Kamala Harris: 2A 'Extremists' Want Armed Teachers & Refuse Common Sense Gun Control Laws

I understand them, it's cliches that dysfunctional retards like you blurt out at irrelevant points in a conversation.

Can I ask you a question, "Why are you retarded?"
Why are you? A retard, like you, resorts to insults, and one dimensional "arguments".

You have no depth to your arguments, and when presented with facts that void your opinion you either flee, or lie.

That's called intellectual dishonesty.
Shit, thanks. The world wars, you won it for all the countries when you came in late, twice.

No doubt you will claim you won it for Ukraine if they beat Russia because you donated ammo and money. What big brave boys you are, your ancestors must be proud.

How did independence work out when the French had to come in and win it for the colonies? You Yanks have never won a war in your lives. But you're programmed by Holywood and Disney, the only two things that came out of the colonies of any interest. Thats why the Brits put the window lickers on the Mayflower and it looks like you exhibit their genes.
I don't support the war in Ukraine. It's nothing more than a Democrat money-laundering operation.

The free world banded together and overcame tyranny. Twice. It's a damn shame so many nations are voluntarily surrendering to it again.

What happened to British courage? Did the best of you die in WWII?

Why are you surrendering to barbarians now?
I understand them, it's cliches that dysfunctional retards like you blurt out at irrelevant points in a conversation.

Can I ask you a question, "Why are you retarded?"
No, you don't understand them. You simply cannot accept that self-defense is a basic human right. You've let the Crown take it away from you, and you thanked them for it.

The results of British criminalization of self-defense:

Women being arrested and criminalised after reporting violence and abuse, say MPs

What the hell is wrong with you people?
Shit, thanks. The world wars, you won it for all the countries when you came in late, twice.

No doubt you will claim you won it for Ukraine if they beat Russia because you donated ammo and money. What big brave boys you are, your ancestors must be proud.

How did independence work out when the French had to come in and win it for the colonies? You Yanks have never won a war in your lives. But you're programmed by Holywood and Disney, the only two things that came out of the colonies of any interest. Thats why the Brits put the window lickers on the Mayflower and it looks like you exhibit their genes.
You've repeatedly made that statement, and you have never answered my question of why the USA had any responsibility to involve itself in a war between Germany and France and the UK. We had no treaties with you, we didn't share a monarch, and we had no economic dog in YOUR fight.

As for the French winning the War of Independance for us, that's hogwash. They didn't get involved until very late in the game when the Continentals already had the British forces penned up in a couple of port cities. Yes, French economic and diplomatic aid was vital, but until Yorktown, the French did nothing to support the USA militarily. What direct aid they provided was half-assed like providing the ancient, rotten West Indiaman Duc de Maras instead of a modern dedicated warship like the frigate Alliance given to Pierre Landais by the Continental Congress.
I don't support the war in Ukraine. It's nothing more than a Democrat money-laundering operation.

The free world banded together and overcame tyranny. Twice. It's a damn shame so many nations are voluntarily surrendering to it again.

What happened to British courage? Did the best of you die in WWII?

Why are you surrendering to barbarians now?
Actually, the best of the British died in WWI, with the remainder being more than decimated in WWII.

As for the French winning the War of Independance for us, that's hogwash. They didn't get involved until very late in the game when the Continentals already had the British forces penned up in a couple of port cities.
There you go dip shit. You Yanks came in late on the world wars, but you've got the fucking stupidity to claim you won them. Then the French navy came in late and saved the British Colonies ass, but you claim it wasn't the French that won it. You can't have your cake and it you hypocritical faggot.
AZrailwhale I used to build house extensions with a guy, he knew a joiner (named changed, I'll him Kevin). So as we did the extensions, he used to do some of the joinery. Then he left the trade and became a gunner on Apache helicopters, serving time in Iraq. His words were, "Americans are good at designing and building military equipment, but they're hopeless using it and being strategic". The connection is, I even read the British had to organise the American troops in the world wars because you were getting massacred due to shit strategy.

