Justice Ginsburg is not looking so good...Another SCOTUS appointment coming soon

The 2nd Amendment is the primary target for the left.
It's their FIRST target. Once they take that away, the rest will be easy.

They will never take it away, at least not in this lifetime.

Such a move would be ignored. Attempts to enforce it would be met with nationwide resistance.

It really is that simple.
Nothing is stopping them at the State level right now.

Article VI -

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

You people need to stop wishing for the death of a fellow American.

Holy fuck.
Y'all keep forgetting that Breyer is in his 80s too....Cheeto wins a second term, and the possibility exists that it could be 7-2 for a generation or more.
And if Cheeto loses and the Senate goes Democrat the court will be packed when it is changed to 11 members instead of 9.
Y'all keep forgetting that Breyer is in his 80s too....Cheeto wins a second term, and the possibility exists that it could be 7-2 for a generation or more.
And if Cheeto loses and the Senate goes Democrat the court will be packed when it is changed to 11 members instead of 9.
I'll take "shit that'll never happen" for $1,000, Alex.
Y'all keep forgetting that Breyer is in his 80s too....Cheeto wins a second term, and the possibility exists that it could be 7-2 for a generation or more.
And if Cheeto loses and the Senate goes Democrat the court will be packed when it is changed to 11 members instead of 9.
I'll take "shit that'll never happen" for $1,000, Alex.
Why can't it happen?
And if Cheeto loses and the Senate goes Democrat the court will be packed when it is changed to 11 members instead of 9.
I'll take "shit that'll never happen" for $1,000, Alex.

That would definitely shitcan Roe v. Wade any many other rulings that only shitty unAmericans value.
Things look to be turning into a one party Empire...and rather quickly....haha
You do realize that nearly all privacy law is based on Roe v. Wade. You overrule Roe you might as well kiss your privacy rights to the curb. You will have none.

I don't think enough people want to overturn RW. I know most people want some limits to it, and most people do not want government funding Planned Unparenthood. I don't want people having orphans. Someone has to deal with these people if they're born and no one wants them. Where do they go? Some rich Chinese family? They can dredge one up that just hit the river. They go to our trailer parks, ghettos, streets and prisons. Think we have a lot in prison now? You could legalize drugs and murder and we'd still have more people in prison than China and people throwing babies in the river.

I think it's the most sick and barbaric thing in the world, and I don't know how we consider ourselves civilized that it even happens in our country. It's an abomination to God and I fear for the nation's soul. That's how much I detest abortion.

If some stupid slut with a hitlery sticker gets her insides sucked out, and usually fucked up so that child bearing gets harder, it's not my problem. After about the 3rd one they're pretty much sterilized and that's a blessing. At least that's what I'm told. It might be bullshit, but it sounded legit when I heard it. Not that I really give a shit, I think one abortion should sterilize you. I wouldn't run around trying to make it a law though.

Same reason I don't care about faggots playing house. My house is a real family, whatever stupid shit some fruitcakes want to do in their house is not my problem.

None of that shit matters if we can not crush the communists and drastically reduce spending. We aren't going to see a balanced budget, or a legitimate free market economy until bed wetters are finally miserable enough to defect to one of the places they always say is better. The need to be run out of jobs in the education system by private schools that teach kids how to think, solve problems, read comprehensively, and at least be able to count fuckin money.

Y'all keep forgetting that Breyer is in his 80s too....Cheeto wins a second term, and the possibility exists that it could be 7-2 for a generation or more.
Not if Democrats win the Senate. If that happens, the invoke the McConnell rule which shuts down confirmation hearings for the remainder of trump’s presidency; whether that’s another 2 years or 6.
Not if Democrats win the Senate. If that happens, the invoke the McConnell rule which shuts down confirmation hearings for the remainder of trump’s presidency; whether that’s another 2 years or 6.
Shit's not going to happen....Already, so-called "toss-up" states like Tennessee are breaking (R), and the momentum is building....The only place where the dems are going to take the Senate is in that parallel universe where Spock has a goatee.
Not if Democrats win the Senate. If that happens, the invoke the McConnell rule which shuts down confirmation hearings for the remainder of trump’s presidency; whether that’s another 2 years or 6.
Shit's not going to happen....Already, so-called "toss-up" states like Tennessee are breaking (R), and the momentum is building....The only place where the dems are going to take the Senate is in that parallel universe where Spock has a goatee.
As we saw in 2016, nothing is set in stone until the election. Hillary still had a double digit lead at this point.
That would definitely shitcan Roe v. Wade any many other rulings that only shitty unAmericans value.
Things look to be turning into a one party Empire...and rather quickly....haha
I prefer a 5-4 left leaning bench, but this 5-4 right leaning bench is ok with me.
but if trump does appoint someone to fill the Ginsburg seat if necessary, then the left will move heaven and earth to add two more seats to the bench when they get the WH back, the only way for trump to offset that is to add those seats himself.

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