Kamala Harris tells the biggest lie in the democratic debate !

she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Kamala Harris Lied


1963 Berkley yearbook

Notice something? Don’t we see both black and white faces?

Well, here’s the problem.

Harris was born in 1964!

She claims she was only the second class to integrate at the Berkeley public schools.

Kamala lied. Actually the classrooms in Berkeley were already integrated in 1963 — before she was born.

Why am I not surprised?

Oh yeah, she moved with her mother to Canada where she attended grade and high school.

So, she slept her way to the Senate and now she wants to lie her way to the White House.

@ She Lied: Kamala Harris Says She Was In Second Integrated Class In Berkeley — But Yearbook Pictures Prove She’s Lying - Tea Party News

Yes. I posted a link to those facts in the Biden debate thread. The schools were already integrated before she was born. Wat they did was apply for a Federal grant in 1968, i.e. they just wanted some free money and applied for it under the rubrick of 'Busing'. Why a wealthy kid would need to be bused from affluent Palo Alto, where Stanford is and where her father worked, is yet another mystery, but in any case she didn't live there long anyway. They moved around a lot, which of coruse accounts for her 'not making any friends', not to mention she was probably as much of an asshole as a kid as she is as an adult, going by her pic as a child.

these Democrats all make up fake histories for themselves, and are too stupid to make any of them believable, but their base will mindlessly repeat the stupidity over and over and over again anyway.
there was only one commander in chief on those debate stages and that was Kamala Harris.

she's a prosecutor, and she found the other candidates guilty of being less interesting, and sentenced them to 2 hours of being her back up singer!

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