Justice Scalia & Justice Thomas

This must be some of that judicial activism the right was talking about.
I'm sorry, I couldn't see your response, my hypocrisy warning light was flashing too brightly whenever it came on screen.

Your criticism would have had validity if you complained about judicial activism regarding things that the left loved as well. I know you are mad that the USSC didn't strike down the Patriot Act, and I am not happy with parts of it either, but... them's the breaks when you play this game. Now you have equality between corporations and unions with Citizens United too. And now that the political tide is reversing... you have the gall to complain?

How about that 'wise latina' Sotomayor who tried to codify anti-white racism into law with the New Haven fire fighter case? Did you protest that?

I'll give you a break on the judicial activism of the 1930's that overlooked all the New Deal reforms because you probably weren't around them, nor was I.

Why would you expect a liberal to criticize judicial activism? You wingnuts believe that liberals support judicial activism so there's nothing hypocritical about his not cricizing judicial activism and there's nothing hypocriticial about his pointing out that the right does it too

The only hypocrisy is your support for judicial activism (when it comes from the right)
State Bar of Georgia - Georgia Code of Judicial Conduct

One more example. Notice, no discussion in re Jurisdiction.

OF COURSE there's no discussion of jurisdiction. You're a leftist, so you have no clue what it means. You think it's spiffy to decide US legal cases based on laws from other countries. So NATURALLY, you think talking about West Virginia and Georgia are examples of . . . I don't know what, exactly, because I'm not a leftist, but they're by God examples, right? :eusa_hand:

God forbid you should take your ignorant leftist ass (I know that's redundant) out and find me something that actually RELATES to the US Supreme Court upon which to hang your bitching and moaning.

And by the way, dumb shit, don't send me any more private essays about "Why I Think You're Stupid". Only a leftist would be brain-damaged enough to think someone who has just neg-repped you for being dumber than dirt would care what you think about them. :lol:

Laugh all you want, using Jurisdiciton in the context you have is incorrect and is evidence you are one more RW hack without integrity or even average intelligence.

Document Viewer

See in particular Cannon 2, clause B, in re Outside Influence.

Coming from a shitforbrains stalker like you, any insult to my intelligence is a compliment. God help me if I ever become "smart" like you and start thinking that neg reps and "Don't bother me with private messages" is an invitation to send me yet ANOTHER essay on your utterly negligible opinion of me.

Apparently, irrelevance isn't a concept you understand in ANY context, whether it's your lame-ass posts or your lame-ass self. Go harass someone who would bother pissing on you if you were on fire. FLUSH!
OF COURSE there's no discussion of jurisdiction. You're a leftist, so you have no clue what it means. You think it's spiffy to decide US legal cases based on laws from other countries. So NATURALLY, you think talking about West Virginia and Georgia are examples of . . . I don't know what, exactly, because I'm not a leftist, but they're by God examples, right? :eusa_hand:

God forbid you should take your ignorant leftist ass (I know that's redundant) out and find me something that actually RELATES to the US Supreme Court upon which to hang your bitching and moaning.

And by the way, dumb shit, don't send me any more private essays about "Why I Think You're Stupid". Only a leftist would be brain-damaged enough to think someone who has just neg-repped you for being dumber than dirt would care what you think about them. :lol:

Laugh all you want, using Jurisdiciton in the context you have is incorrect and is evidence you are one more RW hack without integrity or even average intelligence.

Document Viewer

See in particular Cannon 2, clause B, in re Outside Influence.

Coming from a shitforbrains stalker like you, any insult to my intelligence is a compliment. God help me if I ever become "smart" like you and start thinking that neg reps and "Don't bother me with private messages" is an invitation to send me yet ANOTHER essay on your utterly negligible opinion of me.

Apparently, irrelevance isn't a concept you understand in ANY context, whether it's your lame-ass posts or your lame-ass self. Go harass someone who would bother pissing on you if you were on fire. FLUSH!

I'm not surprised to see that this wingnut thinks that the judicial code of coduct is irrelevant to how a justice behaves :cuckoo:

And of course, she's too dumb to realize the her obsessive need to respond proves that her claims to not care are just lies
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State Bar of Georgia - Georgia Code of Judicial Conduct

One more example. Notice, no discussion in re Jurisdiction.

