JW Uncovers Taxpayer Cost for Malia Obama's Spring Break Trip to Mexico


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
So, would the American people have voted for four more of this if they had known?

As you know, JW has kept close watch on the First Family’s extravagant personal trips for the American people, since we’re the ones footing the bill. And last week we released records detailing the government funds expended on Malia’s March 2012 Spring Break vacation to Mexico. According to the records, obtained from the U.S. Secret Service as a result of a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on September 20, 2012, the total cost of the trip amounted to $115,500.87.

Read the whole thing @ JW Uncovers Taxpayer Cost for Malia Obama's Spring Break Trip to Mexico

The Ghetto First Family. Using Whitey's money to partay!!!
The Ghetto First Family. Using Whitey's money to partay!!!

It's OK to hate Obama's family and wish them a special spot in hell that everyone can enjoy but I don't see any reason to make this into a "race thing" because when you buy into that nonsense you'll just end up being a tool for the bad guys and a detriment to the good guys.
The Ghetto First Family. Using Whitey's money to partay!!!

It's OK to hate Obama's family and wish them a special spot in hell that everyone can enjoy but I don't see any reason to make this into a "race thing" because when you buy into that nonsense you'll just end up being a tool for the bad guys and a detriment to the good guys.
You should have noticed by now that Barack and Michelle are two of the biggest racists on the planet. I'm not MAKING it into a race thing, it IS a race thing, and anyone who doesn't have their head in the sand knows it. Be bold and acknowledge the truth.
JW Uncovers Taxpayer Cost for Malia Obama's Spring Break Trip to Mexico

Does the OP have any recollection of either the "left" and/or fellow conservatives ever making an issue of extending government protection to the Bush twins when GWD was in office?

After 4 years of personal attacks directed at Obama and his family, the "conservatives" have demonstrated they still don't get it - "right-wing" supporters may respond to this "red meat" approach, but there aren't enough of them to win an election.

The average American voter "turned off" and weary of "birthers" claims, Donald Trump's transcript" offer and a host of other personal attacks - and there are enough of them to win an election.

How else does one explain a "wounded" president with major economic liabilities and a less energized base, in what should have been the Republican/Tea party's election to lose, winning all except one of the "swing" states?"

Keep those personal attacks coming - they are politically counterproductive and continue to reflect far more on the mindset of the accuser, than the assused!
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So, would the American people have voted for four more of this if they had known?

As you know, JW has kept close watch on the First Family’s extravagant personal trips for the American people, since we’re the ones footing the bill. And last week we released records detailing the government funds expended on Malia’s March 2012 Spring Break vacation to Mexico. According to the records, obtained from the U.S. Secret Service as a result of a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on September 20, 2012, the total cost of the trip amounted to $115,500.87.

Read the whole thing @ JW Uncovers Taxpayer Cost for Malia Obama's Spring Break Trip to Mexico


I can't believe it.................you STILL consider Breitbart TV to be a credible news source?


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