Kamala cancels Newsom rally


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Apparently Kamala canceled a rally in support of the failed governor Newsom of California. The news reports that it is because Kamala is needed because of the Afghan crisis, because we all know what a key figure she is when it comes to successful foreign policy. I mean, they would be lost without her.

Meanwhile, Newsom is throwing a celebration party since the Kamala cancelation on the hopes of perhaps maybe being able to actually win the recall election now.
Having a rally where only a handful of union-paid rent-a-protesters would be in attendance would be embarrassing.

You do know that Big Labor has always paid picketers?

I spoke with those guys standing outside non-union construction jobs. The union bosses pay the picketers low pay, no health care, no pensions, to carry a sign.
I doubt they would have had a dozen people show for that rally. Newsome is hated even in very liberal California.

And of course we all know she's NEEDED to solve the problems in the Stan.

I'll just stand over her and LMFAO. Good Lord. What a pair running the US of A.

Apparently Kamala canceled a rally in support of the failed governor Newsom of California. The news reports that it is because Kamala is needed because of the Afghan crisis, because we all know what a key figure she is when it comes to successful foreign policy. I mean, they would be lost without her.

Meanwhile, Newsom is throwing a celebration party since the Kamala cancelation on the hopes of perhaps maybe being able to actually win the recall election now.
Democrats are the party of screw ups.
They couldn't screw it up worse if they tried to do it on purpose.
But I guess Kamala was told that holding a celebration when 13 American service members were murdered is pushing it a bit. So she can go back to ignoring the Southern Border laugh about something else they're screwing up.

Apparently Kamala canceled a rally in support of the failed governor Newsom of California. The news reports that it is because Kamala is needed because of the Afghan crisis, because we all know what a key figure she is when it comes to successful foreign policy. I mean, they would be lost without her.

Meanwhile, Newsom is throwing a celebration party since the Kamala cancelation on the hopes of perhaps maybe being able to actually win the recall election now.
I wonder who cancelled it? I am not at all sure it was Kamala. The last thing Gruesome Newsom needs is closer ties to the clusterfuck Biden administration.
Both Chaos Biden and Kumquat Harris were going to campaign for Newsom. Does this mean neither are going?

Is Newsom afraid that the catastrophe two will hurt him, or are they afraid of appearing and having Newsom so trounced it makes them look bad?
A confluence of evil, like Kamala Harris drumming up votes for gruesome Newsom, would surely
summon forth demons from Hell, or the California democrat party, whichever gets there first.
California may have dodged a bullet...for now.
Newsome is power drunk. How can this asshole continue to hold onto his job after he has failed in so many ways and so many people want him gone? The only good thing I can say about him is that he's smarter than Biden and Harris. Then again, everybody is smarter than Biden and Harris.
Pretty funny.

None of the major dem figures would do anything but further harm newsome by campaigning for him, because all the top Dems are hideous pieces of garbage....

Apparently Kamala canceled a rally in support of the failed governor Newsom of California. The news reports that it is because Kamala is needed because of the Afghan crisis, because we all know what a key figure she is when it comes to successful foreign policy. I mean, they would be lost without her.

Meanwhile, Newsom is throwing a celebration party since the Kamala cancelation on the hopes of perhaps maybe being able to actually win the recall election now.
At this point, Bunker Biden may be envying Hitler about to end it all in the face of the Russian advance...

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