Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic so there is no hope for him -- he will definitely go to hell


I have read all of the major scriptures and bibles. I spent several years and accumulated a respectable personal library on religion and the occult when in my early twenties. My conclusions have come through a thorough investigation of the information available. Over the years I have watched many investigations concerning religion on videos and documentaries. In short I have seen much more than needed to conclude that religion is a fraud.

I have better standing than anyone brainwashed. People that cannot look at the evidence clearly and without prejudice are the ones incapable of "standing" as they are always in the position of defending what they have been taught to believe and systematically had the brainwashing continually re-enforced by those they look up to and the peer pressure of those they associate with.

I have no associations with other non believers. My conclusions are my own derived without prejudice.

I pity you and those like you that must defend such ridiculous fairy tales and submit to those that still have you under their thumbs as they commit this fraud on you.

I would like to say "get help" but the strength to break away must come from within. As long as you submit you are and will be an unwitting victim.

Sarcasm alert.

I know...It's hard to be clever when you are not playing with a full deck. I'm not being sarcastic in the least. You had better get back to attempting to defend your foolishness and fraudulent agenda with facts. I am not going away.

I was being sarcastic. Dumb shit.

Still not clever. You are out of your depth.

Yer an idiot.

Right.... You believe in actual sky fairies, dead guys getting up and walking around, no daddy pregnancies and a host of other fantasies ... AND... I'm the idiot.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.

He is drawing a fine line between Catholic beliefs that he thinks are justified as secular law vrs Catholic beliefs that are only sectarian Truths.

Secular laws are justified for secular reasons, though they may also be under religious ban as well. Things like murder, rape, theft, slavery, etc are banned under secular reasoning as well as religious reasoning and revelation.

But Truths that are only sectarian, i.e. that those outside of ones faith will not share, such as the requirement to attend mass at a Catholic parish, are not valid to base secular law on, despite us Catholics knowing that these are true and valid moral beliefs.

Kennedy has apparently bought into this notion that when life begins within the womb is a religious Truth that cannot be validated by secular reasoning. He apparently thinks that the only unequivocal beginning to life is at birth, but I disagree. The state/government has the right to advance its own interests in the law, and having enough people in the younger generation to pay Social Security, be drafted to defend the country and provide the economic consumer base for the future these are valid interests of the government to justify banning abortion. In addition the practice of aborting unborn babies causes a contempt for human life that we see today in the vicious types of crimes and assaults we see committed around our country that were unheard of fifty years ago.

Any nation that is willing to kill its own babies to advance its economic interests is a nation that does not deserve to survive, and our survival to the year 2100 is unlikely, IMO, due to abortion and the contorted form of thinking that it has encouraged and rewarded in our society ever since Roe v Wade became case law.
Right.... You believe in actual sky fairies, dead guys getting up and walking around, no daddy pregnancies and a host of other fantasies ... AND... I'm the idiot.
Yes, you are the idiot because you cant even accurately present the view of the people you disagree with.

Nobody believes what you stated, and your inability to grasp what they say demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that you are a drooling stupid moron.
Right.... You believe in actual sky fairies, dead guys getting up and walking around, no daddy pregnancies and a host of other fantasies ... AND... I'm the idiot.
Yes, you are the idiot because you cant even accurately present the view of the people you disagree with.

Nobody believes what you stated, and your inability to grasp what they say demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that you are a drooling stupid moron.

Please.... Those examples come straight out of the bibles. Perhaps with a certain amount of disrespect but accurate enough none the less. Many if not most Christians believe that and the hundreds more in those lengthy comic books. They hold the words within those fictional writings as the actual words from a sky fairy aka "god".

If Joseph wasn't the father of Christ then he is a bastard and Mary a tramp. Period. That whole "Jesus" story was a cover for Mary screwing around and getting pregnant. But THAT wasn't good enough. She had to keep telling the lie and some dumb ass goat herders started believing her and other wannabee idiots got on board and the next thing you know a brand new religion was born. Simple as that. It happens here all of the time. We have pretend "Christs" popping up all over the place and a bunch of morons start following them and "VOILA"! More new religions.

