Kamal Harris Begins 2020 Run By Comparing ICE to KKK


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Kamala Harris would NOT be out-shined / up-staged by Cory 'Sexual Assault' Booker and created her own 'Spartacus' moment...

Proving to be a dishonest, race-baiting, anti-law-enforcement, pro-Illegal Immigration pro-Eliminate-ICE candidate, Harris moronically compared ICE to KKK...and got HAMMERED FOR IT!

Harris, intending to run for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 2020, proved she is completely ignorant of her own party's history and the history of its violent racist hate-group it created.

'California Democrat and likely 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris drew fury after comparing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Ku Klux Klan during a hearing on Capitol Hill.'

She asked Ronald Vitiello, President Trump's nominee to lead ICE, whether he shares what she said was the public’s view that ICE was spreading fear and mistrust, in particular among immigrant communities, the same way the KKK did.


Evidently Harris does not know that the KKK is a racist hate group started by the Democratic party while ICE is the 2nd Largest LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY in the United States, tasked with enforcing the very same existing Immigration laws Democrats oppose / violate and tasked with dealing with the 'mess' caused by 20+Million Illegals Democrats have helped illegally come into the US and protect them once they get here.

During the Obama administration Democrats initiated a violent rebellion against law enforcement officers...this is just an extension of that, escalating a rebellion against / hatred for Law Enforcement tasked with protecting US citizens and enforcing US law. As al elected official in the Federal Govt Harris SHOULD be an advocate for that - instead, like her fellow party members, she is opposed to stopping the continued illegal invasion and assault on our Rule of Law.

'California Democrat and likely 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris drew fury after comparing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Ku Klux Klan during a hearing on Capitol Hill.

She asked Ronald Vitiello, President Trump's nominee to lead ICE, whether he shares what she said was the public’s view that ICE was spreading fear and mistrust, in particular among immigrant communities, the same way the KKK did.'

For her 'disgusting' race-baiting anti-ICE comparison Harris was appropriately rebuked...

“Kamala Harris is trying to launch her 2020 campaign off of comparing ICE officers to the KKK, and it's absolutely disgusting”

Kamala Harris compares ICE to KKK, gets slammed for 'disgusting,' 'horrifying' remarks

The Liberal media will smooth it all over for her, either making her look like a hero for it or making sure it disappears / no one remembers.
The way the other possibles for 2020 are screwing up, it shows why the smart money like Clinton for the nomination.

Warren's DNA test was an embarrassment, this is a disgrace for Harris, the Farticus moment for Booker, and Avenatti getting pinched.

That leaves Hillary.

I guess Biden is still there, but he's a gaffe machine.
If it wasn't for Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee Kamala Harris would be the poster child for the dumber than a door knob stupidity of the Democrat Black Caucus.
Kamala Harris would NOT be out-shined / up-staged by Cory 'Sexual Assault' Booker and created her own 'Spartacus' moment...

Proving to be a dishonest, race-baiting, anti-law-enforcement, pro-Illegal Immigration pro-Eliminate-ICE candidate, Harris moronically compared ICE to KKK...and got HAMMERED FOR IT!

Harris, intending to run for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 2020, proved she is completely ignorant of her own party's history and the history of its violent racist hate-group it created.

'California Democrat and likely 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris drew fury after comparing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Ku Klux Klan during a hearing on Capitol Hill.'

She asked Ronald Vitiello, President Trump's nominee to lead ICE, whether he shares what she said was the public’s view that ICE was spreading fear and mistrust, in particular among immigrant communities, the same way the KKK did.


Evidently Harris does not know that the KKK is a racist hate group started by the Democratic party while ICE is the 2nd Largest LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY in the United States, tasked with enforcing the very same existing Immigration laws Democrats oppose / violate and tasked with dealing with the 'mess' caused by 20+Million Illegals Democrats have helped illegally come into the US and protect them once they get here.

During the Obama administration Democrats initiated a violent rebellion against law enforcement officers...this is just an extension of that, escalating a rebellion against / hatred for Law Enforcement tasked with protecting US citizens and enforcing US law. As al elected official in the Federal Govt Harris SHOULD be an advocate for that - instead, like her fellow party members, she is opposed to stopping the continued illegal invasion and assault on our Rule of Law.

'California Democrat and likely 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris drew fury after comparing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Ku Klux Klan during a hearing on Capitol Hill.

She asked Ronald Vitiello, President Trump's nominee to lead ICE, whether he shares what she said was the public’s view that ICE was spreading fear and mistrust, in particular among immigrant communities, the same way the KKK did.'

For her 'disgusting' race-baiting anti-ICE comparison Harris was appropriately rebuked...

“Kamala Harris is trying to launch her 2020 campaign off of comparing ICE officers to the KKK, and it's absolutely disgusting”

Kamala Harris compares ICE to KKK, gets slammed for 'disgusting,' 'horrifying' remarks

White male Joe Biden thinks he has a chance at nomination in 2020:auiqs.jpg:
Kamala Harris would NOT be out-shined / up-staged by Cory 'Sexual Assault' Booker and created her own 'Spartacus' moment...

Proving to be a dishonest, race-baiting, anti-law-enforcement, pro-Illegal Immigration pro-Eliminate-ICE candidate, Harris moronically compared ICE to KKK...and got HAMMERED FOR IT!

Harris, intending to run for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 2020, proved she is completely ignorant of her own party's history and the history of its violent racist hate-group it created.

'California Democrat and likely 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris drew fury after comparing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Ku Klux Klan during a hearing on Capitol Hill.'

She asked Ronald Vitiello, President Trump's nominee to lead ICE, whether he shares what she said was the public’s view that ICE was spreading fear and mistrust, in particular among immigrant communities, the same way the KKK did.


Evidently Harris does not know that the KKK is a racist hate group started by the Democratic party while ICE is the 2nd Largest LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY in the United States, tasked with enforcing the very same existing Immigration laws Democrats oppose / violate and tasked with dealing with the 'mess' caused by 20+Million Illegals Democrats have helped illegally come into the US and protect them once they get here.

During the Obama administration Democrats initiated a violent rebellion against law enforcement officers...this is just an extension of that, escalating a rebellion against / hatred for Law Enforcement tasked with protecting US citizens and enforcing US law. As al elected official in the Federal Govt Harris SHOULD be an advocate for that - instead, like her fellow party members, she is opposed to stopping the continued illegal invasion and assault on our Rule of Law.

'California Democrat and likely 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris drew fury after comparing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Ku Klux Klan during a hearing on Capitol Hill.

She asked Ronald Vitiello, President Trump's nominee to lead ICE, whether he shares what she said was the public’s view that ICE was spreading fear and mistrust, in particular among immigrant communities, the same way the KKK did.'

For her 'disgusting' race-baiting anti-ICE comparison Harris was appropriately rebuked...

“Kamala Harris is trying to launch her 2020 campaign off of comparing ICE officers to the KKK, and it's absolutely disgusting”

Kamala Harris compares ICE to KKK, gets slammed for 'disgusting,' 'horrifying' remarks

The following is what Harris said in reference to a tweet that the nominee had to apologize for

“It seems to me that you would understand that when you use words like the words you used just three short years ago, that that would contribute to that perception,” Harris said. “And it's harmful then, it's harmful, in terms of the mission of the agency and the work of the individuals there. And it is harmful in terms of leading — innocent people arriving at our border fleeing harm, it is harmful to them.”

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