Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

It cannot be denied that the knowledge that a person has used sex for self advancement will affect many people's opinion of that person.

No it won't, because IT NEVER HAPPENED. This has been proven to be a non-starter. Any attempt by Republicans to try to use this and smear her will be shot down and make her a very sypathetic candidate for American women, who are sick to death of assholes like you SLUT SHAMING WOMEN!

Ms. Harris didn't run for office until years after the affair ended. The whole issue was litigated in her prior elections in California, and it didn't stop people from voting for her for DA, for as California Attorney General, nor as a Senator.

There are more women voters than men. You lost the House bigly, because of the female vote. If you think that slut shaming is the way to go to discredit a candidate, go for it.

Exactly WHO gave women the vote?


Just a thought. :auiqs.jpg:

Get the hell over your patronizing self. Women got the vote because THEY demanded it.
Brown writes: "The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I "so much as jaywalked" while she was D.A."

Willie Brown Admits He Boosted Kamala Harris's Career During Extramarital Affair

Too funny for words.

Apparently he was separated at the time of the so-called affair.

Unlike Trunp.

More of the GOP double standard.

What office did Trump hold when he had his extra marital affair?
Does it matter?
He's a lowlife who was famous for stiffing contractors

So. Trump had sexual relations with a porn star while his wife was giving birth to Baron. Why do you find a relationship, more noteworthy than a man having extramarital sexual relations with a porn start or a playboy bunny, and paying them off to be silent?

Explain that hypocrisy, and be honest if you can.

What office did Trump hold, and who did he promote due to their affair?
Not sure a movie is relevant to real life....that's hilarious. Really, really hilarious. They didn't have an 'affair.' They had a relationship. He had been separated from his wife for a long, long time, years. You are not getting the truth from Fox. No one on the Right has discredited Trump for all the skanky things he has done sexually, but you all just jump on Harris for having a relationship with an older man.

Was he still married? Yes, then it is an affair, no matter how it is justified. I don't watch FOX. I don't care if Harris had a relationship with anyone, I already stated that. I didn't vote for Trump. I already stated that, it is not relevant.

Willie Brown had been separated from his wife, Blanch for 10 years. Redirect to this post on this thread and you can read the article.
Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

He was still married.
LMAO That's really, truly hilarious. Separated people date. It's normal How about your hero the Drumph fucking porn stars while his wife gives birth? Got any problem at all with that? Dating a separated person when you are single is not immoral, at all. Get it? Hypocrite.
Nope, no problem with it because he was a private citizen. Harris and Brown were on the taxpayer's dime during and after. It's called accountability in government, something you lefties have no concept of.
Oh...I get it now. It's only civil servants who are not allowed to date! Cool.
Not sure a movie is relevant to real life. I have been watching people go down for just accusations, both men and women for many years, it isn't just women. Look at Kavanaugh, nothing but allegations of a high school incident, it is both sexes and it is wrong on both sides. Harris and Brown had an affair, not sure how it is relevant to her running for President.
Not sure a movie is relevant to real life....that's hilarious. Really, really hilarious. They didn't have an 'affair.' They had a relationship. He had been separated from his wife for a long, long time, years. You are not getting the truth from Fox. No one on the Right has discredited Trump for all the skanky things he has done sexually, but you all just jump on Harris for having a relationship with an older man.

Was he still married? Yes, then it is an affair, no matter how it is justified. I don't watch FOX. I don't care if Harris had a relationship with anyone, I already stated that. I didn't vote for Trump. I already stated that, it is not relevant.

Willie Brown had been separated from his wife, Blanch for 10 years. Redirect to this post on this thread and you can read the article.
Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

He was still married.
LMAO That's really, truly hilarious. Separated people date. It's normal How about your hero the Drumph fucking porn stars while his wife gives birth? Got any problem at all with that? Dating a separated person when you are single is not immoral, at all. Get it? Hypocrite.

Actually I'm more amused by a still-married man making up "John Miller" AND "John Baron" just for the purpose of planting salacious rumours about how he was whoring around and please gossip rags, tell everybody about it. And then denying he did so after admitting to it in court.

That's a level you can't even make up.
I hear Nike is going to offer a new line of Kamala kneepads

You do huh.

From where?

Doesn't it continue to be instructive how this element, faced with a female adversary, immediately devolves to "she's ugly" or if that's not the case, makes shit up about their sex lives. As if either has jack squat to do with what made them adversaries in the first place.

The sign of the nutless.
It cannot be denied that the knowledge that a person has used sex for self advancement will affect many people's opinion of that person.

No it won't, because IT NEVER HAPPENED. This has been proven to be a non-starter. Any attempt by Republicans to try to use this and smear her will be shot down and make her a very sypathetic candidate for American women, who are sick to death of assholes like you SLUT SHAMING WOMEN!

Ms. Harris didn't run for office until years after the affair ended. The whole issue was litigated in her prior elections in California, and it didn't stop people from voting for her for DA, for as California Attorney General, nor as a Senator.

There are more women voters than men. You lost the House bigly, because of the female vote. If you think that slut shaming is the way to go to discredit a candidate, go for it.

Exactly WHO gave women the vote?


Just a thought. :auiqs.jpg:

Get the hell over your patronizing self. Women got the vote because THEY demanded it.

That which is given can be taken again.

