Kamala Harris tells the biggest lie in the democratic debate !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !
Um ok I'm certainly no fan of any of those nutjobs on stage, but how can you say it's a lie that she said she would cut taxes on the middle class? How do you know what she would do? Based on what others do? WTF?
Harris won the debate, hands down. She set a trap for Biden and he fell right into it. She ask Biden about his association with segregationist lawmakers over busing and Biden ended up defending states rights.

Yes, she can be disrespectful and downright nasty, but she's smart, you can't her shut up, and she will blow Trump away in the debates. However, if she is going to win, she going to have to move more to center. I'm not sure she can do that.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Note who did best: the candidate who took the chance to create conflict with another candidate that resonated. This is why Tulsi won last night & Harris tonight.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Political debates and rallies are more about wining hearts and minds than proposing policy. "Opening the cages and letting the kids out" is exactly the kind of rhetoric you need to win just like "Lock Her Up". People don't care about the practicalities of how it's to be done, it's the sentiment that counts.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Political debates and rallies are more about wining hearts and minds than proposing policy. "Opening the cages and letting the kids out" is exactly the kind of rhetoric you need to win just like "Lock Her Up". People don't care about the practicalities of how it's to be done, it's the sentiment that counts.

That's two very sad examples of wasting people's time.. BUT -- maybe this Super Pander-Fest will WORK on the "silent left"... Maybe they are that naive and stupid.. I dunno... Looks more like the annual Lemming Leap than a political contest...

I'm scared.. Actually I am...
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Political debates and rallies are more about wining hearts and minds than proposing policy. "Opening the cages and letting the kids out" is exactly the kind of rhetoric you need to win just like "Lock Her Up". People don't care about the practicalities of how it's to be done, it's the sentiment that counts.

That's two very sad examples of wasting people's time.. BUT -- maybe this Super Pander-Fest will WORK on the "silent left"... Maybe they are that naive and stupid.. I dunno... Looks more like the annual Lemming Leap than a political contest...

I'm scared.. Actually I am...
It certainly seem to work for Trump. I bet very few Trump voters had any idea how Trump was going to "Drain the Swamp". The fact is they didn't care. Trump said he would do it and they believe him. I doubt they had any idea that he was going to drain it into White House.
Um ok I'm certainly no fan of any of those nutjobs on stage, but how can you say it's a lie that she said she would cut taxes on the middle class? How do you know what she would do? Based on what others do? WTF?

When was the last time a Democrat cut taxes for anybody?
Um ok I'm certainly no fan of any of those nutjobs on stage, but how can you say it's a lie that she said she would cut taxes on the middle class? How do you know what she would do? Based on what others do? WTF?

When was the last time a Democrat cut taxes for anybody?

Probably JFK.... It also worked out pretty well...
Seriously, I am asking, when was the last time rightards and other Trumpletons knew anything of substance - meaning deviating from the prevailing rightarded narrative and not of the substance they pull out of their rectum? Did it never occur to any of you to engage a search engine before you blab? And when shown wrong, time and again, isn't the embarrassment and the shame kind of awkward? Immeasurable riches of real knowledge at your fingertips, and still, you show up at the debate not knowing anything about anything.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Political debates and rallies are more about wining hearts and minds than proposing policy. "Opening the cages and letting the kids out" is exactly the kind of rhetoric you need to win just like "Lock Her Up". People don't care about the practicalities of how it's to be done, it's the sentiment that counts.

That's two very sad examples of wasting people's time.. BUT -- maybe this Super Pander-Fest will WORK on the "silent left"... Maybe they are that naive and stupid.. I dunno... Looks more like the annual Lemming Leap than a political contest...

I'm scared.. Actually I am...

Harris doesn't scare me. She's too far Left for most Americans to vote for and her positions are unpopular. No matter how the Left wraps it up, most American DO NOT want unimpeded immigration. Harris--and ALL of those 25 candidates--are going to have an impossible job threading that needle between their base and the American electorate.

The Dems are going to bring in a Marianne Williamson at the last minute, but with big star power. Oprah, or Michelle O--someone so big that policy positions won't matter.

At this point it's the only option, and they're desperate. They just have to talk someone like that into it.
Harris won the debate, hands down. She set a trap for Biden and he fell right into it. She ask Biden about his association with segregationist lawmakers over busing and Biden ended up defending states rights.

Yes, she can be disrespectful and downright nasty, but she's smart, you can't her shut up, and she will blow Trump away in the debates. However, if she is going to win, she going to have to move more to center. I'm not sure she can do that.

She'll blow alright
Seriously, I am asking, when was the last time rightards and other Trumpletons knew anything of substance - meaning deviating from the prevailing rightarded narrative and not of the substance they pull out of their rectum? Did it never occur to any of you to engage a search engine before you blab? And when shown wrong, time and again, isn't the embarrassment and the shame kind of awkward? Immeasurable riches of real knowledge at your fingertips, and still, you show up at the debate not knowing anything about anything.
Obamas VP is a segregationist. Sure

Remember when Biden installed "Whites only" toilets in the Oval Office
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !


The Clinton Tax Plan
by Robert Greenstein and Iris J. Lav

This analysis assesses three features of the Clinton tax plan unveiled on June 30 — its effects on different income groups, the extent to which its costs would grow after 2007 (i.e., in the years when the baby boom generation begins to retire), and the extent to which its child tax credit would assist low- and moderate-income working families. Its principal findings include the following:

  • Analyses by the Treasury Department indicate that when fully in effect, the Clinton plan would give the 20 percent of Americans with the highest incomes about the same amount in tax cuts as the bottom 60 percent combined. This is an unusual characteristic for a tax plan proposed by a Democratic President.
  • Yet the plan differs sharply in this regard from the House and Senate tax bills. Each of those bills would provide five times as much in tax cuts to the top 20 percent of the population as to the bottom 60 percent combined when their tax cuts are fully in effect.
  • Most striking is the difference with regard to the wealthiest one percent of the population. The Treasury analyses show that the Senate tax bill would give the top one percent of the population as much in tax cuts as the bottom 60 percent of the population. The House tax bill would give the top one percent nearly 1½ times as much in tax cuts as the bottom 60 percent. By contrast, the Clinton plan would provide the top one percent less than one-tenth as much as the bottom 60 percent combined. (The Clinton plan would, however, give the top one percent more in tax cuts than the bottom 20 percent of the population.)
The Clinton Tax Plan - 7/3/97

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