I only bring this shit up when you retards think you're trying to be clever. Brits have more history in one weekend than you have in a decade.
AZrailwhale I used to build house extensions with a guy, he knew a joiner (named changed, I'll him Kevin). So as we did the extensions, he used to do some of the joinery. Then he left the trade and became a gunner on Apache helicopters, serving time in Iraq. His words were, "Americans are good at designing and building military equipment, but they're hopeless using it and being strategic". The connection is, I even read the British had to organise the American troops in the world wars because you were getting massacred due to shit strategy.

I only bring this shit up when you retards think you're trying to be clever. Brits have more history in one weekend than you have in a decade.
You keep pouting and stamping your feet, someone's bound to want your opinion.
There you go dip shit. You Yanks came in late on the world wars, but you've got the fucking stupidity to claim you won them. Then the French navy came in late and saved the British Colonies ass, but you claim it wasn't the French that won it. You can't have your cake and it you hypocritical faggot.
If the USA hadn’t come in on your side in WWI you would have had to negotiate a peace with Germany. You had wasted three generations of your best men in frontal attacks against German machine guns. Without American financial loans, American explosives and American made small arms and artillery ammo you would have lost. In WWII without Lend-Lease, the U-Boats would have starved you into a negotiated peace with Hitler. Without the products of American factories the Canadians couldn’t have built the fleet of escorts that allowed you to survive before Pearl Harbor. Canadian factories and workers could only operate because of imports from the USA.

But you still haven’t answered the question of what obliged the USA to come to the rescue of the UK? We had no treaties with you, Nazi Germany was no threat to us in the early forties. Perhaps if they had conquered you, the USSR and the rest of Europe, the Nazis MIGHT have become a threat in the late fifties or early sixties but that is unlikely. The only reason Germany had a bone to pick with the USA was FDR twisting both US and International law into pretzels to support you. Without that Germany would be satisfied with controlling Europe.

If the USA would have come in to either WWI or WWII the UK would have lost disastrously. Give the Kaiser the loans and munitions the US provided the UK and Germany would have won. If the US had a president as biased towards Hitler as FDR was towards Churchill, Germany would have won. The RN could barely contain the triple handful of German surface warships, if the US had sent its sixteen battleships, thirty six cruisers, hundred and fifty destroyers, thirty five fleet subs and six carriers to aid Germany in 1940, the RN would have ceased to exist. It would have been a worse defeat than a reverse Jutland.
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As for "common sense gun laws," where are they? Every time there is a horrific school gun incident, the Democrats wail about "common sense gun laws," and their proposals always have two things in common:
They are unconstitutional,
Makes it obvious the Constitution is without common sense.
and they would NOT have made any difference in the incident that triggers the Dems.
Sure. Like the non existence of high capacity semi automatics doesn't make a difference. Right.
AZrailwhale I used to build house extensions with a guy, he knew a joiner (named changed, I'll him Kevin). So as we did the extensions, he used to do some of the joinery. Then he left the trade and became a gunner on Apache helicopters, serving time in Iraq. His words were, "Americans are good at designing and building military equipment, but they're hopeless using it and being strategic". The connection is, I even read the British had to organise the American troops in the world wars because you were getting massacred due to shit strategy.

I only bring this shit up when you retards think you're trying to be clever. Brits have more history in one weekend than you have in a decade.
Wrong. The British Army came off far worse in their initial battles with the Germans than the U.S. did. To quote Erwin Rommel who defeated the best troops and generals you could field; “Americans know less, but learn faster than any troops I have faced”. The fault we have is in our political leadership, not our military.
There you go dip shit. You Yanks came in late on the world wars, but you've got the fucking stupidity to claim you won them. Then the French navy came in late and saved the British Colonies ass, but you claim it wasn't the French that won it. You can't have your cake and it you hypocritical faggot.

Why are so many Euros and Brits on US forums all the time? How many Americans would EVER go on a UK forum? And waste their time?


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