Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic so there is no hope for him -- he will definitely go to hell

I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Past Popes, particularly late medieval and early renaissance, are not going to provide very positive examples, either.
The example of bad Popes is not relevant. You have the example of Christ, and the saints, and the martyrs, and you have failed to follow it.
You brought up the past, not I, so you made it relevant. It certainly is relevant to establishing any worthy authority of the Roman Church.
Your discovery of bad Popes is not shocking to me, they taught me all about them in Catholic high school religion class. The Catholic Church does not rely on its authority based on the fallible human nature of its Popes, its bishops, or its priests. Each of these must work out their own salvation between them and God.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Unless someone is already involved with a religion, threatening them with hell is a joke. If you can't give a better reason than that why anyone should want to share your faith you might as well shut up. You're just making yourself and others look like a fool.
I disagree. Fear of hell has brought many people into the Catholic faith. Gradually, this is replaced with other, better motives, to stay friends with God. The reason the Catholic Church is not growing as it once was is because it stopped warning people of hell. Even many Catholics no longer believe in hell. It's a big problem, because disbelieving in hell won't help you one bit when you get there.

What would you do if you found that, in the end, 'God' forgave absolutely everyone, just because 'God' is so great and so generous and so ultimately understanding? Would you chide 'God' for being greater than you had imagined and not punishing those you judge ?
There are parables that hint that many of the faithful will be disappointed that their reward in heaven is not greater than the reward of those who repented late in life or joined the faith late in life, and then died in God's friendship. But I am not one of them. I want you to repent, and I want you to believe. i take back what I said about Justice Kennedy, even he can be forgiven if he throws himself down at God's feet and begs for mercy. But it seems obvious to me that he has rejected his Catholic faith, and I don't have a lot of confidence he will find his way back in time to save himself. I can pray for him, but I have found through harsh experience that God doesn't'answer all prayers.
Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Did God tell you that, or did you just decide it all on your own?
Are you judging me? You murder babies by the millions and you DARE to judge me? You rob Catholics of their freedom and you DARE to judge me?

Bulldog! I am shocked, SHOCKED, to see that it is you who is responsible for this! How did you ever get into such a position of power?
All who advocate for this share the guilt equally with those that actually carry out the policy that causes these things to happen. We live in a Republic, and all voters are morally responsible for what they vote for.
Only by people who are humble enough to listen.

It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Did God tell you that, or did you just decide it all on your own?
Are you judging me? You murder babies by the millions and you DARE to judge me? You rob Catholics of their freedom and you DARE to judge me?

Bulldog! I am shocked, SHOCKED, to see that it is you who is responsible for this! How did you ever get into such a position of power?

I'm not sure how I did it either, but if I have that much responsibility, somebody needs to pay me more money.
It's how the meek inherit the earth.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Did God tell you that, or did you just decide it all on your own?
Are you judging me? You murder babies by the millions and you DARE to judge me? You rob Catholics of their freedom and you DARE to judge me?

Bulldog! I am shocked, SHOCKED, to see that it is you who is responsible for this! How did you ever get into such a position of power?
All who advocate for this share the guilt equally with those that actually carry out the policy that causes these things to happen. We live in a Republic, and all voters are morally responsible for what they vote for.

So you're responsible for Trump? I'm pretty sure you'll go to hell for that.
Meekness and humility work for some, but we have now entered an age of open persecution of the Catholic faith. So I will defend my faith, and I will attack its enemies, with everything I have. I do not care what you think of me. You are now forcing Catholic religious groups to pay for abortions, you are forcing Catholic pharmacists to sell abortion pills, and you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. For that, you deserve eternal death. If you escape that fate, it will only be because you repented in time. So my advice to you is repent now, and turn away from your evil cause.

Did God tell you that, or did you just decide it all on your own?
Are you judging me? You murder babies by the millions and you DARE to judge me? You rob Catholics of their freedom and you DARE to judge me?

Bulldog! I am shocked, SHOCKED, to see that it is you who is responsible for this! How did you ever get into such a position of power?
All who advocate for this share the guilt equally with those that actually carry out the policy that causes these things to happen. We live in a Republic, and all voters are morally responsible for what they vote for.