Religion/s are just testaments to how stupid human beings can be.

Oh NOOOooooOOO!!! We are all gonna die!!!! Jesus SAVE ME!!!! Ha..Ha Ha Ha.. Pathetic!!!

Right! AND I'M the stupid drooling moron... :lol:

You know... If the actual stupid drooling morons would just keep their weakness and fear to themselves and stop electing their leaders into public office I wouldn't care a rip. But they DO elect themselves to public office so they can spread THEIR stupidity onto others.

If it was up to me the religious that get elected to public office and utter ANY of the nonsense they believe should be arrested for spreading their FRAUD on the public. The Christians and Muslims that get elected are the biggest liars of all because they believe and spread the biggest lies of all.
Please.... Those examples come straight out of the bibles.

Not a single one of them are from the Bible. IT has no sky fairy, nor dead men walking around, etc. Your inability to grasp what it says is due to your idiocy and laziness.

You dont want to believe so you pull bullshit out of your ass and eat it instead.

Perhaps with a certain amount of disrespect but accurate enough none the less. Many if not most Christians believe that and the hundreds more in those lengthy comic books. They hold the words within those fictional writings as the actual words from a sky fairy aka "god".

God is nothing like a sky fairy, you moron.

roflmao, and this is why atheism is losing ground around the planet except among degenerates in the West - because its adherents are no longer Bertrand Russel types any more, men of deep thought and an informed dissent.

Atheism today is composed 99% of idiots like you who fail to grasp what you claim to reject, and thus even theists would agree that we dont believe in bullshit sky fairies either. But you are, again, too stupid to grasp that either.
Please.... Those examples come straight out of the bibles.

Not a single one of them are from the Bible. IT has no sky fairy, nor dead men walking around, etc. Your inability to grasp what it says is due to your idiocy and laziness.

You dont want to believe so you pull bullshit out of your ass and eat it instead.

Perhaps with a certain amount of disrespect but accurate enough none the less. Many if not most Christians believe that and the hundreds more in those lengthy comic books. They hold the words within those fictional writings as the actual words from a sky fairy aka "god".

God is nothing like a sky fairy, you moron.

roflmao, and this is why atheism is losing ground around the planet except among degenerates in the West - because its adherents are no longer Bertrand Russel types any more, men of deep thought and an informed dissent.

Atheism today is composed 99% of idiots like you who fail to grasp what you claim to reject, and thus even theists would agree that we dont believe in bullshit sky fairies either. But you are, again, too stupid to grasp that either.

Right... With trillions of planets in the known universe your "god" has taken special interest in the scared, ignorant and barbaric humans. He/she/it is supposedly ALL POWERFUL and is in control unimaginable balance of incalculable bodies of suns and planets and asteroids etc.. yet stoops to playing mind games with the gullible creature that walks on two legs.

Your fraud is plain. Your silly name calling can't make it real. Of course you believe in bullshit sky fairies. That's just a simplified nickname. Your delusion of this god is much more filled out. Yet when it is boiled down to what is really going on it makes no difference if it is a sky fairy or this all powerful being. It's still a lie. Go ahead on and call me the stupid one. What someone who believes what you do defines others as is less than worthless. What you are all about is defending your delusion. I'm not really sure what that makes you but it certainly doesn't make you more intelligent than myself. Certainly what you are would best be described by a psychiatrist.
Right... With trillions of planets in the known universe your "god" has taken special interest in the scared, ignorant and barbaric humans.

Who the hell are you to judge humanity? We may be 'scared, ignorant and barbaric' in your stupid ass opinion, but at least we are not the condescending ass hat ignoramus that you are, idiot. Most of us have done OK for ourselves and are fairly happy with life, and that probably frustrates an arrogant shit4brains like you all to no end.