OF COURSE there's no discussion of jurisdiction. You're a leftist, so you have no clue what it means. You think it's spiffy to decide US legal cases based on laws from other countries. So NATURALLY, you think talking about West Virginia and Georgia are examples of . . . I don't know what, exactly, because I'm not a leftist, but they're by God examples, right? :eusa_hand:

God forbid you should take your ignorant leftist ass (I know that's redundant) out and find me something that actually RELATES to the US Supreme Court upon which to hang your bitching and moaning.

And by the way, dumb shit, don't send me any more private essays about "Why I Think You're Stupid". Only a leftist would be brain-damaged enough to think someone who has just neg-repped you for being dumber than dirt would care what you think about them. :lol:

Only a dumb shit like you would think that SCOTUS justices are not subject to a code of conduct

Document Viewer

I'm sure they are, and I'm equally sure it's NOT the code of conduct for West fucking Virginia. Only a dumb shit like YOU would think otherwise.

Perhaps you could take Wry's pecker out of your mouth long enough to contemplate the possibility that 1) he's an ignorant dickwad who wouldn't know a coherent argument if it crawled up his pants leg, and 2) pointing out how ridiculous he sounds telling me that Scalia and Thomas are unethical based on the code of conduct of WV doesn't mean I believe anything except that they're not subject to that code of conduct and that he's an ignorant dickwad who wouldn't know a coherent argument if it crawled up his pants leg.

Am I going too fast for you?

You can slavishly kiss his ass without defending his more boneheaded arguments, I promise.
OF COURSE there's no discussion of jurisdiction. You're a leftist, so you have no clue what it means. You think it's spiffy to decide US legal cases based on laws from other countries. So NATURALLY, you think talking about West Virginia and Georgia are examples of . . . I don't know what, exactly, because I'm not a leftist, but they're by God examples, right? :eusa_hand:

God forbid you should take your ignorant leftist ass (I know that's redundant) out and find me something that actually RELATES to the US Supreme Court upon which to hang your bitching and moaning.

And by the way, dumb shit, don't send me any more private essays about "Why I Think You're Stupid". Only a leftist would be brain-damaged enough to think someone who has just neg-repped you for being dumber than dirt would care what you think about them. :lol:

Only a dumb shit like you would think that SCOTUS justices are not subject to a code of conduct

Document Viewer

I'm sure they are, and I'm equally sure it's NOT the code of conduct for West fucking Virginia. Only a dumb shit like YOU would think otherwise.

Perhaps you could take Wry's pecker out of your mouth long enough to contemplate the possibility that 1) he's an ignorant dickwad who wouldn't know a coherent argument if it crawled up his pants leg, and 2) pointing out how ridiculous he sounds telling me that Scalia and Thomas are unethical based on the code of conduct of WV doesn't mean I believe anything except that they're not subject to that code of conduct and that he's an ignorant dickwad who wouldn't know a coherent argument if it crawled up his pants leg.

Am I going too fast for you?

You can slavishly kiss his ass without defending his more boneheaded arguments, I promise.

Gee, before the Code of Conduct that does appy to SCOTUS was posted, you were arguing all about JURISDICTION, but as soon as the proper code was posted, you started to whine about how you don't care about Wry. Then you follow it up with post after post about Wry, which I guess you think proves you don't care about Wry.:lol:

Maybe someday, you'll work up the courage to discuss the actual code of conduct (instead of obsessing over Wry) and how Scalia and Thomas' action may have violated that code.

Until then, keep up the good job of "not caring" about Wry's opinion. Your constant whining about Wry is very persuasive :lol:
Only a dumb shit like you would think that SCOTUS justices are not subject to a code of conduct

Document Viewer

I'm sure they are, and I'm equally sure it's NOT the code of conduct for West fucking Virginia. Only a dumb shit like YOU would think otherwise.

Perhaps you could take Wry's pecker out of your mouth long enough to contemplate the possibility that 1) he's an ignorant dickwad who wouldn't know a coherent argument if it crawled up his pants leg, and 2) pointing out how ridiculous he sounds telling me that Scalia and Thomas are unethical based on the code of conduct of WV doesn't mean I believe anything except that they're not subject to that code of conduct and that he's an ignorant dickwad who wouldn't know a coherent argument if it crawled up his pants leg.

Am I going too fast for you?

You can slavishly kiss his ass without defending his more boneheaded arguments, I promise.