So you're responsible for Trump? I'm pretty sure you'll go to hell for that.
If you were paying attention, you would know that I'm one of Trump's harshest critics. Are you completely oblivious?
Did God tell you that, or did you just decide it all on your own?
Are you judging me? You murder babies by the millions and you DARE to judge me? You rob Catholics of their freedom and you DARE to judge me?

Bulldog! I am shocked, SHOCKED, to see that it is you who is responsible for this! How did you ever get into such a position of power?
All who advocate for this share the guilt equally with those that actually carry out the policy that causes these things to happen. We live in a Republic, and all voters are morally responsible for what they vote for.

So you're responsible for Trump? I'm pretty sure you'll go to hell for that.
If you were paying attention, you would know that I'm one of Trump's harshest critics. Are you completely oblivious?

You say so much dumb shit till it's hard to keep up.
Are you judging me? You murder babies by the millions and you DARE to judge me? You rob Catholics of their freedom and you DARE to judge me?

Bulldog! I am shocked, SHOCKED, to see that it is you who is responsible for this! How did you ever get into such a position of power?
All who advocate for this share the guilt equally with those that actually carry out the policy that causes these things to happen. We live in a Republic, and all voters are morally responsible for what they vote for.

So you're responsible for Trump? I'm pretty sure you'll go to hell for that.
If you were paying attention, you would know that I'm one of Trump's harshest critics. Are you completely oblivious?

You say so much dumb shit till it's hard to keep up.
I don't think anyone has started more anti-Trump threads than me.

I also start a lot of anti-Hillary threads.

Once I started a thread bashing them both as equally unsuitable to be President.

Don't accuse someone of being a Trump supporter unless you're sure he really is. Otherwise, it just makes you look like a dumbshit.
Bulldog! I am shocked, SHOCKED, to see that it is you who is responsible for this! How did you ever get into such a position of power?
All who advocate for this share the guilt equally with those that actually carry out the policy that causes these things to happen. We live in a Republic, and all voters are morally responsible for what they vote for.

So you're responsible for Trump? I'm pretty sure you'll go to hell for that.
If you were paying attention, you would know that I'm one of Trump's harshest critics. Are you completely oblivious?

You say so much dumb shit till it's hard to keep up.
I don't think anyone has started more anti-Trump threads than me.

I also start a lot of anti-Hillary threads.

Once I started a thread bashing them both as equally unsuitable to be President.

Don't accuse someone of being a Trump supporter unless you're sure he really is. Otherwise, it just makes you look like a dumbshit.

After the crap you've just posted, and you are worried about me being a dumbshit? Now that's funny.
OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Unless someone is already involved with a religion, threatening them with hell is a joke. If you can't give a better reason than that why anyone should want to share your faith you might as well shut up. You're just making yourself and others look like a fool.
I disagree. Fear of hell has brought many people into the Catholic faith. Gradually, this is replaced with other, better motives, to stay friends with God. The reason the Catholic Church is not growing as it once was is because it stopped warning people of hell. Even many Catholics no longer believe in hell. It's a big problem, because disbelieving in hell won't help you one bit when you get there.

What would you do if you found that, in the end, 'God' forgave absolutely everyone, just because 'God' is so great and so generous and so ultimately understanding? Would you chide 'God' for being greater than you had imagined and not punishing those you judge ?
There are parables that hint that many of the faithful will be disappointed that their reward in heaven is not greater than the reward of those who repented late in life or joined the faith late in life, and then died in God's friendship. But I am not one of them. I want you to repent, and I want you to believe. i take back what I said about Justice Kennedy, even he can be forgiven if he throws himself down at God's feet and begs for mercy. But it seems obvious to me that he has rejected his Catholic faith, and I don't have a lot of confidence he will find his way back in time to save himself. I can pray for him, but I have found through harsh experience that God doesn't'answer all prayers.

It has been stated that all prayer is answered. Not getting what was requested is not the same as no answer.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Unless someone is already involved with a religion, threatening them with hell is a joke. If you can't give a better reason than that why anyone should want to share your faith you might as well shut up. You're just making yourself and others look like a fool.
I disagree. Fear of hell has brought many people into the Catholic faith. Gradually, this is replaced with other, better motives, to stay friends with God. The reason the Catholic Church is not growing as it once was is because it stopped warning people of hell. Even many Catholics no longer believe in hell. It's a big problem, because disbelieving in hell won't help you one bit when you get there.