Just a thought. :auiqs.jpg:
/——/ Well isn’t that how Hildabeast landed her job at Rose Law Firm?
No need to read more.And what did you do for 9/11 families white zero college rube?
/——-/ Well isn’t that how Madam Secretary and former First Lady Hillary Rodam Clinton landed her job at Rose Law Firm?
OK, now answer the damn question.
We already knew that you need to be lied to to get it up.

Commissars of the FSA (Free Shit Army) like Kamala are the leading cause of impotence.
I hear the Democraps plan on running alot of them for 2020.

The alternative is a bloated white mofo with tiny hands who is not up to the job.

Amazing that the best Prez we've had in decades would have those attributes.
Go figure.....

Sure, tiny hands and a low approval rating.

Let's see how tiny hands don does the second half of his one term.

Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.

Sure, but bare in mind polling shows 57% of people won’t vote for him in 2020.

So just 43% currently to work with. He needs another guvmit shutdown that he is proud of.

Well, that and a breathe mint
Commissars of the FSA (Free Shit Army) like Kamala are the leading cause of impotence.
I hear the Democraps plan on running alot of them for 2020.

The alternative is a bloated white mofo with tiny hands who is not up to the job.

Amazing that the best Prez we've had in decades would have those attributes.
Go figure.....

Sure, tiny hands and a low approval rating.

Let's see how tiny hands don does the second half of his one term.

Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.

Sure, but bare in mind polling shows 57% of people won’t vote for him in 2020.

So just 43% currently to work with. He needs another guvmit shutdown that he is proud of.

Well, that and a breathe mint
no path to the white house in 2016 so excuse me If I just piss on that one.
Commissars of the FSA (Free Shit Army) like Kamala are the leading cause of impotence.
I hear the Democraps plan on running alot of them for 2020.

The alternative is a bloated white mofo with tiny hands who is not up to the job.

Amazing that the best Prez we've had in decades would have those attributes.
Go figure.....

Sure, tiny hands and a low approval rating.

Let's see how tiny hands don does the second half of his one term.

Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.

Sure, but bare in mind polling shows 57% of people won’t vote for him in 2020.

So just 43% currently to work with. He needs another guvmit shutdown that he is proud of.

Well, that and a breathe mint
So, he "has no path to the White House"
The alternative is a bloated white mofo with tiny hands who is not up to the job.

Amazing that the best Prez we've had in decades would have those attributes.
Go figure.....

Sure, tiny hands and a low approval rating.

Let's see how tiny hands don does the second half of his one term.

Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.

Sure, but bare in mind polling shows 57% of people won’t vote for him in 2020.

So just 43% currently to work with. He needs another guvmit shutdown that he is proud of.

Well, that and a breathe mint
no path to the white house in 2016 so excuse me If I just piss on that one.

Sure, just believe all is fine. Tiny hands Don was not known in 2016, but his baggage is now viewable for all.
Amazing that the best Prez we've had in decades would have those attributes.
Go figure.....

Sure, tiny hands and a low approval rating.

Let's see how tiny hands don does the second half of his one term.

Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.

Sure, but bare in mind polling shows 57% of people won’t vote for him in 2020.

So just 43% currently to work with. He needs another guvmit shutdown that he is proud of.

Well, that and a breathe mint
no path to the white house in 2016 so excuse me If I just piss on that one.

Sure, just believe all is fine. Tiny hands Don was not known in 2016, but his baggage is now viewable for all.
you think I'm worried? about this skank? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: dude, you all are swimming in fear. I can see it on you when I can't see you.

you should come out with some more orangemanbad tactics that ain't working except to show the fking fool that you are.
Last edited:
The alternative is a bloated white mofo with tiny hands who is not up to the job.

Amazing that the best Prez we've had in decades would have those attributes.
Go figure.....

Sure, tiny hands and a low approval rating.

Let's see how tiny hands don does the second half of his one term.

Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.

Sure, but bare in mind polling shows 57% of people won’t vote for him in 2020.

So just 43% currently to work with. He needs another guvmit shutdown that he is proud of.

Well, that and a breathe mint
So, he "has no path to the White House"

Yes, his path in 2020 is to possibly jail.
Sure, tiny hands and a low approval rating.

Let's see how tiny hands don does the second half of his one term.

Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.

Sure, but bare in mind polling shows 57% of people won’t vote for him in 2020.

So just 43% currently to work with. He needs another guvmit shutdown that he is proud of.

Well, that and a breathe mint
no path to the white house in 2016 so excuse me If I just piss on that one.

Sure, just believe all is fine. Tiny hands Don was not known in 2016, but his baggage is now viewable for all.
you think I'm worried? about this skank? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: dude, you all are swimming in fear. I can see it on you when I can't see you.

Yeah, I bet you thought republics would hold the House in 2018 too.
Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.

Sure, but bare in mind polling shows 57% of people won’t vote for him in 2020.

So just 43% currently to work with. He needs another guvmit shutdown that he is proud of.

Well, that and a breathe mint
no path to the white house in 2016 so excuse me If I just piss on that one.

Sure, just believe all is fine. Tiny hands Don was not known in 2016, but his baggage is now viewable for all.
you think I'm worried? about this skank? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: dude, you all are swimming in fear. I can see it on you when I can't see you.

Yeah, I bet you thought republics would hold the House in 2018 too.
nope, I don't predict. I let the election cycle end. you are the one trying to control people by posting polling information to scare people. too fking funny.

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