He/she/it is supposedly ALL POWERFUL and is in control unimaginable balance of incalculable bodies of suns and planets and asteroids etc.. yet stoops to playing mind games with the gullible creature that walks on two legs.

The Creator set it all in motion billions of years ago, so He doesnt have to bother with maintaining it. He has an infinite mind and infinite knowledge, so yes, He can watch everything simultaneously, even though a moron like you cant grasp that.

Your fraud is plain.

Your willful ignorance, arrogance and conceit is plain. You dont know what the hell you are talking about but it doesnt matter to you one bit because you are the fraud here, posing as a knowledgeable person when in fact you know nothing.

Your silly name calling can't make it real.

It isnt 'name calling' when it is true, and you are an ignorant jack ass.

Of course you believe in bullshit sky fairies. That's just a simplified nickname.

No, I do not believe in 'sky fairies' and it is not a nickname for the Creator because the concepts are completely different and incompatible, but you dont realize it because you are an ignorant buffoon.

Your delusion of this god is much more filled out. Yet when it is boiled down to what is really going on it makes no difference if it is a sky fairy or this all powerful being. It's still a lie.

The Creator is not a delusion, as Greek philosophers came to the conclusion that the Creator exists thousands of years ago using nothing more than simple reason, reason that you are ignorant of and cannot grasp, apparently. Plato, Aristotle and the Emanationists described the Creator to a good degree BEFORE Christianity appeared.

But ignorant, presumptive conceited little pricks like you dont know this, so it magically cant be true as everything in the universe is about YOU, right? lol, you are such a fucking fool.

Go ahead on and call me the stupid one. What someone who believes what you do defines others as is less than worthless. What you are all about is defending your delusion. I'm not really sure what that makes you but it certainly doesn't make you more intelligent than myself. Certainly what you are would best be described by a psychiatrist.

You do not understand the concept of the Creator, but yet you dismiss it as nonsense and 'sky fairy' bullshit. Billions of people disagree with you, but that is because THEY are deluded in your view.

You are an irrational jack ass. You troll people about their faith because you dont have it and you hate them for having it.

Piss off you ignorant child.
Right... With trillions of planets in the known universe your "god" has taken special interest in the scared, ignorant and barbaric humans.

Who the hell are you to judge humanity? We may be 'scared, ignorant and barbaric' in your stupid ass opinion, but at least we are not the condescending ass hat ignoramus that you are, idiot. Most of us have done OK for ourselves and are fairly happy with life, and that probably frustrates an arrogant shit4brains like you all to no end.

He/she/it is supposedly ALL POWERFUL and is in control unimaginable balance of incalculable bodies of suns and planets and asteroids etc.. yet stoops to playing mind games with the gullible creature that walks on two legs.

The Creator set it all in motion billions of years ago, so He doesnt have to bother with maintaining it. He has an infinite mind and infinite knowledge, so yes, He can watch everything simultaneously, even though a moron like you cant grasp that.

Your fraud is plain.

Your willful ignorance, arrogance and conceit is plain. You dont know what the hell you are talking about but it doesnt matter to you one bit because you are the fraud here, posing as a knowledgeable person when in fact you know nothing.

Your silly name calling can't make it real.

It isnt 'name calling' when it is true, and you are an ignorant jack ass.

Of course you believe in bullshit sky fairies. That's just a simplified nickname.

No, I do not believe in 'sky fairies' and it is not a nickname for the Creator because the concepts are completely different and incompatible, but you dont realize it because you are an ignorant buffoon.

Your delusion of this god is much more filled out. Yet when it is boiled down to what is really going on it makes no difference if it is a sky fairy or this all powerful being. It's still a lie.

The Creator is not a delusion, as Greek philosophers came to the conclusion that the Creator exists thousands of years ago using nothing more than simple reason, reason that you are ignorant of and cannot grasp, apparently. Plato, Aristotle and the Emanationists described the Creator to a good degree BEFORE Christianity appeared.