Gee, before the Code of Conduct that does appy to SCOTUS was posted, you were arguing all about JURISDICTION, but as soon as the proper code was posted, you started to whine about how you don't care about Wry. Then you follow it up with post after post about Wry, which I guess you think proves you don't care about Wry.:lol:

Maybe someday, you'll work up the courage to discuss the actual code of conduct (instead of obsessing over Wry) and how Scalia and Thomas' action may have violated that code.

Until then, keep up the good job of "not caring" about Wry's opinion. Your constant whining about Wry is very persuasive :lol:

Isn't it a wonder how these self described conservatives are usually profance when confronted with their hypocrisy and silly opinions - opinions formed by listening to the propaganda purveyors without the filter of critical evaluation? And, when provided evidence of their factual ignorance they run away.
I do wonder when someone such as Cecilie1200 is confronted with her ignorance if she ever considers the possibilty of being wrong, and, doing some research?
I'm sure they are, and I'm equally sure it's NOT the code of conduct for West fucking Virginia. Only a dumb shit like YOU would think otherwise.

Perhaps you could take Wry's pecker out of your mouth long enough to contemplate the possibility that 1) he's an ignorant dickwad who wouldn't know a coherent argument if it crawled up his pants leg, and 2) pointing out how ridiculous he sounds telling me that Scalia and Thomas are unethical based on the code of conduct of WV doesn't mean I believe anything except that they're not subject to that code of conduct and that he's an ignorant dickwad who wouldn't know a coherent argument if it crawled up his pants leg.

Am I going too fast for you?

You can slavishly kiss his ass without defending his more boneheaded arguments, I promise.

Gee, before the Code of Conduct that does appy to SCOTUS was posted, you were arguing all about JURISDICTION, but as soon as the proper code was posted, you started to whine about how you don't care about Wry. Then you follow it up with post after post about Wry, which I guess you think proves you don't care about Wry.:lol:

Maybe someday, you'll work up the courage to discuss the actual code of conduct (instead of obsessing over Wry) and how Scalia and Thomas' action may have violated that code.

Until then, keep up the good job of "not caring" about Wry's opinion. Your constant whining about Wry is very persuasive :lol:

Isn't it a wonder how these self described conservatives are usually profance when confronted with their hypocrisy and silly opinions - opinions formed by listening to the propaganda purveyors without the filter of critical evaluation? And, when provided evidence of their factual ignorance they run away.
I do wonder when someone such as Cecilie1200 is confronted with her ignorance if she ever considers the possibilty of being wrong, and, doing some research?

Why would a wingnut think anything is a reason to do some research when all they have to do is repeat their slogans and follow it up with some cursing?

Cecille, like every other wingnut, doesn't have the courage to defend her principle because she knows she only has one principle - repeat whatever the wingnut leaders are saying

That's why she's lost in this discussion. The wingnuts haven't formulated an argument to support Scalias' and Thomas' corruption, so she has nothing to repeat. That's why she curses
Gee, before the Code of Conduct that does appy to SCOTUS was posted, you were arguing all about JURISDICTION, but as soon as the proper code was posted, you started to whine about how you don't care about Wry. Then you follow it up with post after post about Wry, which I guess you think proves you don't care about Wry.:lol:

Maybe someday, you'll work up the courage to discuss the actual code of conduct (instead of obsessing over Wry) and how Scalia and Thomas' action may have violated that code.

Until then, keep up the good job of "not caring" about Wry's opinion. Your constant whining about Wry is very persuasive :lol:

Isn't it a wonder how these self described conservatives are usually profance when confronted with their hypocrisy and silly opinions - opinions formed by listening to the propaganda purveyors without the filter of critical evaluation? And, when provided evidence of their factual ignorance they run away.
I do wonder when someone such as Cecilie1200 is confronted with her ignorance if she ever considers the possibilty of being wrong, and, doing some research?

Why would a wingnut think anything is a reason to do some research when all they have to do is repeat their slogans and follow it up with some cursing?

Cecille, like every other wingnut, doesn't have the courage to defend her principle because she knows she only has one principle - repeat whatever the wingnut leaders are saying

That's why she's lost in this discussion. The wingnuts haven't formulated an argument to support Scalias' and Thomas' corruption, so she has nothing to repeat. That's why she curses

Spot on.
Last night I heard on the radio that Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas attended the private strategy meeting hosted by the Kock brothers in Palm Springs. The NYT's reported:

"Koch Industries, the longtime underwriter of libertarian causes from the Cato Institute in Washington to the ballot initiative that would suspend California’s landmark law capping greenhouse gases, is planning a confidential meeting at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa to, as an invitation says, “develop strategies to counter the most severe threats facing our free society and outline a vision of how we can foster a renewal of American free enterprise and prosperity.”