What would you do if you found that, in the end, 'God' forgave absolutely everyone, just because 'God' is so great and so generous and so ultimately understanding? Would you chide 'God' for being greater than you had imagined and not punishing those you judge ?
There are parables that hint that many of the faithful will be disappointed that their reward in heaven is not greater than the reward of those who repented late in life or joined the faith late in life, and then died in God's friendship. But I am not one of them. I want you to repent, and I want you to believe. i take back what I said about Justice Kennedy, even he can be forgiven if he throws himself down at God's feet and begs for mercy. But it seems obvious to me that he has rejected his Catholic faith, and I don't have a lot of confidence he will find his way back in time to save himself. I can pray for him, but I have found through harsh experience that God doesn't'answer all prayers.

It has been stated that all prayer is answered. Not getting what was requested is not the same as no answer.

Don't be so hasty. In Rook's case, God might be so pissed at him for poking his nose where it doesn't belong till he's just ignoring him for a while.
Unless someone is already involved with a religion, threatening them with hell is a joke. If you can't give a better reason than that why anyone should want to share your faith you might as well shut up. You're just making yourself and others look like a fool.
I disagree. Fear of hell has brought many people into the Catholic faith. Gradually, this is replaced with other, better motives, to stay friends with God. The reason the Catholic Church is not growing as it once was is because it stopped warning people of hell. Even many Catholics no longer believe in hell. It's a big problem, because disbelieving in hell won't help you one bit when you get there.

What would you do if you found that, in the end, 'God' forgave absolutely everyone, just because 'God' is so great and so generous and so ultimately understanding? Would you chide 'God' for being greater than you had imagined and not punishing those you judge ?
There are parables that hint that many of the faithful will be disappointed that their reward in heaven is not greater than the reward of those who repented late in life or joined the faith late in life, and then died in God's friendship. But I am not one of them. I want you to repent, and I want you to believe. i take back what I said about Justice Kennedy, even he can be forgiven if he throws himself down at God's feet and begs for mercy. But it seems obvious to me that he has rejected his Catholic faith, and I don't have a lot of confidence he will find his way back in time to save himself. I can pray for him, but I have found through harsh experience that God doesn't'answer all prayers.

It has been stated that all prayer is answered. Not getting what was requested is not the same as no answer.

Don't be so hasty. In Rook's case, God might be so pissed at him for poking his nose where it doesn't belong till he's just ignoring him for a while.

Far be it from me to speak for 'God'. I was only citing something that was read.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
A perfect example of the arrogance and intolerance of the religious right; a wrongheaded perception of faith that is both ridiculous and Medieval.
Clayton, I am not afraid to die.

Can you say the same?
I'm not Clayton. And I am not afraid to die.
If you support legal abortion, and advocate for it, then you are already condemned to death everlasting. Repent.

Not every Christian would agree with you. Many Bible believers disagree on what the Bible says, especially regarding abortion. I will begin by quoting those verses most often used by those who oppose abortion:

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book” (Psalms 1239:13-16, NIV).

Those who support abortion say these verses are silent regarding abortion. The man speaking these words (supposedly, King David) was speaking only about his own personal experience.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5, NIV).

However, abortion supporters argue that the speaker of these words, Jeremiah, was clearly talking only of his personal life experiences and does not address the issue of abortion. Jeremiah is only saying that God is omniscient and knew everything about his life even before he was conceived.

“If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe” (Exodus 21:22-25).

Abortion opponents say these words show killing a fetus warrants the death penalty. However, abortion advocates argue that the verses are commonly interpreted to address harm done to the wife, not the fetus since the death of the fetus is assumed by the miscarriage. If the wife is unharmed, the offender will merely pay a fine; however if the woman is harmed, the same harm shall fall upon the offender. If the woman dies, the offender must also die. It is interesting that when abortion proponents use the same verse to show the fetus is not a person since the death of the fetus resulted in a mere fine, abortion opponents argue that the death referred to was accidental and has nothing to do with elective abortion.