But ignorant, presumptive conceited little pricks like you dont know this, so it magically cant be true as everything in the universe is about YOU, right? lol, you are such a fucking fool.

Go ahead on and call me the stupid one. What someone who believes what you do defines others as is less than worthless. What you are all about is defending your delusion. I'm not really sure what that makes you but it certainly doesn't make you more intelligent than myself. Certainly what you are would best be described by a psychiatrist.

You do not understand the concept of the Creator, but yet you dismiss it as nonsense and 'sky fairy' bullshit. Billions of people disagree with you, but that is because THEY are deluded in your view.

You are an irrational jack ass. You troll people about their faith because you dont have it and you hate them for having it.

Piss off you ignorant child.

Wow! What an angry hostage!

I am amazed at the hostility exhibited by those who are convinced in the imaginary boogy man and "his" powers to destroy you if you don't defend him against any that might suggest you are defending NOTHING.

That's right Sparky. NOTHING! There is no god. There is no creator. Nada! Zippola! It's all made up and you are having a massive hissy fit trying to defend it. How fucking hilarious!

The sad part is that you will never even see how wrong you are because when the blood stops circulating to your brain there will be no revelation of the trick that has been played on you and wasted all of your energy. There will just be NOTHING. Not a nothing that you will be aware of. Death takes no prisoners.

I wish there could be that last moment of realization for you so you would know how stupid you have been but alas the lights will just go out the same for you as I and that will be that.

So rave on fool. It won't change the outcome.
Wow! What an angry hostage!

I am amazed at the hostility exhibited by those who are convinced in the imaginary boogy man and "his" powers to destroy you if you don't defend him against any that might suggest you are defending NOTHING.

That's right Sparky. NOTHING! There is no god. There is no creator. Nada! Zippola! It's all made up and you are having a massive hissy fit trying to defend it. How fucking hilarious!

The sad part is that you will never even see how wrong you are because when the blood stops circulating to your brain there will be no revelation of the trick that has been played on you and wasted all of your energy. There will just be NOTHING. Not a nothing that you will be aware of. Death takes no prisoners.

I wish there could be that last moment of realization for you so you would know how stupid you have been but alas the lights will just go out the same for you as I and that will be that.

So rave on fool. It won't change the outcome.

Again, you display no knowledge of the facts, show you have misconceptions of the points of discussion and do not make any effort to learn a God damned thing.

You are a fucking fool, dismissing things you have no clue about, and that simply makes you the typical, contemptible, ignorant atheist of our times.

Again, go piss off, moron.
Wow! What an angry hostage!

I am amazed at the hostility exhibited by those who are convinced in the imaginary boogy man and "his" powers to destroy you if you don't defend him against any that might suggest you are defending NOTHING.

That's right Sparky. NOTHING! There is no god. There is no creator. Nada! Zippola! It's all made up and you are having a massive hissy fit trying to defend it. How fucking hilarious!

The sad part is that you will never even see how wrong you are because when the blood stops circulating to your brain there will be no revelation of the trick that has been played on you and wasted all of your energy. There will just be NOTHING. Not a nothing that you will be aware of. Death takes no prisoners.

I wish there could be that last moment of realization for you so you would know how stupid you have been but alas the lights will just go out the same for you as I and that will be that.

So rave on fool. It won't change the outcome.

Again, you display no knowledge of the facts, show you have misconceptions of the points of discussion and do not make any effort to learn a God damned thing.

You are a fucking fool, dismissing things you have no clue about, and that simply makes you the typical, contemptible, ignorant atheist of our times.

Again, go piss off, moron.

That's correct. I have no idea what it is like to be caught up in a massive fraud as you are. I have not a clue what it feels like to be brainwashed. In that I cannot relate.

Your defense is more like a zombie in a bad sci-fi move though. Mindless, angry, accusatory and without any credible point.

