Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic so there is no hope for him -- he will definitely go to hell

Clayton, I am not afraid to die.

Can you say the same?

Perhaps not, but it's obvious you are afraid to face a world where you and people just like you aren't the only ones to get the advantages.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.

This advice can be taken to heart.

Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Clayton, I am not afraid to die.

Can you say the same?

Perhaps not, but it's obvious you are afraid to face a world where you and people just like you aren't the only ones to get the advantages.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.
I know for a fact that isn't true. I do not rely solely on faith, I have investigated the claims of the Catholic Church while a law student and found the evidence overwhelming that the Catholic faith is true. I have presented this evidence on this forum, but stupidly, atheists explain it away with nonsense and denial. If you do the same, you will have no excuse for your ignorance. Do you want me to present the evidence?
Any 'study' would have shown the lack of 'universality' of the 'catholic' church. The Church of Rome, run by the state of the Vatican, is a religious organization that has many adherents, but is very far from 'catholic'.
This is an ignorant statement. Read the Catholic Catechism.

When one is informed, we cannot call the person ignorant, so you are incorrect.
Reading a self-sustaining formula is not sufficient for faith.
If the Roman Church were truly 'universal/catholic', it would not have to declare it.
Your argument makes no sense to me. The Catholic Church calls itself Catholic because it is universal. All men and women are welcome to enter the Church, and be part of it. You don't have to belong to a certain tribe or race or culture to be Catholic. All you have to be is a member of the human race.
So, the Presbyterian Church is also 'catholic'?
The Protestant reformers rejected the Catholic Church, and led millions astray. But all Protestants are welcome back, any time they want.
Perhaps not, but it's obvious you are afraid to face a world where you and people just like you aren't the only ones to get the advantages.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Past Popes, particularly late medieval and early renaissance, are not going to provide very positive examples, either.
Any 'study' would have shown the lack of 'universality' of the 'catholic' church. The Church of Rome, run by the state of the Vatican, is a religious organization that has many adherents, but is very far from 'catholic'.
This is an ignorant statement. Read the Catholic Catechism.

When one is informed, we cannot call the person ignorant, so you are incorrect.
Reading a self-sustaining formula is not sufficient for faith.
If the Roman Church were truly 'universal/catholic', it would not have to declare it.
Your argument makes no sense to me. The Catholic Church calls itself Catholic because it is universal. All men and women are welcome to enter the Church, and be part of it. You don't have to belong to a certain tribe or race or culture to be Catholic. All you have to be is a member of the human race.
So, the Presbyterian Church is also 'catholic'?
The Protestant reformers rejected the Catholic Church, and led millions astray. But all Protestants are welcome back, any time they want.

'Protestant' movements directed themselves at the source, Jesus, in their practices and their hearts. They found they needed no intercessors. The Roman Church rejected them.
Perhaps not, but it's obvious you are afraid to face a world where you and people just like you aren't the only ones to get the advantages.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.

This advice can be taken to heart.

Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.
Perhaps not, but it's obvious you are afraid to face a world where you and people just like you aren't the only ones to get the advantages.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Unless someone is already involved with a religion, threatening them with hell is a joke. If you can't give a better reason than that why anyone should want to share your faith you might as well shut up. You're just making yourself and others look like a fool.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Past Popes, particularly late medieval and early renaissance, are not going to provide very positive examples, either.
The example of bad Popes is not relevant. You have the example of Christ, and the saints, and the martyrs, and you have failed to follow it.
The most asinine myth plagiarized and adopted by the douchebags who wrote the New Testament was the existence of "hell." The jews on the Supreme might by racist lesbians, but at least they do not buy into the nonsense of a "hell." Speaking or racists, Jesus who was Yahweh according to John and other fictional writings, hated Whitey and Blacks and Chinks by the way like all Jews of the time.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.

This advice can be taken to heart.

Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Did God tell you that, or did you just decide it all on your own?
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.

This advice can be taken to heart.

Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Just above, you cited the single 'mortal' sin, yet, here again, you presume to speak for 'God' and provide your personal formula for salvation? You are telling 'God' when and how 'God' can forgive? You take on quite a bit of responsibility.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Unless someone is already involved with a religion, threatening them with hell is a joke. If you can't give a better reason than that why anyone should want to share your faith you might as well shut up. You're just making yourself and others look like a fool.
I disagree. Fear of hell has brought many people into the Catholic faith. Gradually, this is replaced with other, better motives, to stay friends with God. The reason the Catholic Church is not growing as it once was is because it stopped warning people of hell. Even many Catholics no longer believe in hell. It's a big problem, because disbelieving in hell won't help you one bit when you get there.
I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Past Popes, particularly late medieval and early renaissance, are not going to provide very positive examples, either.
The example of bad Popes is not relevant. You have the example of Christ, and the saints, and the martyrs, and you have failed to follow it.
You brought up the past, not I, so you made it relevant. It certainly is relevant to establishing any worthy authority of the Roman Church.
I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.

This advice can be taken to heart.

Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Did God tell you that, or did you just decide it all on your own?
Are you judging me? You murder babies by the millions and you DARE to judge me? You rob Catholics of their freedom and you DARE to judge me?
I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Unless someone is already involved with a religion, threatening them with hell is a joke. If you can't give a better reason than that why anyone should want to share your faith you might as well shut up. You're just making yourself and others look like a fool.
I disagree. Fear of hell has brought many people into the Catholic faith. Gradually, this is replaced with other, better motives, to stay friends with God. The reason the Catholic Church is not growing as it once was is because it stopped warning people of hell. Even many Catholics no longer believe in hell. It's a big problem, because disbelieving in hell won't help you one bit when you get there.

What would you do if you found that, in the end, 'God' forgave absolutely everyone, just because 'God' is so great and so generous and so ultimately understanding? Would you chide 'God' for being greater than you had imagined and not punishing those you judge ?
I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Unless someone is already involved with a religion, threatening them with hell is a joke. If you can't give a better reason than that why anyone should want to share your faith you might as well shut up. You're just making yourself and others look like a fool.
I disagree. Fear of hell has brought many people into the Catholic faith. Gradually, this is replaced with other, better motives, to stay friends with God. The reason the Catholic Church is not growing as it once was is because it stopped warning people of hell. Even many Catholics no longer believe in hell. It's a big problem, because disbelieving in hell won't help you one bit when you get there.

Great idea. Scare them with something they don't believe in. Works every time. I'm sure god appreciates all the help you give him in the judgement department. I guess he's just too old to make all those decisions himself.
I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.

This advice can be taken to heart.

Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Just above, you cited the single 'mortal' sin, yet, here again, you presume to speak for 'God' and provide your personal formula for salvation? You are telling 'God' when and how 'God' can forgive? You take on quite a bit of responsibility.
You are free to consult the Bible and get a second opinion. But you will find no comfort there, I think. Christ promises only eternal darkness for those who die outside his friendship. My opinion is not what matters, what matters is your conscience. Do you feel ready for death?
This advice can be taken to heart.

Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Did God tell you that, or did you just decide it all on your own?
Are you judging me? You murder babies by the millions and you DARE to judge me? You rob Catholics of their freedom and you DARE to judge me?

I judge you to be a religious nut who enjoys ranting and raving more than behaving as Jesus said to.
This advice can be taken to heart.

Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Just above, you cited the single 'mortal' sin, yet, here again, you presume to speak for 'God' and provide your personal formula for salvation? You are telling 'God' when and how 'God' can forgive? You take on quite a bit of responsibility.
You are free to consult the Bible and get a second opinion. But you will find no comfort there, I think. Christ promises only eternal darkness for those who die outside his friendship. My opinion is not what matters, what matters is your conscience. Do you feel ready for death?

It is a good sign that you are realistic about your views.
This advice can be taken to heart.

Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Did God tell you that, or did you just decide it all on your own?
Are you judging me? You murder babies by the millions and you DARE to judge me? You rob Catholics of their freedom and you DARE to judge me?

Bulldog! I am shocked, SHOCKED, to see that it is you who is responsible for this! How did you ever get into such a position of power?

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