Now I will offer some verses that many abortion advocates say support their position. Of course, these who oppose abortion will have their own interpretations of these verses.

“A man may have a hundred children and live many years; yet no matter how long he lives, if he cannot enjoy his prosperity and does not receive proper burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he. It comes without meaning, it departs in darkness, and in darkness its name is shrouded. Though it never saw the sun or knew anything, it has more rest than does that man— even if he lives a thousand years twice over but fails to enjoy his prosperity” (Ecclesiastes 6:3-6, NIV).

To some, these verses mean it is better for a man to have been born dead (or aborted) than to live an unfulfilled life. Others contend that the verses mean that it is better for such a man not to be conceived, thereby avoiding a discussion about the fetus. They also claim that the words simply show that a life not properly lived is wasted; the comparison to a stillborn child is merely illustrative and does not condone the taking the life of the unborn. Besides, they argue whether or not a man has lived a good life can only be determined after his life is over, not while he is in the womb.

I will offer one more example. A woman who is accused of adultery is forced to drink bitter water (holy water mixed with dust from the tabernacle floor). If she has been unfaithful, she is cursed and her child is miscarried (aborted). I have elected to quote from the NIV because the language is much clearer than the KJV.

“He [the priest] shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her. The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar. The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial[e] offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to have the woman drink the water. If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children” (Numbers 5:24-28, NIV, highlights and explanatory insertion my own).

Abortion opponents would argue that this has nothing to do with elective abortion. The strangest thing about this test for a woman's fidelity is that it also has nothing to do with the identity of the child's father. The child is aborted even if her husband is the father. It appears that the abortion has one purpose and that is to assuage the jealousy of the husband; in other words, it is better to kill the fetus rather than having the husband think the child may not be his. I cannot explain this although I have given it much thought.

Conclusion: There are Christians who agree with you and there are also those who do not. Those who agree with you have verses that they rely on, and those who disagree have their verses. . You think that your interpretation of the scriptures is correct, but others think just as strongly that their interpretation is right. Fight nice.

As for me, I have studied the Bible for over 60 years and have yet to find a single Biblical verse that specifically and unambiguously either supports or condemns abortion. The only such reference appears in the extra-Biblical Book of Barnabas:

“Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born” (XIV: 11).

The Lost Books of the Bible: The General Epistle of Barnabas

There's no debate on what that verse means; however, there is nothing within the pages of the Bible that addresses the issue so directly and so clearly.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

True you are not a very good Catholic
Not a very good Christian

Rather a dispicable human being.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye......
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
A perfect example of the arrogance and intolerance of the religious right; a wrongheaded perception of faith that is both ridiculous and Medieval.
Clayton, I am not afraid to die.

Can you say the same?
do you think he is actually going to answer you?......
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
i was raised a catholic.....the fuckers said i would go blind if beat off.....i can still see!!...they lied those basterds.....the catholic "religion" is just a big rich cult that worships money...if Jesus went into the Vatican today he would do ten times the damage he did that day when he threw out all the money changers in that temple he was in......he would be appalled at all the gold and silver in there........
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

True you are not a very good Catholic
Not a very good Christian

Rather a dispicable human being.
He'd be happy if we had a theocracy, more like Iran.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
i was raised a catholic.....the fuckers said i would go blind if beat off.....i can still see!!...they lied those basterds.....the catholic "religion" is just a big rich cult that worships money...if Jesus went into the Vatican today he would do ten times the damage he did that day when he threw out all the money changers in that temple he was in......he would be appalled at all the gold and silver in there........

I was raised Catholic as well. Went to "Sunday School" and everything. I remember getting the back of my hand whacked with a yardstick when I asked if we were all related to one another since there were only two humans in the beginning. You know...Adam and Eve's kids must have fucked one another. Ouch!

I've got the most catholic name ever.

Hey Blackrook.....have you watched "Spotlight" yet? It's on NETFLIX. Highly recommended.
I support the Catholic Church because it is one of the only churches that is in the trenches fighting the abortion issue. All of the mainline Protestant churches are AWOL, and Christ will call them to account for it. We have only the evangelicals helping us on abortion, and they hate us, but they are still our allies on abortion.

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