Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic so there is no hope for him -- he will definitely go to hell

I support the Catholic Church because it is one of the only churches that is in the trenches fighting the abortion issue. All of the mainline Protestant churches are AWOL, and Christ will call them to account for it. We have only the evangelicals helping us on abortion, and they hate us, but they are still our allies on abortion.
A one issue church. :rolleyes:
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
I support the Catholic Church because it is one of the only churches that is in the trenches fighting the abortion issue. All of the mainline Protestant churches are AWOL, and Christ will call them to account for it. We have only the evangelicals helping us on abortion, and they hate us, but they are still our allies on abortion.
A one issue church. :rolleyes:

"Catholicism, we believed in the teachings of Cathol and everything he stood for."

Eddie Izzard
I support the Catholic Church because it is one of the only churches that is in the trenches fighting the abortion issue. All of the mainline Protestant churches are AWOL, and Christ will call them to account for it. We have only the evangelicals helping us on abortion, and they hate us, but they are still our allies on abortion.
A one issue church. :rolleyes:
That is probably the most ignorant statement I have ever seen on the Catholic Church so congratulations, you are now more ignorant than guno and haShev.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
There is nothing in the entire Bible about abortion.

So bite your tongue.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is that what you just thought up?
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is that what you just thought up?
No. Did you not ever learn anything about Christianity, that you are unaware of basic concepts?
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
There is nothing in the entire Bible about abortion.

So bite your tongue.
Thou shalt not kill.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
There is no ‘hell’ as perceived by theists, just as there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

Religion and ‘god’ are creations of man, where religion and government were conjoined to an effort to control large populations prior to the advent of modern governance and law.

The myth of ‘hell’ was a contrivance intended to compel conformity and justify persecution by the state.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
There is no ‘hell’ as perceived by theists, just as there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

Religion and ‘god’ are creations of man, where religion and government were conjoined to an effort to control large populations prior to the advent of modern governance and law.

The myth of ‘hell’ was a contrivance intended to compel conformity and justify persecution by the state.
Interesting theory. Can you prove it?
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is that what you just thought up?
No. Did you not ever learn anything about Christianity, that you are unaware of basic concepts?
I learned a lot growing up.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is that what you just thought up?
No. Did you not ever learn anything about Christianity, that you are unaware of basic concepts?
I learned a lot growing up.
And yet you are stumped by basic concepts like what hell is.
There is no ‘hell’ as perceived by theists, just as there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

Religion and ‘god’ are creations of man, where religion and government were conjoined to an effort to control large populations prior to the advent of modern governance and law.

The myth of ‘hell’ was a contrivance intended to compel conformity and justify persecution by the state.
You must not be very good at logic or philosophy.

You have stated several negatives but you have supplied no proof.

Atheism is a belief system based on a negative. That means it is seriously flawed.

Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
A perfect example of the arrogance and intolerance of the religious right; a wrongheaded perception of faith that is both ridiculous and Medieval.
Clayton, I am not afraid to die.

Can you say the same?
you should be...

Matthew 6
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

9 “This, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

11 Give us today our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from the evil one.’

14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

James 2:13 ESV /
For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
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"Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic so there is no hope for him -- he will definitely go to hell"

Such is the ignorance and stupidity of the hateful social right.

Justice Kennedy does exactly what he is supposed to do as a jurist and as a justice of the Supreme Court: obey the Constitution, follow settled, accepted precedent, acknowledge the rule of law – even if that means ruling in a manner which conflicts with his personal, subjective views and beliefs – including religious beliefs.

And the reprehensible right wants to ‘condemn’ Kennedy for doing the right thing.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

Where IS hell EXACTLY?.....
Hell is in another dimension. It is part of the universe, nor is it part of the multiverse if Stephen Hawking is correct and there is more than one universe. The only way to get to hell is to die outside the friendship of God. There is no way to exit hell.
Is it not apparent that, again, 'God' is being told what is possible? Hell is something 'God' has no control over?
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
There is nothing in the entire Bible about abortion.

So bite your tongue.
Thou shalt not kill.

A more accurate translation is thou shalt not murder.

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