Kamala Harris should put her application in at Saturday Night Live

Harris lambasted for remark on rural voters' ability to cast ballots​

"Election laws requiring voters to include a copy of identification with their ballots threaten to shut out those who might not have access to a photocopier, Harris said Friday."

So, Ms Harris...

'Rural' voters don't have access to libraries, banks, lawyers, etc that MIGHT have a photocopier that would make them a copy?

are you REALLY that much of an elitist?
Was Pence ? Was the garbage trump qualified to be president? You had no problem with the worst America has ever known
Pence has a history of MAGA, not White People Bad.
Pence has a history of MAGA, not White People Bad.

Ed doesn't know the difference.
Cuz dayz farmers 2 dumz to take a foto.

Farmers are among the most technically sophisticated people I know. Computer / GPS control of planting and crop care. High tech monitoring of weather, soil moisture etc. Farmers were among the first to adopt RFID tags for tracking animals.

Like our border, Kamaltoe has never come close to a farm.
to do what with my what? some clarity from a scum demonRAT is needed.....not
the TWAT hates AMERICA
All candidates for national office should be required to pass a 12th grade civics test. Haven't paid the least bit of attention to Harris, but I have my doubts whether some of the Democrats and Republicans of past and present could pass.
Considering that when I taught in Florida, that was a 9th grade class ...
That's ironic in the fact that she is almost 75% white herself!
Apparently it is judged by your skin color and not genealogy.
Obama is the same of course. Half white, but claims black.

Not that it matters, I personally don't care as long as it doesn't affect me
Her mother is from India and therefore Caucasian. Ever seen a photo of her father? You cannot even get more mixed race than he is.

Look at a picture of her and Biden together. Joe often appears darker than her, and we all know he is as pasty white as the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

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