Two questions:
Is the participation of two members of the USSC at a solely political secret meeting appropriate?
Plutocracy anyone?

Let me ask you something.

Sis you raise any objection to the appointment of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court? Does the presence of someone who actively worked for current president skew the checks and balances in the the system, unduly favoring the government when a case involving it comes before the Court?
Last night I heard on the radio that Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas attended the private strategy meeting hosted by the Kock brothers in Palm Springs. The NYT's reported:

"Koch Industries, the longtime underwriter of libertarian causes from the Cato Institute in Washington to the ballot initiative that would suspend California’s landmark law capping greenhouse gases, is planning a confidential meeting at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa to, as an invitation says, “develop strategies to counter the most severe threats facing our free society and outline a vision of how we can foster a renewal of American free enterprise and prosperity.”


Two questions:
Is the participation of two members of the USSC at a solely political secret meeting appropriate?
Plutocracy anyone?


It isn't "solely political."

That's one of the things that makes it "secret."

It is not secret, or confidential, it is simply not open to anyone and everyone in the universe.
That was not what I was referring to.
Do you mean to say that Latino women are not smarter than men?

btw that is not racist, but sexist it would seem to me.

She is a member of La Raza, which IS Anti American and racist. She is sexist based on her statements about being smarter then men and again racist by proclaiming she as a Latino is smarter then white men.

You have proof that she is not smarter than you are?
From your posts I have concluded that you are a white male.

She did not claim they are smarter, she said they are wiser. Since no one really knows what wisdom is, she is probably safe in asserting that. My opinion is that a wwise person would not make such a blanket statement.
Last night I heard on the radio that Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas attended the private strategy meeting hosted by the Kock brothers in Palm Springs. The NYT's reported:

"Koch Industries, the longtime underwriter of libertarian causes from the Cato Institute in Washington to the ballot initiative that would suspend California’s landmark law capping greenhouse gases, is planning a confidential meeting at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa to, as an invitation says, “develop strategies to counter the most severe threats facing our free society and outline a vision of how we can foster a renewal of American free enterprise and prosperity.”


Two questions:
Is the participation of two members of the USSC at a solely political secret meeting appropriate?
Plutocracy anyone?

These are two men solely influenced by ideology. With Thomas, more court cases he sits on are settled long before any arguments are heard. He may as well skip the trials. In Scalia's case, it's basically the same, but he listens in to formulate opinions that sound like he actually heard the case.

Neither man has any notion of "Conflicts of Interests".

In a nutshell..they are exactly the wrong types of judges for the bench.


How do you explain the fact that he often joins in unanimous decisions that go against business if he hever listens to facts or applies the law?
the state of west virginia does not govern the code of conduct of a supreme court justice. but no justice (or lawyer) can do anything that has an APPEARANCE of impropriety.

I'm going to guess that's true even in WV, anyway.
I asked; you did not answer..

Does this partucular instance change your opinion as to Scala or Roberts' ability to carry out their judicial responsibilities with integrity, impartiality, and competence?

does it change my opinion?

no. i always thought they were hacks. they just keep proving it.

their being there is inappropriate.

as was thomas ruling on a case that involved a group that pays his wife hundreds of thousands of dollars a year...

and scalia ruling on a case that involved his hunting buddy's employment.

DO you have a similar problem with Kennedy speaking at ABA meetings? Did Scalia and Thomas know about this recently organized meeting before they ruled on Citizens United over a year ago? What, exactly, is your beef with anyone attending seminars about small government and free enterprise?
State Bar of Georgia - Georgia Code of Judicial Conduct

One more example. Notice, no discussion in re Jurisdiction.

I just know Cecelia has already pointed out that this is irrelevant, but let me show you just how irrelevant.

There is no judicial code of ethics that applies to the Supreme Court of the United States. You can quote all the state codes you like, and even the federal code which is here.

Codes of Conduct

None of them actually apply though.

I made this point earlier. Flew right over their heads.
Last night I heard on the radio that Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas attended the private strategy meeting hosted by the Kock brothers in Palm Springs. The NYT's reported:

"Koch Industries, the longtime underwriter of libertarian causes from the Cato Institute in Washington to the ballot initiative that would suspend California’s landmark law capping greenhouse gases, is planning a confidential meeting at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa to, as an invitation says, “develop strategies to counter the most severe threats facing our free society and outline a vision of how we can foster a renewal of American free enterprise and prosperity.”


