Kamala Harris Signs On As Co-Sponsor Of Green New Deal

Looking Good

Imagine supporting the environment?
The bitch
Well thats two pages of idiotic comments...

Climate change: IPCC report warns rapid changes needed to stem catastrophic global warming - CNN

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - wrote this report...

Now can you please post your thesis and research material to refute this body and every major scientific body in the world....

Go on... I give you a chance give us Peer Reviewed Paper from a Scientist with his/her reputation still intact which supports your position... No conspiracy theory crap, hard facts...
No Jimmy John said this once and it didn't happen therefore everything is crap.. That is not science.....
Quoting the UN supports the OP.

So have you any actual proof except baseless insults...

We see you are going for the fingers in ears roaring la la la la defence...
Looking Good

Imagine supporting the environment?
The bitch
The environment in California was supported enough by nuts to cause mass misery with all of those fires.
Get used to it

Climate change in the coming years will create much worse fires
I am to old to believe those scams anymore. There may be a global climate issue, but people are not affecting it much. We have to many souless people who are evil for their own causes. They even see millions die and many more suffer for it. Let them live by their words and I will start to trust again. Gore and DiCapio each in a small house with each one having a high mpg vehicle as transportation will put the whole thing in motion. There are near 9 billion humans. They are living everywhere and we have near instant communication. Any disaster affects people much more then in the past. Half of Florida was supposed to be under water by now. What happened? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! We must tame nature as men. And that includes making trade offs we do not like.
Those of you old enough will remember that in the 70's the "scientists" predicted we were entering a new Ice Age that would freeze the whole planet.


There's a sucker born every minute.

This was from a "Science Correspondent" so he knew what he was talking about. And the Ice Age wasn't just coming, it was COMING FAST.

Those of you old enough will remember that in the 70's the "scientists" predicted we were entering a new Ice Age that would freeze the whole planet.


There's a sucker born every minute.

This was from a "Science Correspondent" so he knew what he was talking about. And the Ice Age wasn't just coming, it was COMING FAST.

i was in a huge debate long ago with someone on climate change and they were crying about polar bears for some stupid reason. they then showed me a pic of a polar bear sitting on a broken ice chunk floating away.

i replied with a pic of a polar bear swimming around under water.
from the NYT:

Kamala describes her thinking — about criminal justice, but also about the other issues animating her presidential candidacy, like health care and economic inequality — as scientific. “It’s a hypothesis; this is how we can do things better. You have to inform it with: Where’s the empirical evidence? Where is the data? Where is the detail?” Harris is running for president as a “progressive prosecutor.” She says she sees no contradiction in the term, arguing that a tough prosecutor can also be a force for reforming the criminal-justice system. But already, mere weeks into her candidacy, she is facing a chorus of skepticism, especially from the left.
from Politico:

"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he backs the ultimate goal of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s "Green New Deal" proposal to eliminate carbon emissions, but he has concerns about how best to achieve such an ambitious target. Cuomo, known as a pragmatist, has proposed what he also has branded a "Green New Deal" in New York, but his plan lacks a deadline for the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions. Ocasio-Cortez's framework calls for a 10-year wholesale economic shift to achieve that target. Cuomo’s efforts have mostly focused on the electric sector, where the New York has vast regulatory authority to leverage and drive increased renewables and storage."

Cool. Write an actual bill that isn't unrealistic and isn't full of errors like AOC's, and has a focus on pragmatism through actual spending figures, rather than the idealist notion that "the ends justify the means".

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