So what makes me "the typical, contemptible, ignorant atheist" ? Is it the fact that I think for myself and have concluded that there is no god on my own without any peer pressure? Or, is it that I freely bring this finding to USMB and share it with people like you who make bizzare statements concerning MY future upon death?

What gives you any right to suggest that anyone but yourself will go to hell?

All I say is that when you die there will be nothing. Does the fact that when your brain starts getting consumed by maggots or is pickled by the embalmers chemicals that there will be no "you" left at all? And you will certainly not become the latest member in any magical Disney World in the sky or some fire and brimstone underground cave with the devil as a social director.

Why so angry? I didn't make up the rules. They are what they are.
JimBowie pictures himself as a knowledgeable scholar of history, when in fact he is simply very mediocre

I could make a case as he does by perverting scripture, doctrine, and faith that JB is going to hell.
That's correct. I have no idea what it is like to be caught up in a massive fraud as you are.

The only fraud here is you pretending to know something on the subject which you patently do not. You are an ignorant liar, a bigot and a fake.

I have not a clue what it feels like to be brainwashed. In that I cannot relate.

Brainwashed people like y9ou never realize that they are brainqwashed, because when they finally do, they are no longer brainwashed, genius.

But lets talk facts. Lets talk about the how the Infinite Regression Fallacy indicates that time must be finite and cannot be eternal.

Lets talk about how Greek philosophers came to believe in a Creator without the influence of religion, just using plain old reason.

Lets talk about how ignorant savages cloaked under the banner of atheism have slaughter nearly 200 million people in the last 150 years.

Lets talk about how atheists have eroded and subverted the public morality, the legal system and the Constitution of the United States with their ridiculous nonsense, denying the God given rights of Mankind. Bring it you retarded little monkey and lets discuss it.

But till you can discuss the FACTS, why dont you just shut the hell up and stop embarrassing yourself?

Your defense is more like a zombie in a bad sci-fi move though. Mindless, angry, accusatory and without any credible point.

Because you do not understand the arguments does not make them mindless, idiot.

So what makes me "the typical, contemptible, ignorant atheist" ? Is it the fact that I think for myself and have concluded that there is no god on my own without any peer pressure? Or, is it that I freely bring this finding to USMB and share it with people like you who make bizzare statements concerning MY future upon death?

No, it is the fact that you do not understand what you claim to have rejected and you remain stubborn refusing to to grapple with what people say they believe in and substitute lies instead that you can easily deny like the typical Straw Man argument. You do not believe in a Sky Fairy? Great, no one else does either, you fucking fool.

What gives you any right to suggest that anyone but yourself will go to hell?

I do not suggest specific people will go to Hell, but I know some will.

IF that bothers you, tough shit.

All I say is that when you die there will be nothing. Does the fact that when your brain starts getting consumed by maggots or is pickled by the embalmers chemicals that there will be no "you" left at all? And you will certainly not become the latest member in any magical Disney World in the sky or some fire and brimstone underground cave with the devil as a social director.

Lol, a mans brain is not what determines his thoughts, idiot. Anyone can demonstrate to themselves how they can shift focus from one sensation to a thought to another sensation and to any topic they might want, without the interference of anything that goes on in the brain. The brain responds to the person, and is not the person themselves.

Why so angry? I didn't make up the rules. They are what they are.

You dont know the rules, understand the rules or show any respect for the rules.

You are a jack ass kicking yourself in the ass all day long and thinking you are winning the fight.

The fight is your own failure to be a real human being, and is the fault of no one else.
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
A perfect example of the arrogance and intolerance of the religious right; a wrongheaded perception of faith that is both ridiculous and Medieval.
Clayton, I am not afraid to die.

Can you say the same?
What is to be afraid of?

The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
Boo Hoo.....
Anthony Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God may have mercy on non-Catholics who don't understand the abortion issue, but Justice Anthony Kennedy is Catholic,so he has no excuse. He knows the truth that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore all his opinions legalizing and expanding abortion are acts of mass murder.

