Kamala Harris says DEMOCRACY and the climate crisis are the biggest national security threats facing the US:

Kamala Harris says DEMOCRACY and the climate crisis are the biggest national security threats facing the US:​

VP also stands by Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan and puts the blame on Trump

26 Dec 2021 ~~ By Elizabeth Elkind
  • Harris appeared to be trying to echo Democrats' warnings about threats to democracy at home and abroad when she said 'democracy' itself was a threat
  • She cleaned up her comments, calling for Americans to 'fight for the integrity of our democracy' as Biden pushed lawmakers to pass voting rights legislation
  • When asked if she feels any responsibility for the Afghanistan chaos, the vice president instead pointed out it was Trump who brokered a deal to leave
  • She admitted the Taliban's treatment of women and girls is still a 'concern'
  • Harris has said she was the 'last person in the room' when Biden decided on exit
Vice President Kamala Harris said during her CBS interview Sunday that 'democracy' is the most significant national security threat facing the United States.
She had been trying to echo Democrats' warning about threats to the 'integrity' of the American democratic system as her boss, President Joe Biden, tries to push his voting rights agenda through Congress.
In the final portion of her wide-ranging interview released over the week, Harris also defended the Biden administration's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August, instead blaming its predecessor for first setting the deadline to leave and added that climate change was one of the biggest emerging threats against US security.
'What do you see is the biggest national security challenge confronting the U.S.? What is the thing that worries you and keeps you up at night?' Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan asked.
The vice president answered, 'Frankly, one of them is our democracy. And that I can talk about because that's not classified.'
'And we are embarking on a- a new era where the threats to our nation take many forms, including the threat of autocracies taking over and having outsized influence around the world.'
She adjusted her initial comments, urging the need to 'fight for the integrity of our democracy.'
Harris, who has long campaigned for climate change awareness, added that 'fighting for the integrity of democracy' 'is obviously about what we need to do in the climate crisis.'
Harris refused to take an opportunity to ascribe her criticism to racism and misogyny, stating: 'I'll leave that for others to deal with.'
Brennan bluntly asked Harris what her biggest failure has been this year, to which Harris joked: 'To not get out of D.C. more.'

She’s finally right about something. Our Democracy is being threatened and so is our Constitutional Republic.
Hmm..., Funny isn;t it, when Governor Sarah Palin was chosen to run as V.P. alongside John McCain, we were told by the Biased Quisling Media at the time that Sarah Palin lacked necessary knowledge, was incompetent and an embarrassment. Kamaltoe Harris is much worse.
As far as the retreat from Afghanistan is concerned, It's not that Joey Xi did it, it’s HOW he did it. Either Kamaltoe is too stupid to know that, or she believes everyone else is.
Furthermore, Kamaltoe is wrong. We’re not a democracy as she claims. America was created as a Constitutional Republic. Perhaps she should take a remedial course in civics; we’re a constitutional republic. I guess she never said the Pledge of Allegiance where in part it says: “And to the Republic for which it stands ....Not to the Democracy”
If democracy is so important to Democrats, why didn't many of them accept Trump as their president after the 2016 election? There seems to be a difference in their actions and their rhetoric.
The educated elite on the left want the US to be a Democracy so that California and most of the East Coast can control the rest of the country. Every vote that doesn't go their way will be deemed undemocratic and the rank and file Democrats believe that shit.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats refuse to accept the fact that America is a Republic Not a Democracy as created by our forefathers.
Are you implying I am a traitor and was there on January 6th 2021 and if so please provide the proof to support your assertion and if not then I will note that you are just trolling…
My original reply was to Doc7505, saying he was a threat and a traitor. You asked how so? I replied January 6th, then called you a traitor. At what point in all of this did I say you were in DC on January 6th? I wasnt even talking to you originally. That is, unless you have multiple usernames on here. But I understand that is how your ilks' minds work. Drawing totally illogical conclusions.
My original reply was to Doc7505, saying he was a threat and a traitor. You asked how so? I replied January 6th, then called you a traitor. At what point in all of this did I say you were in DC on January 6th? I wasnt even talking to you originally. That is, unless you have multiple usernames on here. But I understand that is how your ilks' minds work. Drawing totally illogical conclusions.
Well you just stated in your response that I am a traitor according to you, so can you explain in great detail how you came to that conclusion or is it because if anyone question your stupidity, well of course they are a traitor in your mental midget mind…
Well you just stated in your response that I am a traitor according to you, so can you explain in great detail how you came to that conclusion or is it because if anyone question your stupidity, well of course they are a traitor in your mental midget mind…
Read your own posts.
Read your own posts.
I did, and I asked a question and your response was January 6th, traitor, so how am I a traitor again?

