Kamala Harris tells the biggest lie in the democratic debate !

Harris won the debate, hands down. She set a trap for Biden and he fell right into it. She ask Biden about his association with segregationist lawmakers over busing and Biden ended up defending states rights.

Yes, she can be disrespectful and downright nasty, but she's smart, you can't her shut up, and she will blow Trump away in the debates. However, if she is going to win, she going to have to move more to center. I'm not sure she can do that.

I’m not voting for any dim, but I would like to hear her debate with Donnie.

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The fake news MSM/DNC is trying to present Horseface Harris as a "star." :p She is a POS, racist liar. The Donald will embarrass and humiliate her worse than he embarrassed and humiliated Crooked Hillary. The fake news MSM/DNC needs to find someone quick. Or the election will be over before it starts. :p
  • You confuse simple national pride and the ordinary desire to put one's own country first shared by every other nation with xenophobia. Go to Europe and find me one person who wants to put America's interests on a level playing field or even ahead of their own country.
  • There are no cages. Never has been.
  • The brutalization of kids happened long before they got here. No child is being harmed here and no one ever promised these people a rose garden. And Trump is not making any political coin in any of this, all he is taking is slack for it. If the democrats weren't blocking every effort to keep these people out and making every effort to encourage and welcome them in, we wouldn't have the problem we have.

Yeah. Trump is making no political coin, except he blames it all on Democrats. As we can see, you dutifully comply, and blame it all on Democrats, and still you deny the political coin. Having lied about cages before, you reiterate that as well, and you lie about the brutalization of kids, too.

After all, when fluffing Trump, a moral compass would be a hindrance, and thus Trumpletons disposed of it. So did you. Your national pride is filthy, and it stinks. I suspect, you even know it. That's why you point to Democrats, to Europe, to everything under the sun, in order to distract from Trump's inhumanity and criminality, and from the stench. Really, does that even work, Freak?
  • You confuse simple national pride and the ordinary desire to put one's own country first shared by every other nation with xenophobia. Go to Europe and find me one person who wants to put America's interests on a level playing field or even ahead of their own country.
  • There are no cages. Never has been.
  • The brutalization of kids happened long before they got here. No child is being harmed here and no one ever promised these people a rose garden. And Trump is not making any political coin in any of this, all he is taking is slack for it. If the democrats weren't blocking every effort to keep these people out and making every effort to encourage and welcome them in, we wouldn't have the problem we have.

Yeah. Trump is making no political coin, except he blames it all on Democrats. As we can see, you dutifully comply, and blame it all on Democrats, and still you deny the political coin. Having lied about cages before, you reiterate that as well, and you lie about the brutalization of kids, too.

After all, when fluffing Trump, a moral compass would be a hindrance, and thus Trumpletons disposed of it. So did you. Your national pride is filthy, and it stinks. I suspect, you even know it. That's why you point to Democrats, to Europe, to everything under the sun, in order to distract from Trump's inhumanity and criminality, and from the stench. Really, does that even work, Freak?

Tend to your own problems; we don't care what you think

Watching Dems debate is like watching a food commercial. You know you're gonna get crap!
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Um ok I'm certainly no fan of any of those nutjobs on stage, but how can you say it's a lie that she said she would cut taxes on the middle class? How do you know what she would do? Based on what others do? WTF?
/——/ As president she can’t cut taxes, only Congress can.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Kamala Harris Lied


1963 Berkley yearbook

Notice something? Don’t we see both black and white faces?

Well, here’s the problem.

Harris was born in 1964!

She claims she was only the second class to integrate at the Berkeley public schools.

Kamala lied. Actually the classrooms in Berkeley were already integrated in 1963 — before she was born.

Why am I not surprised?

Oh yeah, she moved with her mother to Canada where she attended grade and high school.

So, she slept her way to the Senate and now she wants to lie her way to the White House.

@ She Lied: Kamala Harris Says She Was In Second Integrated Class In Berkeley — But Yearbook Pictures Prove She’s Lying - Tea Party News
Harris will raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy and maintain the cuts on the middle class

Just like Obama did
Did you support Obama when he flip flipped and extended the Bush Tax cuts at the time?
Having lied about cages before, you reiterate that as well, and you lie about the brutalization of kids, too.
Fine, you want to call cost-effective fenced off areas "cages?" Then show us where you bitched about these cages when Obama was building and using them? They've been that way for a L-O-N-G time.

"Brutalization" of kids? Apparently your definition of "brutal" is different from mine. Needing to wait a bit to wash your face or scrub your teeth after trekking for weeks over thousands of mile and possibly even years back home with no soap or toothbrush either doesn't meet my definition of brutal. I have a more historically valid reference to what brutal is. The brutalization of these kids began back at home. That's why they left. It continued on the journey here. Now that they are in the USA, it is over. If you think these kids are being "brutalized," go ask them how many want to leave and go back home?

After all, when fluffing Trump, a moral compass
Fuck you and your "moral compass." We've got Americans living in mud under highway overpasses. We have a hundred other inequities. I didn't hear your moral compass about any of them. Keep your moral compass to yourself, I don't need it. The LEAST of these kid's problems is needing a bar of soap, they'll get what they need. Take your phony moral outrage and inflict it upon the governments of Mexico and Guatemala and ask them where their soap is.
Having lied about cages before, you reiterate that as well, and you lie about the brutalization of kids, too.
Fine, you want to call cost-effective fenced off areas "cages?" Then show us where you bitched about these cages when Obama was building and using them? They've been that way for a L-O-N-G time.

