolishness and fraudulent agenda with facts. I am not going away.

I was being sarcastic. Dumb shit.

Still not clever. You are out of your depth.

Yer an idiot.

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