How is the OP a traitor?

See you throw that word around like it should mean what you think it mean but it only make you look stupid, but I have read a lot of your nonsense and know you are just not stupid but a fucking retard!

So again explain in great detail how you came to that conclusion?

Also I have two names on this board and one was Bruce T. Laney and the other is this one, and I have never denied this, but I am sure you have been banned from here before…
I did, and I asked a question and your response was January 6th, traitor, so how am I a traitor again?

How is the OP a traitor?

See you throw that word around like it should mean what you think it mean but it only make you look stupid, but I have read a lot of your nonsense and know you are just not stupid but a fucking retard!

So again explain in great detail how you came to that conclusion?

Also I have two names on this board and one was Bruce T. Laney and the other is this one, and I have never denied this, but I am sure you have been banned from here before…
Read the OP's posts to discover how he is a traitor. Read your posts to discover how you are a traitor.
Read the OP's posts to discover how he is a traitor. Read your posts to discover how you are a traitor.
Can’t put it into words and just demand it is true?

Well seeing I voted for Biden, denounced the January 6th 2021 nonsense and believe Trump should be in jail, well you might be correct, so we are both traitors if that is the damn case you fucking moron!
Can’t put it into words and just demand it is true?

Well seeing I voted for Biden, denounced the January 6th 2021 nonsense and believe Trump should be in jail, well you might be correct, so we are both traitors if that is the damn case you fucking moron!
I've read your posts about Covid. You betray your country.
With the exception of Tulsi Gabbard, every demoncrat need to be brought up on charges of high treason. That includes judges, colle professors, left wing media presidents, to start with. Then treat them like the rosenbergs
I've read your posts about Covid. You betray your country.
You have?

Well then you must be one of those glorious bastards that believe people who are vaccinated do not spread the virus and believe only Trumpsters are unvaccinated…

Still that does not explain your retardation…
With the exception of Tulsi Gabbard, every demoncrat need to be brought up on charges of high treason. That includes judges, colle professors, left wing media presidents, to start with. Then treat them like the rosenbergs
No, and to do that is just beyond stupid.
You have?

Well then you must be one of those glorious bastards that believe people who are vaccinated do not spread the virus and believe only Trumpsters are unvaccinated…

Still that does not explain your retardation…
Being a Starkey sock certainly 'splains it.
You have?

Well then you must be one of those glorious bastards that believe people who are vaccinated do not spread the virus and believe only Trumpsters are unvaccinated…

Still that does not explain your retardation…
You must be one of those guys who thinks there shouldnt be speed limits because people still speed anyway with speed limits.

You like to think of yourself as the one entity in the universe that knows the truth and everybody else doesnt have a clue, don't you?
You must be one of those guys who thinks there shouldnt be speed limits because people still speed anyway.

You like to think of yourself as the one entity in the universe that knows the truth and everybody else doesnt have a clue, don't you?
You must be one of those guys who creates sock puppet, after sock puppet, after sock puppet, then spews the same deranged shit over and over again, and nobody will notice.

You like to think that you're really clever, don't you Jake? :laugh2:
No, and to do that is just beyond stupid.
Well, they are all determined and accomplishing overthrowing our Constitutional Republic.

It's all but over and it is all because of specifically them. All of them.

Do you realize this?

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