So Justice Anthony Kennedy will definitely go to hell (unless he repents).

He should also be ex-communicated by the Catholic Church, that is, denied all the sacraments and cut off from the religious faith of the Catholic Church.

Every good Catholic can do his part by praying for Anthony Kennedy's soul, and pray that he repents before he dies, and ends up in hell.

I am not a very good Catholic so I will not pray for Justice Kennedy. I do not want him to repent. I want him to burn forever for the millions of babies he's killed.
A perfect example of the arrogance and intolerance of the religious right; a wrongheaded perception of faith that is both ridiculous and Medieval.
Clayton, I am not afraid to die.

Can you say the same?

Perhaps not, but it's obvious you are afraid to face a world where you and people just like you aren't the only ones to get the advantages.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.
Don't believe in your fantasy....we all die in the end......and that's that.
A perfect example of the arrogance and intolerance of the religious right; a wrongheaded perception of faith that is both ridiculous and Medieval.
Clayton, I am not afraid to die.

Can you say the same?

Perhaps not, but it's obvious you are afraid to face a world where you and people just like you aren't the only ones to get the advantages.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

There is no Christ.
There is, and you will meet him. He will judge you for your sins and cast you into the fire that burns for all eternity. Repent now, to avoid this fate. You must believe in Christ and repent your sins, it is not too late for you. Ignore this warning at your peril.
Nope...a fantasy taken from much older myths and legends.
A perfect example of the arrogance and intolerance of the religious right; a wrongheaded perception of faith that is both ridiculous and Medieval.
Clayton, I am not afraid to die.

Can you say the same?

Perhaps not, but it's obvious you are afraid to face a world where you and people just like you aren't the only ones to get the advantages.
This is not about me and my "advantages" fuckface, it's about how you and your filthy ilk are murdering millions of children. What do you think will happen to you when you meet Christ with all that innocent blood on your hands? He will not even look at you before he hurls you in the fire, and you will burn for all eternity as all unrepentant murderers burn. Repent.

I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.
I'm pretty sure God doesn't need you to help make those decisions for him. If you worry about your own crap, you will have enough to do.
I reject your counsel. Christians need to speak out, and start warning people that their souls are in deadly peril. I feel in my heart overwhelming confidence that all who support legal abortion, and advocate for it, and participate in it, will go to hell. I see no other possibility for those who are guilty of this most terrible of crimes, the murder of the most innocent of God's children.

OK. After a statement like that, how many people do you think would just ignore what you or any other so called religious person might say? Church membership is falling fast. Keep up the good work.
Catholic membership is falling because the Catholic Popes, bishops, and priests are NOT saying what they need to say, which is that failure to be a faithful Catholic, and obeying the Ten Commandments, puts the soul in peril of hell. If the Catholic Church was teaching THAT, people would be piling in the doors.

We need to go Medieval. We need to return to hellfire and brimstone. We need to warn people, as Christ did, that rejection of Christ and his Commandments has eternal and irreversible consequences. And also, we need to turn our attentions to the religion of Islam. The only thing that saved Europe from Islam in the Middle Ages was a strong and militant Catholic faith. And if Europe is to be saved in this century, Europe must return to Christ and Christ's Church. Otherwise, Europe will be lost.

Unless someone is already involved with a religion, threatening them with hell is a joke. If you can't give a better reason than that why anyone should want to share your faith you might as well shut up. You're just making yourself and others look like a fool.
I disagree. Fear of hell has brought many people into the Catholic faith. Gradually, this is replaced with other, better motives, to stay friends with God. The reason the Catholic Church is not growing as it once was is because it stopped warning people of hell. Even many Catholics no longer believe in hell. It's a big problem, because disbelieving in hell won't help you one bit when you get there.
Faith by Fear...what a typical organized religion formula. The Muslims do the same thing.

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