"Brutalization" of kids? Apparently your definition of "brutal" is different from mine. Needing to wait a bit to wash your face or scrub your teeth after trekking for weeks over thousands of mile and possibly even years back home with no soap or toothbrush either doesn't meet my definition of brutal. I have a more historically valid reference to what brutal is. The brutalization of these kids began back at home. That's why they left. It continued on the journey here. Now that they are in the USA, it is over. If you think these kids are being "brutalized," go ask them how many want to leave and go back home?

After all, when fluffing Trump, a moral compass
Fuck you and your "moral compass." We've got Americans living in mud under highway overpasses. We have a hundred other inequities. I didn't hear your moral compass about any of them. Keep your moral compass to yourself, I don't need it. The LEAST of these kid's problems is needing a bar of soap, they'll get what they need. Take your phony moral outrage and inflict it upon the governments of Mexico and Guatemala and ask them where their soap is.
/——/ Bravo. Well said.
Harris won the debate, hands down. She set a trap for Biden and he fell right into it. She ask Biden about his association with segregationist lawmakers over busing and Biden ended up defending states rights.

Yes, she can be disrespectful and downright nasty, but she's smart, you can't her shut up, and she will blow Trump away in the debates. However, if she is going to win, she going to have to move more to center. I'm not sure she can do that.

I’m not voting for any dim, but I would like to hear her debate with Donnie.

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She is likely to do much better in a debate against Trump but winning a debate and winning the election are miles apart. Most centralist democrats consider her far left, although on issues she isn't much different than most of the other candidates.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !
'Free' College Tuition / Wipe Away All College Tuition Debt
'Free Health Care' For Illegals
Reparations for Blacks....

....and she says she is going to do it by NOT raising taxes on the Middle Class?!


Only Biden and Sanders, when pressed to do so, admitted that THEY - millionaire elitist UPPER Class politicians - would reverse the course of our successful economy by re-instating the failed Obama economic plan and WOULD PAY FOR ALL OF THIS BY PLACING THE FINANCIAL BURDEN OF ALL OF IT ON THE BACKS OF THE AMEWRICAN MIDDLE CLASS THROUGH A MIDDLE CLASS TAX INCREASE.

How 'kind' of the millionaire elitist upper class to 'volunteer' the Middle Class for being responsible for funding all of THEIR Socialist agenda items/ plans...
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !
'Free' College Tuition / Wipe Away All College Tuition Debt
'Free Health Care' For Illegals
Reparations for Blacks....

....and she says she is going to do it by NOT raising taxes on the Middle Class?!


Only Biden and Sanders, when pressed to do so, admitted that THEY - millionaire elitist UPPER Class politicians - would reverse the course of our successful economy by re-instating the failed Obama economic plan and WOULD PAY FOR ALL OF THIS BY PLACING THE FINANCIAL BURDEN OF ALL OF IT ON THE BACKS OF THE AMEWRICAN MIDDLE CLASS THROUGH A MIDDLE CLASS TAX INCREASE.

How 'kind' of the millionaire elitist upper class to 'volunteer' the Middle Class for being responsible for funding all of THEIR Socialist agenda items/ plans...
Nope, she wants to repeal Trump's tax cuts.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !
/——-/ Here is her next biggest lie:
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Kamala Harris Lied


1963 Berkley yearbook

Notice something? Don’t we see both black and white faces?

Well, here’s the problem.

Harris was born in 1964!

She claims she was only the second class to integrate at the Berkeley public schools.

Kamala lied. Actually the classrooms in Berkeley were already integrated in 1963 — before she was born.

Why am I not surprised?

Oh yeah, she moved with her mother to Canada where she attended grade and high school.

So, she slept her way to the Senate and now she wants to lie her way to the White House.

@ She Lied: Kamala Harris Says She Was In Second Integrated Class In Berkeley — But Yearbook Pictures Prove She’s Lying - Tea Party News
She was not lying. In fact, the school district confirmed her claim to CNN.
Harris was indeed part of the second integrated class at Berkeley's Thousand Oaks Elementary School: she entered school in 1969, and the plan to desegregate the school was implemented in 1968.
Fact check: Kamala Harris right on Berkeley integration, school district confirms - CNNPolitics
Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Political debates and rallies are more about wining hearts and minds than proposing policy. "Opening the cages and letting the kids out" is exactly the kind of rhetoric you need to win just like "Lock Her Up". People don't care about the practicalities of how it's to be done, it's the sentiment that counts.

That's two very sad examples of wasting people's time.. BUT -- maybe this Super Pander-Fest will WORK on the "silent left"... Maybe they are that naive and stupid.. I dunno... Looks more like the annual Lemming Leap than a political contest...

I'm scared.. Actually I am...

Harris doesn't scare me. She's too far Left for most Americans to vote for and her positions are unpopular. No matter how the Left wraps it up, most American DO NOT want unimpeded immigration. Harris--and ALL of those 25 candidates--are going to have an impossible job threading that needle between their base and the American electorate.

The Dems are going to bring in a Marianne Williamson at the last minute, but with big star power. Oprah, or Michelle O--someone so big that policy positions won't matter.

At this point it's the only option, and they're desperate. They just have to talk someone like that into it.

The Democratic Party base wants the most racist candidates, so the DNC will be rigging votes like mad in their own Primaries.
and as the field narrows the white candidates will feel the blunt of that hatred ....... and it serves them right !
and i was proven right !
Harris will raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy and maintain the cuts on the middle class

Just like Obama did
how is she going to pay for the reparations that evil whites like you owe ??? you are going to vote for someone who hates your guts ! damn! you are a fucking weakling !

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