Kamala Harris calls for more gun control when what we need is more criminal control


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

I accept her challenge

When persons under 18 are caught with a firearm sent them to youth detention for one year mandatory

If the family is collecting welfare reduce benefits by the percentage that the child was responsible for

If the family is not on welfare fine them an equal amount

This is just for starters

Mandatory punishment for adults must be included also to be explained later

I accept her challenge

When persons under 18 are caught with a firearm sent them to youth detention for one year mandatory

If the family is collecting welfare reduce benefits by the percentage that the child was responsible for

If the family is not on welfare fine them an equal amount

This is just for starters

Mandatory punishment for adults must be included also to be explained later
Your kind of solutions continue to fail again and again.

There are socially responsible solutions that have been proven to not fail.
When persons under 18 are caught with a firearm sent them to youth detention for one year mandatory
The state DNRs could help by revealing to law enforcement all the kids under 18 that have bought hunting licenses.

When one is desperate to appear smart and competent, there are two ways to attempt it.

The first is to do what has always worked as well or better than your predecessor.

The second, is to throw tradition to the wind in an unconsidered and contrarian way, to declare yourself an innovator and introduce chaos.

That is the motive behind this mania for gun control. Instead of sticking to wise and practical Constitutionality, the eager politician will, without considering the real drivers of crime, rush to thrown a leg splint on a head wound.

In an effort to do "something " to appear competent.
The state DNRs could help by revealing to law enforcement all the kids under 18 that have bought hunting licenses.

I must admit you caught me by surprise with this twist

I wandered in the woods of my grandparents farm with a .22 and later a 20 ga shotgun when I was 12 no one considered it a crime

But today I dont know what the law is when children are engaged in hunting rabbits or whatever

They could be at the mercy of overzealous lib gun grabbers/haters of conservatives

But I certainly dont want you to use that as an excuse to allow 12-year old gang bangers in the hood to carry concealed firearms

And I want them taken off the streets without exception
Your kind of solutions continue to fail again and again.

There are socially responsible solutions that have been proven to not fail.
And violate the rights of peaceable law abiding citizens. Which in your mother Russia isn't a problem but in the US it is.
I must admit you caught me by surprise with this twist

I wandered in the woods of my grandparents farm with a .22 and later a 20 ga shotgun when I was 12 no one considered it a crime

But today I dont know what the law is when children are engaged in hunting rabbits or whatever

They could be at the mercy of overzealous lib gun grabbers/haters of conservatives

But I certainly dont want you to use that as an excuse to allow 12-year old gang bangers in the hood to carry concealed firearms

And I want them taken off the streets without exception
Lock the drug users and addicts up in treatment centers and street crime will decline.
This thread is another in the endless demands that we get tough on crime. Nearly for my entire life, that has been the cry and demand from the Right. Get tough on crime. If we would only get serious about crime, we could nearly eliminate it.

Well let me rephrase. Get tough on some crime. Not all the crimes.

But let’s discuss that. The infamous three strikes laws. Those were supposed to rid our streets of criminals. They don’t seem to have worked. Our streets are purportedly filled to the brim with Criminals. So much so we need to get tough on crime again. Or continue getting tough on crime. Or something.

Some crimes have been virtually eliminated. Kidnapping for Ransom for example. It wasn’t the death penalty that ended the crimes. It wasn’t the federalization of the crime. It was the money. The money would be marked, it would be recorded. When you went to spend the money you would be caught. You couldn’t get away with it.

If you kidnapped someone for ransom, you would be caught. Even if you got the bags of money, it wouldn’t be long before you were found.

Also the Feds stopped printing large denominations of bills. No more thousand dollar bills.

So money became bulkier. It was now going to be heavier, harder to move, and if you tried to spend it you would be found.

Look at the effort to get money from criminal activity. The civil asset forfeiture. If you have a lot of cash you must be a criminal.

They removed the profit from the crime.

Profit from activity is why most criminals get involved in crime. When you remove the profit, you remove the willingness to commit crimes.

Let’s take Prohibition as an example. People wanted alcohol. They wanted booze. It wasn’t fear of prosecution that ended the mobs and the violence that surrounded the bootleggers. It was the simple fact that prohibition was repealed.

Mobsters who got rich and powerful during prohibition either went straight after it ended, or stood stop diminishing organizations. They couldn’t maintain their empires with Hookers and Gambling.

Gambling is another example. People would go to their Bookies to place a bet on sporting events. The cops and courts tried to stop the crimes by going after bookies. In the end, it was essentially eliminated by legalizing gambling. State lotteries replaced the Numbers Rackets of the mobsters. Off Track Betting ended the horse race bookies. You could go in and play your hunch for the 7th race with ease.

Sports betting went online, and now even the Sports bookies are a rarity.

Remove the profit and you do a lot more of the getting rid of criminals than you do getting tough.

Now to firearms. I’m a supporter of Licensed Concealed Carry. I’m also a supporter of mandatory training to get a license. The RW demands everyone be allowed to constitutional carry.

What about those under 18? Don’t they live in dangerous neighborhoods that scare you too? Don’t they also face threats from criminals? Don’t they have a right to self defense?

I accept her challenge

When persons under 18 are caught with a firearm sent them to youth detention for one year mandatory

If the family is collecting welfare reduce benefits by the percentage that the child was responsible for

If the family is not on welfare fine them an equal amount

This is just for starters

Mandatory punishment for adults must be included also to be explained later
America, the land of the free...

has more people in prison per capita than any other Nation in the world.... yet this criminal control, is not stopping a damn thing when it comes to mass murderers via guns.....??
The RW demands everyone be allowed to constitutional carry.
No we dont

Convicted felons and children under 18 should not own guns

And the vast overwhelming majority of “RWers” agree

Your side wants take guns away from honest citizens instead of dealing directly with the criminals themselves
America, the land of the free...

has more people in prison per capita than any other Nation in the world.... yet this criminal control, is not stopping a damn thing when it comes to mass murderers via guns.....??
In spite of the headlines mass murder is pretty rare. Much more common is individual street gang violence

I dont know how to stop mass murderers like the trans person in Houston last weekend

Those people have been driven insane by our modern liberal culture and its impossible to predict who they are or where they will srike next

But a student or convicted felon bringing a handgun to school or a Christmas party is something we can deal with when we discover them
No we dont

Convicted felons and children under 18 should not own guns

And the vast overwhelming majority of “RWers” agree

Your side wants take guns away from honest citizens instead of dealing directly with the criminals themselves

Can you support those position historically? Were such prohibitions law and the intent of the Founders when the Second was passed?

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