Two questions:
Is the participation of two members of the USSC at a solely political secret meeting appropriate?
Plutocracy anyone?

These are two men solely influenced by ideology. With Thomas, more court cases he sits on are settled long before any arguments are heard. He may as well skip the trials. In Scalia's case, it's basically the same, but he listens in to formulate opinions that sound like he actually heard the case.

Neither man has any notion of "Conflicts of Interests".

In a nutshell..they are exactly the wrong types of judges for the bench.


How do you explain the fact that he often joins in unanimous decisions that go against business if he hever listens to facts or applies the law?

That generally speaks to Justice Thomas' belief in the limit of the Federal government's power.
State Bar of Georgia - Georgia Code of Judicial Conduct

One more example. Notice, no discussion in re Jurisdiction.

OF COURSE there's no discussion of jurisdiction. You're a leftist, so you have no clue what it means. You think it's spiffy to decide US legal cases based on laws from other countries. So NATURALLY, you think talking about West Virginia and Georgia are examples of . . . I don't know what, exactly, because I'm not a leftist, but they're by God examples, right? :eusa_hand:

God forbid you should take your ignorant leftist ass (I know that's redundant) out and find me something that actually RELATES to the US Supreme Court upon which to hang your bitching and moaning.

And by the way, dumb shit, don't send me any more private essays about "Why I Think You're Stupid". Only a leftist would be brain-damaged enough to think someone who has just neg-repped you for being dumber than dirt would care what you think about them. :lol:

Only a dumb shit like you would think that SCOTUS justices are not subject to a code of conduct

Document Viewer

Actually, dumb shits are the people that make unwarranted assumptions.
These are two men solely influenced by ideology. With Thomas, more court cases he sits on are settled long before any arguments are heard. He may as well skip the trials. In Scalia's case, it's basically the same, but he listens in to formulate opinions that sound like he actually heard the case.

Neither man has any notion of "Conflicts of Interests".

In a nutshell..they are exactly the wrong types of judges for the bench.


How do you explain the fact that he often joins in unanimous decisions that go against business if he hever listens to facts or applies the law?

That generally speaks to Justice Thomas' belief in the limit of the Federal government's power.

Does that mean that the recent expansion of Title VII suits to allow third parties to file discrimination suits is a victory for small government and business interests?

Opinion analysis: Family and friends can bring third party retaliation suits under Title VII (UPDATED 5:23 pm) : SCOTUSblog

I think what we actually have here is a person who can't see past his own partisan idiocy and admit that things do not work the way world view inclines you to think.
OF COURSE there's no discussion of jurisdiction. You're a leftist, so you have no clue what it means. You think it's spiffy to decide US legal cases based on laws from other countries. So NATURALLY, you think talking about West Virginia and Georgia are examples of . . . I don't know what, exactly, because I'm not a leftist, but they're by God examples, right? :eusa_hand:

God forbid you should take your ignorant leftist ass (I know that's redundant) out and find me something that actually RELATES to the US Supreme Court upon which to hang your bitching and moaning.

And by the way, dumb shit, don't send me any more private essays about "Why I Think You're Stupid". Only a leftist would be brain-damaged enough to think someone who has just neg-repped you for being dumber than dirt would care what you think about them. :lol:

Only a dumb shit like you would think that SCOTUS justices are not subject to a code of conduct

Document Viewer

Actually, dumb shits are the people that make unwarranted assumptions.

And once again, QW lies about what he's said


There is no judicial code of ethics that applies to the Supreme Court of the United States. You can quote all the state codes you like, and even the federal code which is here.
State Bar of Georgia - Georgia Code of Judicial Conduct

One more example. Notice, no discussion in re Jurisdiction.

I just know Cecelia has already pointed out that this is irrelevant, but let me show you just how irrelevant.

There is no judicial code of ethics that applies to the Supreme Court of the United States. You can quote all the state codes you like, and even the federal code which is here.

Codes of Conduct

None of them actually apply though.

This post by Quantum Windbag is emblam'atic of too many on this message board. Posts which boldly lie when the facts belie their opinion.
This type of dishonesty has two very real consequences: nothing QW posts can ever be taken on face value (s/he has lost trust) and the argument s/he hopes to offer adds credence to whatever they hope to discredit (for if implies no real evidence exists to disprove what offends their opinion).

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