Justin Trudeau: Canada-US Border Will Stay Closed Until America Gets COVID-19 Under Control


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I don't blame Canada. They don't need Americans bringing the virus into Canada.

They are seeing their second wave now. I don't blame them for not wanting Americans to make it worse.

I will say, the border isn't closed for trucks coming into America from Canada then going back to Canada. Those trucks are still on the roads here. I wish the bush boy had not allowed those trucks into our nation. They are a menace on our roads.

I don't blame Canada. They don't need Americans bringing the virus into Canada.

They are seeing their second wave now. I don't blame them for not wanting Americans to make it worse.

I will say, the border isn't closed for trucks coming into America from Canada then going back to Canada. Those trucks are still on the roads here. I wish the bush boy had not allowed those trucks into our nation. They are a menace on our roads.

He's just trying to pin the blame for the 2nd wave on someone else.
I don't blame Canada. They don't need Americans bringing the virus into Canada.

They are seeing their second wave now. I don't blame them for not wanting Americans to make it worse.

I will say, the border isn't closed for trucks coming into America from Canada then going back to Canada. Those trucks are still on the roads here. I wish the bush boy had not allowed those trucks into our nation. They are a menace on our roads.

We should recripricrate!
Can't wait for leftists to explain how Trudeau is racist and xenophobic.

LOL! Just kidding. The left would never condemn Prime Minister Blackface.
Define "under control"

This is a damn virus that doesn't respect borders or political fences....

Our "under control' is letting the young and not at risk/low risk groups get this thing and get over it. This removes people from the "burn" line. This creates gaps in the virus transmiosson routes and ultimately saves lives...
I don't blame Canada. They don't need Americans bringing the virus into Canada.

They are seeing their second wave now. I don't blame them for not wanting Americans to make it worse.

I will say, the border isn't closed for trucks coming into America from Canada then going back to Canada. Those trucks are still on the roads here. I wish the bush boy had not allowed those trucks into our nation. They are a menace on our roads.

There is no such thing as a second wave...that is just a semantic escape from the reality that man is not equal to the contagion of a viral entity on the level that he is trying to be. The only nation with any brains on the matter is SWEDEN.....they get it.

Define "under control"

This is a damn virus that doesn't respect borders or political fences....

Our "under control' is letting the young and not at risk/low risk groups get this thing and get over it. This removes people from the "burn" line. This creates gaps in the virus transmiosson routes and ultimately saves lives...


If Trump gets re-elected all the dem governors will play their part and try to keep their states locked down in protest ....they will be voted out in favor of real human beings.

I don't blame Canada. They don't need Americans bringing the virus into Canada.

They are seeing their second wave now. I don't blame them for not wanting Americans to make it worse.

I will say, the border isn't closed for trucks coming into America from Canada then going back to Canada. Those trucks are still on the roads here. I wish the bush boy had not allowed those trucks into our nation. They are a menace on our roads.

LOL....of course they are! Stopping the commercial traffic would cost billions on both sides.....he's not going to do that.

I don't blame the dude even though he seems a little sissified. I wouldn't be surprised if some of our own dim bulb Democrats didn't encourage him to shut it down. If you leave this pandemic up to Democrats we'd be quarentining forever. Vote straight Republican
I don't blame Canada. They don't need Americans bringing the virus into Canada.

They are seeing their second wave now. I don't blame them for not wanting Americans to make it worse.

I will say, the border isn't closed for trucks coming into America from Canada then going back to Canada. Those trucks are still on the roads here. I wish the bush boy had not allowed those trucks into our nation. They are a menace on our roads.

great idea,,,lets also stop all trade with canada and see how well they make it through the winter without us,,,
im still trying to figure out why dana thinks Canadian trucks are a menace,but he has no trouble with Mexican trucks,which are a menace coming in....

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